Non-Crappy Giveaway – Cloth Diaper Outlet

Crappy Pictures has sponsors. Sponsors do giveaways. Cloth Diaper Outlet is doing a giveaway! Yay!

cloth diaper outlet

I’ll let Heather introduce herself:

“My name is Heather Hicks. Together with my husband, Shannon, we own and manage Cloth Diaper Outlet. We opened in October 2005 and have been privileged to serve families ever since.”

They started cloth diapering when their daughter (now almost 7 years old) was around 7 weeks old. Heather explains:

She had a rash from the moment she was born. We tried everything and finally someone convinced us to try cloth. It worked! Her rash disappeared and she never had issues with it again.”

Can I just say ditto? Rash from the moment Crappy Boy was born followed by the cloth diaper fix was our story too. I never actually intended to cloth diaper.

Cloth Diaper Outlet carries a ton of great products for cloth diapering. A variety of cloth diaper brands and styles, wet bags, detergent and a number of other awesome things too.

And speaking of awesome things, they are giving away a bundle of three things:


1 WolbyBug Wet Bag

Heather says, “WolbyBug Wet Bags are waterproof bags designed to hold wet/dirty things like diapers, shoes, clothing, swim suits, and more. Folds flat enough to keep in your diaper bag, glove box, or back pack.”

Wolby wb 3 bags diagram 1

(Even if you don’t cloth diaper or are at the end of your cloth diapering days, wet bags are fantastic. Puked on clothes? Wet clothes from the beach? That time Crappy Boy stepped in dog poop and I had to do something with his shoe? These come in handy.) 

1 Wolbybug One Size Diaper Cover

Heather says, “WolbyBug covers are affordable, durable, and make cloth diapering easy! A one-size design will fit most babies from birth to potty training, and interior flaps to secure prefolds, disposable inserts, or “pod” soakers, make this a diaper cover easy enough for beginners and awesome enough to be the core of any stash!”

wolby diagram

Knickernappies Premium Short Prefold

Heather says, “Knickernappies prefolds are the very best prefolds available. Made from soft Indian cotton and sized “just right”. These prefolds stay thick and fluffy, wash after wash after wash.”

KN prefolds1 

These are just a few of the many things Cloth Diaper Outlet has to offer, so check them out! 

You can also connect with them in these places: Cloth Diaper Outlet on Facebook, CD_Outlet on Twitter and their blog,!


GIVEAWAY: is giving away a WolbyBug Wet Bag, a WolbyBug One Size Diaper Cover and a Knickernappies Premium Short Prefold (color/print of WolbyBug Wet Bag and Diaper Cover winner’s choice) to one lucky winner!

How to Enter:

Comment on this post! One comment per person. Comments will close Monday, May 14th at 8PM PST & winner will be picked via random # generator, notified and announced here at the bottom of this post.

Comments are now closed, thanks everyone!

Congrats to…

Sarah Gill - Sooo cute! Happy mothers day to me??

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853 Responses to Non-Crappy Giveaway – Cloth Diaper Outlet

  1. Zoe says:

    I don’t cloth diaper, but now even I want a wetbag!

  2. Maria says:

    I’m really keen on trying to cloth diaper and learning more about it!

  3. Leigh says:

    I love the look of that cover.

  4. Karen says:

    I’m expecting baby #3, and want to expand my cloth diaper horizons. I’d love to win this!

  5. Melanie J says:

    I am in love with that cover! So cool! Even if I don’t win, I’m looking into that one ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Tanya says:

    I want to win! I love CDs and could always use more! I also need a new wet bag.

  7. Cathy says:

    I’d love to win this! My son is 9.5 months & we’ve been CDing since he came home from the hospital. My sister is now expecting her first and is planning on CDing. I’d love to win this for her. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Kasi says:

    Ooh I would love to win!! Thanks for the chance! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Pearls says:

    pick me pick me! Two boys in diapers=mama needs more diapers.!!

  10. Julie says:

    Oooh, cloth. I love prefolds and covers!

  11. Karen says:

    Loved cloth diapers with our first, and since our second will be here in a few weeks, we could definitely use more, and especially the wet bag too!

  12. Emily says:

    I’ve never tried those covers and who can’t use a wetbag?! Sign me up!

  13. Beth Y says:

    I am currently using cloth diapers and love them so much!

  14. Zen Roskelley says:

    I’d love to win this giveaway! The velcro on our current covers is less sticky than it was, we’re looking for something new to try! Snaps are perfect!

  15. Monica Smith says:

    Love it!!!

  16. Ally says:

    Wanna win!

  17. Teressa Barsotti says:

    What a great giveaway!

  18. Angela S. says:

    I’d love the goods! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

  19. Meghann says:

    I’d love to try prefolds! The fastening of them always intimated me, but this makes it look easy!

  20. Sarah H. says:

    I would sure love to try them out!

  21. Amanda says:



  22. bin says:

    Oooh. Would love to try this diaper. Sooo many people I know who are pregnant now are all talking about doing cloth!!! Love it!

  23. Stephanie says:

    I cloth diaper and I would love to try these.

  24. Becky Cavnar says:

    Great giveaway!

  25. nestra says:

    My 12 day old went through about a million diapers last night, where does it all come from? An extra cover, prefold and wet bag would be awesome!

  26. Katrina says:

    We could always use more covers & wetbags in this household! Thanks for the opportunity!

  27. Jennifer says:

    I would love to win!

  28. Amanda Huckins says:

    Would love to see just how awesome these prefolds are!

  29. Lori says:

    I’d love a wetbag – they are so useful!

  30. Josey says:

    I love my cloth diapers and could always use a new wet bag!

  31. Lisa says:

    I was just thinking that I need to get a wet bag. This is perfect!

  32. Sarah S. says:

    My first son also had the flaming red, raw diaper rash for a month before we figured out it was the disposable diapers. Yay for cloth!! Cloth diapering is working out great for our younger son too. Would love to add to our stash!

  33. Cynthia says:

    Would love to give those short prefolds a try!

  34. Rachelle says:

    Pick me! Pick me!

  35. Connie says:

    Would love to win. Perfect shower gift.

  36. Mary says:

    More diapers!!!! I love cloth.

  37. Myssie says:

    We love cloth! Thanks for introducing me to a new cloth diaper shop.

  38. Beth says:

    I’d love another diaper and wet bag!

  39. Chelsea says:

    I was just looking for a wet bag and I love those! We were gifted a bunch of AIO cloth diapers at our baby shower, but I need a wet bag for the diaper bag. These look like they’ll do the trick nicely!

  40. Corrigan Loduha says:

    What awesome wet bags! Dozens of uses for these. I love how small they fold for packing into a bag, the car, etc.

  41. Meghan says:

    A cloth diapering mama’s dream! Please don’t give this to someone who doesn’t–they won’t appreciate the awesomeness of these diapers! I actually asked for some diaper money for Mother’s Day–but I have a bit of a diaper addiction! Hahahaha

  42. Jonalyn says:

    Glad you posted this! I’m trying to figure out what I need for cloth diapering this time around. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Alice says:

    I could use that!

  44. Erica G says:

    Would love to win this!

  45. Julia C K says:

    I wish I had gone with prefold from the start. Would love to try these!

  46. Shelly :) says:

    Love it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. I’d love to win some more cute cloth diapering goods. Pick me! Pick me!

  48. Kamber says:

    I used to cloth diaper and have trying to get back into it. Getting a new diaper would motivate me to start again.

  49. Jenn says:

    I’d love to win! Definitely handy to have a wetbag in that size.. ours is huge!

  50. Cary says:

    would love this… i’m due with my third in two months and planning to cloth diaper. my next youngest is 6, so we have none of our supplies left!

  51. Sierra g says:

    wanna try these!

  52. Laura says:

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  53. Steph says:

    Yay! Thanks for the giveaway.

  54. Kendra Klincker says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I am excited to get cloth diapering when my little one arrives.

  55. Elaine Heller says:

    So cute! Thanks for the chance to win some of these great diapers!

  56. Ellen says:

    We could use those things!

  57. Selina says:

    That cover looks awesome!

  58. Lindsey Haltom says:

    Two babies in diapers! I would love this give away!!

  59. sarah says:

    Pregnant with #3, and this would be so handy to have!!

  60. CoffeeBlue says:

    We are hoping to adopt soon and would love to cloth diaper!

  61. Carol says:

    My first grandchild is expected in October and I would love to pass along these items if I were to be the big winner. Thanks.

  62. kj says:

    i want to win.

  63. Abby says:

    A win for my first Mothers’ Day would be super cool!

  64. Cynthia Rhoads says:

    I cloth diaper part time, and I am looking to grow my stash. This would be an awesome win!

  65. Chrystal says:

    So tired of buying diapers! If I win maybe I’ll convert over with both boys! Thanks for the chance!

  66. Tara says:

    Loving the Autumn Polka-Dot Print!

  67. Kathrin says:

    The more I read your blog, the more I am convinced I should cloth diaper!

  68. Andrea says:

    WouLd love to try a new cover. That one looks great! Thanks

  69. Melissa says:

    I have not tried Wolbybug covers yet but I am always up for trying something new ๐Ÿ™‚

  70. Amanda says:

    Started cloth diapering with our 2 month old recently- would LOVE some more supplies!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  71. ChelseaF says:

    need, Need, NEED!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  72. Jessie says:

    I would love to try cloth diapers despite feeling anxious about the poo!

  73. Kim says:

    The covers look super cute! ๐Ÿ™‚

  74. Spencer says:

    Woo hoo! more fluff!

  75. Roxanne says:

    Cool! Pick me!

  76. Sarah W says:

    I am loving that cover! going to look it up on amazon right now! But, it would be even better to win it!

  77. nicole r. says:

    Wanting to CD my second so this would be perfect and I’m still trying to figure out how I want to CD so love the site.

  78. Sarah says:

    Love me some cloth diapers!

  79. Nicole says:

    Love it!

  80. Debbie says:

    Would love to win this for my pregnant best friend, who is also flat broke and looking for great ways to save money when it comes to baby stuff!

  81. Jaime Lynch says:

    I want this for my sister, who is having a baby in June!

  82. Kristina says:

    I just started using cloth and would love to win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  83. Amanda Hursey says:

    I am going to be a first-time Mom come September and am eager to try cloth diapering. This would be a great start!

  84. laura says:

    I’d love to try these!

  85. emily g says:

    I pine for a wet bag. Not diamonds, or flowers or shoes (well, maybe shoes a little ;D )

  86. Hunter says:

    These look neat. My wetbags are a little loud for my taste. These are cute.

  87. Olivia Lasting says:

    I used prefolds when my daughter was first born, and I’ll probably do the same with baby #2 due this summer. Love to win!

  88. Heather G says:

    Very nice looking stuff! I’d love to be able to try them out. Planning for another baby soon and I could definitely use it all!

  89. Tracy says:

    Gonna have to check out their site!

  90. Tara says:

    I would love to get this!! I need these for peanut coming in July. ๐Ÿ™‚

  91. Jessica says:

    I want!

  92. Rebecca smith says:

    Gotta love fluffy butts!

  93. Alexa says:

    I would love to try cloth diapers! I love Crappy Pictures!

  94. Katie Ann says:

    I would love to try such a clever cover! And could always use a new wetbag.

  95. Perfect for my nephew! Pick me!

  96. Lisa Lippitz says:

    I cloth diapered my babies, now my baby is cloth diapering hers. This is not the kind she has, but I think she would like them. Not real happy with the ones she has, but trying to keep rash away and do her part for the environment.

  97. Elizabeth says:

    I am REALLY liking the look of the covers. Can’t wait to try them!

  98. Jessica says:

    I would be really excited to try the Wolbybug cover. My current favorite cover is our Flip one size because it has the flaps that hold our prefolds in place. The Wolbybug looks like a more “deluxe” version of the Flip. Thanks for the giveaway!

  99. D'Arcy says:

    We use mostly pockets so I would love to try a cover and prefold!

  100. Lorien says:

    I’m loving my cloth diapers and would love to try these out!

  101. Anne says:

    Wow, that’s a timely giveaway – we are expecting our 2nd child very soon!

  102. Amanda B says:

    Ooo, I “need” another wetbag, hehe. I would love to try out the diaper! I need something my 3 yr old isn’t going to leak out of. . .

  103. Glenda says:

    Would love to win!

  104. Paula Hartson says:

    I love your site. I hope we win ๐Ÿ™‚

  105. Me me me! Someday I will win one of these. ๐Ÿ™‚

  106. Allison says:

    Cloth diapers yay!! Would love this for my up and coming bundle of joy

  107. Jill says:

    My almost 2 year old needs to win! OK, I want to win!

  108. Jennifer Womack says:

    Iโ€™ve never tried those covers and who canโ€™t use a wetbag?! Sign me up!

  109. Stephanie says:

    I’d love to win this for a friend who is pregnant with her first baby and plans to cloth diaper!

  110. Katie says:

    That kind of cover would make me more willing to try using prefolds whenever we have baby #2. Would love to win this!

  111. Julie says:

    Those are great! ๐Ÿ˜€

  112. Jocelyn says:

    That cover looks great!

  113. alana richardson says:

    Yay! I’m ready to try covers too!

  114. Allie says:

    Those are so cute! I would love to give them to my sister in law!

  115. Kate R says:

    Ooo I want!

  116. Katie says:

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I need some more covers and this one looks a lot like one that works well for us so I’d love to try it out. And like you said, who doesn’t need another wetbag? They’re so useful!

  117. Skunk says:

    OMG! All three of these look great! Love the wrap…

  118. Jennifer Richards says:

    I am going to be a first time mom in December and need to figure out which cloth diapers to use. This would be a great chance to try this brand out. Thank you!


  119. Carolyn says:

    I’ve been wanting to give cloth diapering a try- this sounds like a good way to see if it was meant to be! ๐Ÿ™‚

  120. Carolyn says:

    I am 10 weeks pregnant and am pretty hell bent on trying cloth diapers first. I’ve not only heard great feedback from parents who already use them, I think they would work for our family. Plus, they can be pretty darn cute. I would love to win to try them on my son or daughter due in December!

  121. Emily says:

    I love cloth diapers and would love to win this one!

  122. Zoe says:

    I cloth diaper and would love to try these on my four month old! The design looks really well thought out.

  123. Courtney says:

    That cover looks great, I had never heard of this brand! *fingers crossed*

  124. Shelley P says:

    The cover looks great. I’d love to try one!

  125. Rachel says:

    I almost can’t wait until the kids are out of nappies so that I can use the pretty wetbags for my stuff instead of theirs ๐Ÿ™‚

  126. Cool always looking to expand our stash

  127. Jaime says:

    We cloth diaper here and it would be well used!!!!

  128. Tiffany Moerk says:

    Great website! Thanks for the giveaway!

  129. betty says:

    Never used a wet bag before looks interesting

  130. Kim Mc says:

    I heart cloth diapers!

  131. Jackie Holcomb says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win! I’ll have to check out your website ๐Ÿ˜‰

  132. Dani says:

    I’d love to try out cloth diapering! My little one also has a bit of dry skin/excema on her bottom…

  133. Christie polgreen says:

    I love trying new diapers, and could really use a new wet bag! Thanks for the give away!

  134. Sarah says:

    Awesome giveaway! I sure need a wet-bag–I throw the cloth diapers on the bathroom floor! Ha!

  135. Adrianna S says:

    I can always use another diaper with the way my little one goes through them. You can never have to many wetbags either!

  136. Lynn says:

    Looks like it’s worth a shot! ๐Ÿ™‚

  137. Laura W says:

    I would love a wet bag! With twins, something is always wet!

  138. melissa says:

    Ooh I love these. I wanna win ๐Ÿ™‚

  139. bethany eskro says:

    This would be a great way to get me started in CD’ing!! Thanks for this opportunity ๐Ÿ™‚

  140. Alexandra says:

    I definitely need a new wet bag! Great giveaway!

  141. Harmony says:

    Im always looking to add to my diaper collection;)

  142. i’m sure my boy would look awesome in the bright pink lol, k maybe no so much but id love to win these.

  143. Debbie says:

    Pregnant and stocking up! Thanks for all the great advice!

  144. Josi says:

    Truly amazing how cloth diapers manage to clear up so many rashes. YAY Cloth!

  145. rebecca says:

    Those covers look great!

  146. Jennifer says:

    Love cloth diapers!

  147. Meera says:

    Love this!!

  148. Abbey V says:

    OOOO, I love wetbags. I’m not sure someone can have enough. I have mostly pocket dipes, but I loves me a prefold and cover. Wish I would’ve started with those

  149. Vivian Bouza says:

    Nice! I want some!

  150. Jeane Ess says:

    I can’t wait to have my baby so I can start CDing!

  151. Beth R says:

    what a great giveaway!! Thank you for the chance to win. We love our cloth diapers!! Our sensitive skinned guy never gets rashes!!

  152. Melissa Genard says:

    Expecting my third and I would love to add these to my stash!

  153. Peggy says:

    We didn’t CD with our first but definitely want to try with our second!

  154. Crystal Bol says:

    I would love to win, could always use more cloth diapers ๐Ÿ™‚

  155. jenny says:

    so cute!!!

  156. Bella Rose says:

    Awesome giveaway!!!

  157. Jessica R says:

    I love rying out new (to me) diapers & could use a new wetbag

  158. sissy says:

    Ew dog poo on shoe. I hope that day never comes. =)

  159. Krystal says:

    I could definitely use these!

  160. Crystal says:

    Looks great! I’m trying to expand my pocket-only stash.

  161. Todd says:

    I’m entering for my wife for mother’s day

  162. Kendra says:

    I started with cloth just before by 1st potty trained and want to start at the beginning with #2

  163. I’ve been a CD mom for almost 4 years and still don’t own a wet bag!

  164. katherine says:

    those look great

  165. Lesley Boettger says:

    I would love to try prefolds!

  166. Lexi Conklin says:

    i cloth diaper my 9 month old and i definitely need a new wetbag and cover! ๐Ÿ™‚

  167. Melanie says:

    Thesr look great!

  168. Courtney says:

    I started cloth diapering to save money. Never thought I would love it!!

  169. Jennifer says:

    This would be a great addition to my stash!

  170. Jess M. says:

    Cannot have enough cloth diapers!

  171. Sopharat Partin says:

    I wish to win!! Love cloth diaper!

  172. Karin says:

    Wet bags…hooray!

  173. Elizabeth says:

    What a great giveaway! Fingers crossed for the win!

  174. Sara says:

    I love my prefolds! Always looking to add to my stash and a new wetbag is right up my alley ๐Ÿ™‚

  175. Teresa says:

    I love my cloth diapers. I wish I had used them with my first born.

  176. Sanddi says:

    More wetbags are always awesome!

  177. Cari Ann says:

    Wetbags are a staple for any mom! I love cloth diapers. My baby has yet to get diaper rash.

  178. Cass says:

    I can always use more cloth diaper stuff, I still have room in the drawers! ๐Ÿ˜€

  179. Christy Millard says:

    Currently cloth diapering our third lo. We <3 cloth!

  180. Brianne Sorendo says:

    Ooh. I’d love to try this brand!

  181. Nettie Black says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  182. Jennifer says:

    Who doesn’t want more cloth diapers?! Yes, please.

  183. Justine says:

    Winning this awesome package would make whole month! We are expecting baby #6 in June…getting a new, smaller, portable wet-bag has been on our “gotta do that” list! Winning this package would free up some money for the things this momma really needs: a much-desired banana split and a much-deserved massage <3

  184. andrea lipscomb says:

    Me likey!!!!!

  185. Tristan Parshall says:

    We love cloth diapers!!

  186. Ashleigh says:

    I have a ton of pocket diapers, but would LOVE to win some prefolds to try!

  187. Ambria says:

    YAY pick me!!!!!

  188. Angela Larson says:

    I love cloth diapering!

  189. Katie says:

    Cloth diapering is totally the way to go!

  190. Rosalie says:

    These look great!

  191. Anna says:

    I really like the look of that cover and the short rise prefolds. Those would be great additions to my stash.

  192. Daniella says:

    I could use a new wet bag ๐Ÿ™‚

  193. hillary says:

    Love those covers! I haven’t seen them before but now I want to get some for baby #2.

  194. Hannah Payne says:

    we lovvvvvvvvve our cloth nappys!

  195. Evelyn says:

    would love to win!

  196. Kathy Fell says:

    I’ve got 5 kids and a wetbag would be great! I would share the diapers with my sister, though, as my ‘baby’ is 3 and MIGHT be potty trained soon!

  197. jessica says:

    We love our cloth diapers!!

  198. Would love this!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  199. kylie ford says:

    love the uses for those wet bags hope to start cloth diapers when my son comes along.

  200. Nikki Q says:

    I’ve never tried this brand…would love to!

  201. Elizabeth Turner says:

    We love cloth diapers! Currently using them on our fourth child!

  202. Emily Connors says:

    Sounds delightful!

  203. Nina Milburn says:

    Oh thank you! I don’t have any of these yet!

  204. Heather M says:

    Giveaway…. Squee!

  205. Ambet says:

    Would love to try cloth diapers I have twin girls on the way in 8 weeks!

  206. Karla says:

    Oooooo I want it! My pocket diapers barely fit on my chubby baby, I need a brand new stash!

  207. Candice Voorhees says:

    A new wet bag is on my list of “needs”!

  208. Emiko says:

    I’d love to try these out.

  209. Amanda says:

    Would love these! My poor little guy had rashes from disposables too….and now that he is teething, well the wetbag sounds awesome!

  210. Kelly F says:

    I really need some more cloth for our baby due in July!!!

  211. Betsi says:

    Always up for growing our stash! Love cloth diapering!

  212. Sara R says:

    Would love a new cover! Super awesome!

  213. Ali Bailess says:

    I love the looks of that cover! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  214. Jane H. says:

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  215. Sam says:

    What a great giveaway! Thank you for doing this!

  216. Christine says:

    Love that cover. I use pockets now but that looks just as easy!

  217. Chelsea Preston says:

    Awesome giveaway. My baby girl is due in 4weeks and I can’t wait to start cloth diapering her.

  218. Susan says:

    I’ve been thinking about trying prefolds and covers, but haven’t convinced myself to buy any yet. I’d love to have one to try out!

  219. Ashleigh Clay says:

    I love cloth diapering, and new supplies are always welcomed!

  220. Tanya says:

    I hope I win!!

  221. Rae says:

    ooh…would love to try one of these wetbags!

  222. Kendra Rogers says:

    It would be SO great to win a wetbag, cover and prefold! It would complete my collection!

  223. Amanda says:

    I’d love to win!

  224. Genie Smith says:

    I love the wetbags! I’ve been wanting to try that style of diaper cover, too–our 2-year-old has been a leaky little beastie lately ๐Ÿ™‚

  225. Lindsey says:


  226. Danielle says:

    Would love to give these a try!

  227. Meg says:

    I’m such a cloth diaper whore! Who doesn’t love to add to the stash of fluff? And those wet bags look AWESOME!

  228. Laura says:

    Ooooh, I want to try a Wolbybug cover so bad!!

  229. Katie says:

    I would love these!!

  230. Christina says:

    I love their shop!

  231. maggie says:

    so true about the wetbags

  232. Becky H says:

    We’re new to cd! This would be great!

  233. Kelly Evans says:

    Would love to win this! Need another wet bag and cover!

  234. Jennifer says:

    I love cloth! I love my wet bag but think we need another one because we bought a boat and need a place to put our wet bathing suits at the end of the day!!!

  235. Kuri says:

    I’d also LOVE one of those wetbags!! What a great idea!

  236. Ellen says:

    I would love this! Thanks!

  237. Jennifer Meyer says:

    cute, cute, cute! would love to win!

  238. Carly says:

    Yes! Love it!

  239. Keisha McCollum says:

    I would love to win these as a start to my cloth diaper experience. I am pregnant with baby#2 and really want to learn how to cloth diaper this baby instead of doing disposables.

  240. Jan says:

    Um… Yes, please!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  241. Lora Vann says:

    Would love a new wet bag and could really use some prefolds to add to our stash!

  242. Ohhhhh I love those wetbags!

  243. JessieDean says:

    These look super awesome!

  244. Kaity says:

    If thus is open to canadians sign me up…I can always use a new wet bag and new dipe…

  245. Beth says:

    How could anyone not want something that can get u home w a poopy shoe unscathed!!! Ringing endorsement ๐Ÿ™‚

  246. Felicia says:

    winning would be great! thanks for the chance!

  247. Allyson L says:

    With #3 on the way, I need to revamp my stash. I’d love to try out a new system.

  248. shauna taylor says:

    Im cloth diapering my second child. Would love a diaper bag !

  249. Rebekah says:

    We cloth diaper and prefolds are our go to diaper!

  250. Megan Albano says:


  251. Etta says:

    Happy Mother’s Day!

  252. wendy says:

    we are on our third baby and she is our first cloth diaper baby. I looked into it with the others but there was little product or info out there and I didn’t know anybody who used them (last baby is 8, first baby is 19). Wish I had all this great stuff & info back then.

  253. Danae Hernandez says:

    Love me some wetbags!

  254. kelly h says:

    Would love!

  255. AlannaB says:

    Thank you for the giveaway! I really love the look of that cover and I am a HUGE fan of pre-folds!

  256. Danna McCrary says:

    I’d love to win those! That would be awesome!

  257. Becky says:

    Oh fun, I want them!

  258. susan says:

    would love to win!!!

  259. Trisha Villafane says:

    What a great way to try prefolds! I have pockets but really wana go more old school now.

  260. julie says:

    We CD and would love to enhance our stash. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  261. Tracie says:

    Yes to cloth!

  262. Rachel says:

    I can always use more wetbags and diaper covers!

  263. Josefine says:

    We love our cloth! Thanks for the chance!

  264. jessica says:

    i would love to win this!

  265. Having a baby next month and hoping to have a stash big enough to cloth diaper exclusively from the start. Thanks for the giveaway!

  266. danielle says:

    I didn’t cloth diaper with my first but am starting to consider it more and more.

  267. Jennifer says:

    Love me some CDs! Could use some new ones for baby #3!

  268. Samantha says:

    I love prefolds – so easy to clean!

  269. Fatima says:

    This looks awesome, would love to add this to my stash for my lo due in June.

  270. kat says:

    my last will be potty trained soon so i am not hoping to win i just want to say how freaking cute. and if i was blessed to do it all over again i would go cloth ๐Ÿ™‚

  271. Sarah says:

    I would LOVE to win this stuff. That wetbag looks great! CDing is the BEST. thanks!

  272. Andrea B says:

    I’ve been wanting to give prefolds a try. And you can never have enough wet bags!

  273. Victoria says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE cloth diapering and wetbags!

  274. Kathy says:

    Awesome. Great prize!

  275. Sara Miller says:

    I love cloth diapering, and I love the small wet bag I own-for short trips. Those days when we’re out all day I end up having to use a plastic bag for his diapers-yikes! Help; I need a bigger wet bag! I would love to win this one!

  276. Lisa Lutes says:

    That cover looks great!

  277. Becky says:

    Looks great!

  278. Laura says:

    Wet bags rock!

  279. Becca Owens says:

    I’m due in October with baby #3 and we are going to cloth diaper with this kiddo. I would LOVE to win this!

  280. Lucy says:

    I wanted to CD, but my husband doesn’t really get it. It would be awesome to win so we both can see how awesome they are.. And maybe I can convert him ๐Ÿ™‚

  281. Alicia Nichols says:

    Wish I’d invested in these adjustable covers to begin with for sure!! We’re about to dive into large covers for our year-old! Those Indian cotton liners look so comfy too!

  282. Andrea K. says:

    My little girl is due in July. I can’t wait to cloth diaper her!

  283. Amber Thompson says:

    Great giveaway!

  284. LuCinda Miller says:

    I would be SUPER excited to win this giveaway! I am already buying cloth diapers, we are starting TTC in August. I didn’t cloth diaper my first, but definitely my next ๐Ÿ™‚

  285. Rebecca Roland says:

    Oh I would love to win this! My cousin is having a baby at the end of the month and I would give this to her for her starter stash!

  286. Jennifer says:

    Whoo-hoo! Pick me auto-generator, pick me!!!

  287. janey says:

    these look beautiful!

  288. Michelle Merritt says:

    I am addicted to cloth diapers! I would love to try this diaper cover .

  289. Rikki says:

    These look awesome! It seems like I’ve tried everything cloth that’s out there and prefolds/covers have worked the best for my two girls. We’ve got another on the way! Two in diapers…I need a wet bag!!!

  290. Bretty Justo says:

    want want want!

  291. rhiannon says:

    i love cloth diapering, total addict! i have a grovia drawstring wetbag and unfortunately, hate the drawstring closure ๐Ÿ™ would love a zipper!!

  292. Sarah says:

    I’d love to win! I’ve been needing a back-up wetbag for laundry days, big time! And could definitely always use another cover and pf!

  293. Sarah W says:

    I have a very small stash I would love to add to, and I don’t even have a wetbag yet!

  294. Jessica says:

    I’d love to win because I just broke my old wet bag and could really use a new one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  295. sandy says:

    Awesome covers! Love the elastic back. Prefolds wash and dry so nice. ๐Ÿ™‚

  296. Sarah Fuhrmann says:

    Love this! Hope to win

  297. Emily says:

    Heh, I would love to try cloth diapering once.

  298. Michelle says:

    I am new to the Cloth Diaper world, and would love a chance to win this awesome giveaway!

  299. Laura T. says:

    I have never tried prefolds before, but I’d love to give it a shot. We love cloth diapers – they’re cute, economical, and are much easier to use than you might imagine!

  300. Ashley Wright says:

    I would love to try these products!! Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  301. Becky says:

    Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

  302. Claire S says:

    Id love to win these for my sister who was told she could never have children but is now expecting her first child!

  303. Krissa Z. says:

    Here’s hoping the universe picks me so that I can be converted to cloth. I may not otherwise! ๐Ÿ™‚

  304. Valerie says:

    oh yay! Thanks for another great give-away! I surely could use a new wet bag! Mine is an ugly orange one that I got for free!

  305. Jessica Brighton says:

    I have purchased through Heather at ClothDiaperOutlet many times, and have always had a great experience. She helped me create a cloth diaper registry when I was pregnant with my oldest son. Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  306. shannon clift says:

    Love the cover!

  307. carolyn says:

    we love cloth diapering and just happen to need a new cover or two. these look beautiful!

  308. Amber T. says:

    What an awesome giveaway! I’ll have to check their stock out to see if they carry the detergent and pre-wash we cannot seem to find in stock anywhere else…

  309. Heather says:

    I’m always looking to try one size diapers for my 7 mo old, and wet bags and prefolds are used daily around here!

  310. Julia K says:

    those wet bags sound awesome!

  311. Nica says:

    I love cloth diapers and would love to win!

  312. Callie says:

    Knickernappies are on our list! Woot woot!

  313. Jamie says:

    My stash is all pockets and I’ve wanted to try the prefold/cover optiom so this would be great. Plus, I don’t own a wet bag and voukd really use one.

  314. Lindsay D. says:

    Each and every one of these items would get me one step closer to my goal: cleaning diapers every second day instead of every single day!

  315. Danielle W says:

    Oh, these look like exactly what I need right now! I want to cloth diaper but don’t have covers that fit currently, or a wetbag – and these sound fantastic.

  316. Jessica S. says:

    Would love to add these to my stash!!

  317. Sarah Cedeno says:

    I have a 2.5 month old and a stash that could use some filling out ๐Ÿ™‚ These would do NICELY!

  318. Audrey says:

    I would love to win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  319. Cassie says:

    Would love to win!

  320. Pollyanna Valenzuela says:

    I would love to win .. I need some covers and wet bags always come in handy.. ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you for this giveaway.. GOD BLESS YOU.

  321. Laura says:

    Me, please! ๐Ÿ˜€

  322. Dawn Lindsey says:

    Just started CD 2 weeks ago and loving it!

  323. Jen Lehmann says:

    Yay for cloth diapers! I will have to check out the Cloth Diaper Outlet.

  324. Laurie Hughes says:

    I’m in love with the look of those covers!!

  325. Teresa says:

    I really really want the cover! yum.

  326. My plan is to cloth diaper!!!

  327. Cindy says:

    Love that type of prefold cover! I’m in love! Might have to look into that. Way less bulk than velcro etc…

  328. Bethany says:

    We’re having baby #2 and I need more fluff!!

  329. Hannah C says:

    Love the cover! I’ve been wanting to try one of those. Thanks!

  330. Miriam says:

    I would love to win these! We cloth diapered with our first and are currently cloth diapering our 2nd!

  331. samantha clinton says:

    i adore cloth diapering!! this prize would be extremely helpful to us ๐Ÿ™‚

  332. Lindsay I. says:

    I love wetbags – they are so helpful with kids! Would love another one!

  333. Kari says:

    i love fluffy booties and fun accessories, but mostly i love giveaways and crappy pictures. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  334. Julie says:

    I love cloth diapers and would love to try some new ones!

  335. Alex says:

    I love cloth diapers! And these look great! I’ll have to check them out. ๐Ÿ™‚

  336. Texas Momma says:

    I love the looks of that cover! We use covers & prefolds about 90% of the time, and we could always use more!

  337. Traci C. says:

    That cover looks pretty nice, I’d love to try one out. Seems it would be easy to use. ๐Ÿ™‚

  338. Talia R. says:

    I’ve heard that those Wolbybug covers are made of awesome, and while I don’t use prefolds, I *think* I can handle folding one and stuffing it inside the flaps. Hope I win!

  339. Megan S says:

    I’d love to win!

  340. Clarissa Hicks says:

    I’d love to win this! I’m just starting my cloth diaper stash for my first baby due in September!

  341. Annette Moffitt says:

    I use CD on my daughter and she use CD one her son from the day he was born and the can always use another cover and wet bag ๐Ÿ™‚

  342. Abby says:

    Cloth diapers are the Best!

  343. Tarra says:

    What a great giveaway!

  344. Joy Buysse says:

    I would love to experiment with cloth diapers, I’m due in Aug. I wanna try new things with this one ๐Ÿ™‚

  345. Heather O says:

    I’d love to win!! We’re big on cloth & we could always use more sweet fluff!

  346. Lisa says:

    I love trying new cloth!

  347. Molly L says:

    I love my cloth diapers, with a new babe coming I am in need of new ones (and a new wet bag) would love to win!

  348. Jessica S. says:

    That cover looks awesome, and I could sure use a wetbag!

  349. sarah says:

    Thanks for the chance!!

  350. Danielle says:

    Love the drawings ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for a great giveaway!

  351. Melissa Thomas says:

    i use pockets but now am still new to cloth and would love to try prefolds since im having leaking issues with pockets and microfiber

  352. Lisa says:

    Love it! Could use all those things for our cloth diaper collection!

  353. Jocelyn says:

    What an awesome giveaway!

  354. Melody says:

    Ooh, love trying out new cloth diapers. Yay!

  355. Nicole northern says:

    I want to win! I’m considering using cloth for my 2 month old.

  356. Becky says:

    I would love to win! I love your cloth diaper giveaways!

  357. Keri says:

    Thanks for all the great giveaways lately! I hope I win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  358. Kristi Early says:

    #2 will be here in a few short weeks. OHHH I could so use a new wetbag in my stash!!

  359. Angie says:

    That looks like an awesome cover!

  360. kimberly says:

    25 weeks pregnant with #3. This post made me interested enough to give cloth diapering a try.

  361. April Cowell says:

    I would love to try wolbybug!!!pick me!!!

  362. kelly says:

    Nice giveaway!

  363. Meagen says:

    I have baby #3. I am a newbie to cloth diapers, but am in love. I could sure go for some new ones. I only have 12 and do laundry everyday. Consider me entered!!

  364. Amy says:

    Planning to cloth diaper our first, due at the end of June. Anything to add to the stash would be great!

  365. Jennifer says:

    we love cloth! could use an extra since ours are on their 3rd year!

  366. Kristi says:

    Great combo giveaway!

  367. Bree Petty says:

    I just discovered cloth diapering and my 6 week old is on her second day wearing pocket diapers. I did more research and decided I’d rather do covers and prefolds because the pockets are so expensive! I’d love to try these ones because I really don’t know where to start or which brands to try. But these look pretty nice to me!

  368. Kate says:

    I’m always down for free diapers! There’s nothing like a cute cloth diaper waddle ;]

  369. Mariah says:

    I love cloth diapers! Happy Mother’s Day!

  370. Beth S. says:

    Would love these items!

  371. Katie says:

    I would love to win

  372. Genevieve says:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

  373. Ariel says:

    even if I don’t win I expect I’ll be checking out this website soon!

  374. Sarah J says:

    I’ve never heard of wolby bug, but I love prefolds & covers.

  375. Ashley B says:

    Thanks for the giveaway:) I’d love to win this!

  376. Pamela says:

    Baby #5 will be here next month and we sure could use a new wetbag and a cover or two! Thanks for the giveaway and for introducing me to a new place to shop!

  377. Jackie says:

    I am also new to cloth diapering and looking to expand my (very small) stash! Thanks for an awesome giveaway! ๐Ÿ™‚

  378. Frances Landreth says:

    We’ve been using prefolds and covers since the beginning, and since we’re about to have 2 in diapers, we could always use another! Not to mention more wetbags…:)

  379. Carolyn says:

    I’ve never heard of that diaper cover before, but I really like the looks of it!

  380. Carly says:

    That cover looks awesome!!!

  381. Amy S says:

    I’d love to have another wet bag.

  382. Erin says:

    I love cloth diapers!

  383. Jannette says:

    Wow, I could use that wetbag (the diaper)!

  384. Becky says:

    Wet bags seem awesome! I totally need one of those for sure!

  385. Joyce Boro says:

    Looks great!

  386. Mae says:

    I always want to try different brand/kind of cloth diaper. I now have 1 BG and 1 fitted. Trying to build my starch. ๐Ÿ™‚

  387. Cheryl C says:

    Would love a chance, thank you!

  388. allison says:

    i <3 cloth ๐Ÿ˜‰

  389. Genevieve says:

    I’d LOVE this! I haven’t heard of those covers, but I am in the market for some new diapers, as I’m due this summer with baby #2. ๐Ÿ™‚ Either way, I’m going to check out those covers! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  390. Bridgett says:

    That cover is awesome! Love the inner flappy thingies- you can use it with whatever absorbent thingy you want! I gave up on prefolds/covers (went to pockets) because the fit wasn’t great, but the Wolbybug looks like it fixes that problem.

  391. Amy T. says:

    Cloth diapered both my girls and plan on cloth diapering my next baby as well.

  392. Stacey cross says:

    Me please!

  393. Lori Hardy says:

    Looks like a great wetbag! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  394. Shoshanna says:

    My 5 month old daughter has been in cloth since birth Would love to expand our stash! Thanks for the give away!

  395. niki says:

    how sweet and generous <3

  396. Nicole says:

    So exciting! I’m in serious need of a new wetbag!

  397. Aimee says:

    oh how i love cloth diapers! i thought i would hate prefolds, but they are my go to diapers…i use them mainly to stuff pockets, but i’ve been using them at night too! i would love more to add to my stash!

  398. Becka says:

    I love prefolds and covers! I think people forget just how simple going back to the basics of cloth diapers can be!

  399. Ashley says:

    Ooooo so exciting!!

  400. Stephanie says:

    Super cute diapers and wet bags! Love it:)

  401. Cynthia Audet says:

    I love cloth diaper and trying new stuff :))) nice giveaway for a nice store !

  402. Liz says:

    I love cloth diapers!! We have been using cloth with my son for almost two years now, I wish I had done it with my daughter as well.. for some reason I thought it would be hard? Umm not hard at all with great products like these!

  403. Danielle Teslevich says:

    I love the features of this cover! I’ve never seen the elastic back flap before – genius!

  404. Brande says:

    I’m due in June with our first child, and can’t wait to start trying out cloth diapering on my little boy! We are looking to start with prefolds & covers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  405. Amanda Lynn says:

    DD could always use another diaper. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  406. Marjorie says:

    I’m still holding out hope that we can cloth diaper in the future!

  407. Marianna L. says:

    Working on a second and am strongly considering this route over disposables.

  408. Gabriele says:

    They look awesome!

  409. rosie south says:

    I am sure hoping to win this one. I have entered what seems like a million giveaways and have yet to win anything.

  410. Celia says:

    I have 2 in diapers and it’s all prefolds and covers (but I’ve never seen that one).

  411. Erika says:

    What a great giveaway! Would LOVE to be entered ๐Ÿ™‚

  412. Alisha Kinney says:

    Oh how I love giveaways! I also love cloth diapering!

  413. Katie says:

    I would LOVE this. Cloth diapered with my first after about 3 months and now we are expecting a 2nd. So I’d love to try out a new cover before I need to top off my inventory ๐Ÿ™‚

  414. Janelle L. says:

    Yes please!!!!

  415. Alicia says:

    I would love to try cloth diapering my baby!

  416. Beth says:

    our baby loves cloth!

  417. Starla Gaines says:

    I want!

  418. Leslie T says:

    pick me!!

  419. My babies are finally done with diapers, but my lovely sister is expecting, and I’d love to be able to give her these. Thanks for the giveaway!

  420. Manali says:

    Would love to try these!

  421. Erin says:

    Even at 5 months old I want to start cloth diapering. I keep tell myself we’ll start, hope I win so I can give it a shot!

  422. Robin says:

    Perfect timing! Just had #2 and need more diapers and another wetbag. ๐Ÿ™‚

  423. Jamie says:

    I’d love to try these! Thank you!

  424. Brianne says:

    My son just hit 4 months and we are officially 100% cloth! Woohoo! Would love to add a new cover to our stash, and adore the green and yellow spotted wetbag!

  425. Regan says:

    I love covers for nighttime and this one looks great. I am also developing a pretty healthy wet bag addiction!

  426. Toni says:

    I’d be interested in trying CDing…it’s never too late to start!

  427. Laura says:

    Always wanted to try cloth! Thx for the opportunity!

  428. Ellen says:

    Hooray! Thanks for doing yet another giveaway!

  429. Erin says:

    I will have a baby soon and plan on mostly CDing. This would be great to win!

  430. Kerri says:

    I love trying different brands of CDs. I hope I win.

  431. dk says:

    Sounds wonderful–I’m starting to adapt to prefolds and covers, and like what I’ve tried so far ๐Ÿ™‚

  432. Lindsey L. says:

    My baby arrives in two weeks (woot) and we really want to try cloth diapers!

  433. Robyn says:

    I love cloth diapering!! Would live to add these to my stash ๐Ÿ™‚

  434. Jessica Mills says:

    We are about to have 3 in cloth diapers at once, I’ll do what I can for free supplies!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  435. Trisha W. says:

    I don’t own a wet bag so I’d like to try this one. Thanks for sharing =)

  436. Scarlett Bracey says:

    Pretty please give these to meeeee!!!

  437. Katie says:

    Awesome giveaway!!!

  438. Katy says:

    I’d love to win!

  439. Melissa says:

    Pick Me – my baby needs more CD ๐Ÿ™‚

  440. Paty says:

    pick me!!!

  441. Jenni Kremer says:

    love those covers! would love to add one to my stash!

  442. Lizz says:

    We CD b/c I’m allergic to disposables! It’s the latex for me… cloth rocks!

  443. Kristen says:

    I’d love to try that diaper on my 17 month old!

  444. Heather Jackson says:

    All those products look great!

  445. Heather says:

    I would love to try that wetbag!!!!

  446. Heather Ratliff says:

    I have a friend who will be cloth diapering soon and I’d love to be able gift this to her.

  447. alexis brink says:

    We love cloth here! I would be happy to try a new brand!

  448. Ashley says:

    I am so excited to cloth diaper baby #2!!! Hope I win!

  449. Annie Barber says:

    All three of these products look amazing. Would love to try out on our newbie on the way.

  450. Crystle says:

    I could always use more diapers, but I really need a wet bag! It would be a wonderful first Mother’s Day gift if I won this!

  451. Necole says:

    I love the looks of the cover…how it seems to hold in the prefold perfectly….definitely looking into this one….and SUPER love the polls dotted wet bag…!!!

  452. Elizabeth says:

    Ooooh, me, me! Pick me! I only have pockets but I’ve been wanting to try prefolds!

  453. Chriss says:

    Would love to win one of these!!

  454. Rebekah says:

    I love your giveaways and this is just awesome!

  455. Di says:

    Pick us! We’ve been having lots of rashes lately. Hmm.

  456. Vashti M says:

    Thanks for the giveaway !

  457. Amelia Sunderland says:

    First time I’ve entered a giveaway but I’m pregnant with my second and would looove to try that cover! It looks awesome!

  458. Jennifer Perritte says:

    I would love to try these products – I haven’t tried any! ๐Ÿ™‚

  459. Elizabeth says:

    I could really use this. I’m trying to make the switch to cloth, and this would really help!

  460. Misty says:

    Could use more diapers and the wet bag looks great!

  461. April says:

    That fuscia cover has ME sold! I’ve always wanted to try the covers (I just have AIO’s right now) but didn’t want to invest in tem lest they fail.

  462. Jessica Brunsman says:

    I’d LOVE to win! We have been gathering CD materials for a few months, hoping to start with our 2-year-old to get used to it, and then CD our one on the way!

  463. Deidre Davis says:

    I’m always wanting to try new cloth diaper brands!

  464. Masha says:

    Cloth diapers kick some awesome booty! The only way to diaper in my opinion…

  465. Genevieve says:

    Love this giveaway!

  466. Nikole H. says:

    These would come in handy with Baby #2 due in July ๐Ÿ™‚ ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  467. Tricia says:

    Yay! Giveaways are awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  468. carlee says:

    Love the patterns of these wetbags

  469. Janelle says:

    Pick me! I love prefolds and covers- and we, too, cloth diaper to avoid rashes!!!

  470. Allie says:

    Frankly, who doesn’t need more cloth diapers!?

  471. Randi says:

    My lowly little stash would love these new additions! ๐Ÿ™‚

  472. Amy Key says:

    I would love to win this!! I’m a little hesitant to switch to cloth but this could get me started ๐Ÿ™‚

  473. Samantha says:

    I would love to try these out.

  474. Mandy says:

    I was needing to make a wet bag but winning one would be even better! I am currently cloth diapering my fourth kiddo. I should have been doing it all along with all of them!

  475. Heather S says:

    I heart prefolds and I need a new wetbag like, whoa.

  476. Colleen says:

    love the wet bag!!!!

  477. Melissa says:

    The cover makes prefolds even easier and wet bags are cool. That is all. ๐Ÿ™‚

  478. Michelle Duffy says:

    Looks like a great little package to win!!!

  479. Staci says:

    Would love to win. Very cool bag!

  480. Charlene H. says:

    I’ve never heard of wolbybug, but these look great! I would love to win the cover in particular.

  481. Kathy Tindle says:

    I would love to try these

  482. Sheri O. says:

    I’d love to win! My girlfriend is using cloth and id love to gift her one of these!

  483. Meagan V. says:

    Just found out last week we are expecting! Would love to try out cloth diapers!

  484. Sara church says:

    Looks like a neat cover to try! Thanks for the introduction to it!

  485. Emily says:

    This would be perfect for baby #2

  486. Stephanie Ward-Estep says:

    Our story is the same! Constant rash with baby #2. Switched to cloth and it cleared it up!!

  487. Bridgette says:

    so glad I switched to cloth diapers, too. love them. and can always use more!!

  488. Cara says:

    We just switched from disposables to cloth with our first who is five weeks old. So many of my friends who are parents told us it would be a pain and too much work, but it has been easier! I realized that they kept saying it would be so hard, but that they had never tried it. I am loving it!

  489. Brandi says:

    Im going to be a new mommy! And trying to enter to win and save ๐Ÿ™‚

  490. Sarah Fuhrmann says:

    this would be so awesome for my newborns stash!~

  491. Rebecca Brazier says:

    Sounds good, I’m in! Can always expand the Stash!

  492. Those wet bags look great! And I’m currently trying to stock up on prefolds!

  493. Sherri says:

    We have the same not-so-uncommon story! Diaper rash + cloth diapers = clear soft bum! Thanks for the great give-a-way ๐Ÿ™‚

  494. Hillary says:

    Ooh! I just started cloth diapering and I love it!

  495. Erica says:

    Cloth diapering rocks ๐Ÿ˜€

  496. Kate says:

    Could definitely use another wetbag, always looking to try different diapers, and could always use another prefold! Pick me!

  497. Kristin Lamberty says:

    I’m intrigued by the natural cotton prefolds. I wish these were available everywhere!

  498. Sarah says:

    Ooh, ooh! Pick me, random generator!

  499. Brianna says:

    I want to win!

  500. sarah says:

    I’ve been needing a new wetbag and a few new covers!

  501. Maggie says:

    Love it!!! The cover looks really neat!

  502. Jiji says:

    I am starting to diversify my diaper stash, it would be so fun to win a new one!

  503. debbie m says:

    Awesome gift to be had!! Thanks!!!

  504. Mandy B says:

    Ooh! Diapers! *swoons* Pretty please pick me?

  505. Shannon Sasseville says:

    I would love love love to win this! I REALLY need a new wetbag for my diaper bag!!!

  506. Amy says:

    Loving cloth diapers! My twins still get diaper rash though. Could it be the wipes? Anyhow, yeah for cloth!

  507. Heather Ross says:

    Brilliant! I love the idea of pre-fold cover flaps, but they always end up being more hassle than they are worth. I would put these to good use!

  508. Dinika says:

    Cute prints!

  509. Kristine F says:

    Love this giveaway. I’m always on the lookout for diaper giveaways.

  510. melissa says:

    Yay! We are trying to increase our stash for baby #2 arriving in a couple weeks, would love to try out these new brands ๐Ÿ™‚

  511. Rae says:

    I badly need another wetbag and more covers! These look awesome.

  512. Katie says:

    Could always use more fluff!

  513. tangomum says:

    Love the wetbag!

  514. Kristen H. W. says:

    I have been wanting to try out Prefolds and covers!

  515. Ashlee Shurtleff says:

    That diaper looks awesome! I can’t wait to win it!

  516. Kathryn says:

    Oooh! Much prettier than what I diaper with. The wetbag looks fabulous too.

  517. Kori says:

    I would love to venture into the world of cloth diapering this time around! I may just have to get a wet bag regardless though for all those fun wet messes on the go.

  518. Sara D. K. says:

    I would love to win a cool cloth diaper giveaway! We have been CD’g since birth. Saved tons of moolah and not one rash!

  519. Joanna says:

    I’d love to win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  520. Vanessa says:

    Great giveaway!

  521. Michaela says:

    These look great.

  522. lace says:

    The wetbags look great.

  523. Rosanne Frazer says:

    I have my 1 month old and 18 month old both in cloth right now and I would love another diaper ๐Ÿ™‚

  524. Violet Slowey says:

    Awesome! I actually bought a diaper from your last diaper sponser and am really happy with it!

  525. Anne W says:

    I want to win.

  526. GM says:

    I cloth diaper and sure do need a wet bag!!

  527. Stefanie says:

    Oh pick me please! I have my fingers and toes crossed~! This sounds like an awesome website. I am on my way to check it out.

  528. Brandi Stewart says:

    Oh, I would LOVE to win this!! I need a new wet bag SO badly!!

  529. I’m in desperate need for another wet bag and? I’m attempting to have a little bit of everything in my stash so this? Yea, this would be AWESOME!

  530. Vy says:

    I just got a big box from Cloth Diaper Outlet! Love this place and would love a new wetbag!

  531. Jessica Salonga says:

    I’m in desperate need of a wetbag! These look amazing!

  532. Stephanie says:

    I’ve been working on a stash for my baby due this summer. It’d be awesome to win ๐Ÿ™‚ either way I’ll add Cloth Diaper Outlet to my list of resources. Thanks!

  533. Erin peters fortunato says:

    Love my cloth diapers!

  534. Holly says:

    cute wet bags!

  535. Rachel Emrath says:

    Oh I need some more wetbags

  536. Nick Emrath says:

    more dipes? awesome

  537. Jen says:

    Would love another cloth diaper!

  538. Erin says:

    We <3 cloth diapers!

  539. Tiffany Alf says:

    fantastic! love non-crappy giveaways. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I really want to try a prefold.

  540. Jessica says:

    I like the wetbags!!!

  541. Michelle says:

    You can never have too many diapers ๐Ÿ˜‰ would live to try this one!

  542. Zach S says:

    Would love to win this–we cloth diaper with prefolds and but are poor-ish graduate students, and this would certainly be helpful, especially the cover and wetbag. We have 24 prefolds, but more would let us be lazier and wait a little longer between laundry sessions. yay!

  543. Peyton says:

    love those patterns. I’d love a wetbag!

  544. Estela says:

    I love wetbags. I give them to all the new moms. Better for the environment than plastic baggies. And it keeps smells in better too.

  545. Lys says:

    i’ve never tried a wetbag-these look cute though. and one can NEVER have too many prefolds and covers!

  546. Amy Barron-Gafford says:

    I could use all three!

  547. Claire says:

    I’d love to give these a try with my new baby about to be born!

  548. Jennifer says:

    Loo I’d love to try out this diaper! I’ve only used pockets so far ๐Ÿ˜€

  549. Hannah says:

    Pick me! I need a wet bag and have been too lazy to buy one!

  550. Anna F. says:

    What an awesome give away.

    I currently have an almost 4 year old and a 5 month old. We have tried 5 different brands of disposable dipes with the 5 month old, but she blows out ALL of them. Even the brand that is depicted on the commercials on TV with the babies trying to blow them out, she craps out of them in a heartbeat. I have been told that cloth would be the best route, but I just can’t justify the cost since this is our last baby. If I won one, it would allow mw to test them without breaking the bank. If they passed her “test” I would definitely consider the investment. Sure beats throwing away lots of poo covered clothes!

  551. steph says:

    oh man. just convinced my sister to cloth diaper too! Those refolds look amazing!

  552. Aja says:

    My sister is having a baby and I would LOVE to win this for her.

  553. Erin says:

    Would love to try these out for my twin boys!

  554. Andrea says:

    Want! Those are very cool!

  555. Tabitha says:


  556. Reynelda says:

    I would love to try this diaper! I just started using cds this week and have been looking for something with interior flaps to secure the prefolds. I might have to try these even if I don’t win ๐Ÿ™‚

  557. Annie says:

    I can’t wait to try this cover & prefold out!

  558. Angie says:

    Would love to win! They look great!

  559. Kyndall says:

    I cloth diapered for a while but he outgrew them all so quickly! I;d love to try one size diapers!!

  560. Mary Beth says:

    My little girl is due in August, and I haven’t even started my cloth diaper collection D:

  561. Emma says:

    Luv clothdiaper… Now my baby is on toilet traning.. Still need some cover for night… Thank you in advanced for the give ๐Ÿ˜‰

  562. Jentri King says:

    These look great. I’d love to try them.

  563. Taylor F says:

    I have 3 month old twin boys and im going to start cloth diapering soon so this would be awesome!!!

  564. Lindsey says:

    I’m borrowing a cloth diaper set as I slowly build my own. This would be a great addition. ๐Ÿ™‚

  565. Taylor F says:

    I have 3 month old twin boys and im going to start cloth diapering soon so this would be so awesome!!!

  566. Munaba says:

    Love the idea of elastic on the back flap of the cover.

  567. Rebecca Fulcher says:

    I would love this! I’ve only tried a gerber prefold with a diaper cover. I tried it twice when all the other diapers were in the wash, and both times it leaked. I bet a decent prefold would be much better! Plus who couldn’t use a wet bag!

  568. I want to try cloth diapering. Just not willing to shell out a ton of money when I have no freaking clue what I’m doing ๐Ÿ™‚

  569. Bonney says:

    Cool! Love that one diaper Can be used for most babies. I’d love to try then on my little one.

  570. d says:

    The odds are against me, but I’ll throw my hat into the ring.

  571. Bronwyn says:

    Awesome looking clothe diapers, they would get me started perfectly. ๐Ÿ™‚

  572. Kristin says:

    New baby due in September. Been busy restocking our cloth diapers but arent quiet there yet. And we love our prefolds and covers!

  573. Katie says:

    I so very want to switch to cloth! But can’t talk hubby into the initial cost. ๐Ÿ™ I’d love to get a little starter set like this! **pick me, random generator!**

  574. Emily says:

    This cover looks really cool! I’d love to win one to try!

  575. Brienne says:

    I really want to go the cloth diaper route with our next baby. These would be great!

  576. Vanessa S. says:

    My baby girl could really use the wonderful prize ๐Ÿ™‚

  577. Angela Porter says:

    Awesome, looks very well designed.

  578. Erika Smith says:

    Cloth diapering is the best…feel like I am giving my child the best for her bottom. Could definitely use a wetbag and more covers!

  579. Jay says:

    Wetbags – just the thing for my puddle-obsessed toddler!

  580. Brittany R. says:

    Love the wet bag! Could really use it and the diaper with my 3rd one arriving this summer!

  581. Stephanie Portz says:

    That cover looks pretty neat! I may need to try one even if I don’t win. XD

  582. Chandra says:

    The essentials! Thanks for keeping it simple ๐Ÿ™‚

  583. Rachel r says:

    Never seen that brand before, but looks really nice. Would love to try it

  584. Palila says:

    Cute wetbags!

  585. Katie Ho says:

    Love it!

  586. Susie says:

    Great giveaway! Cute wetbags!

  587. Michelle Seyffert says:

    I love cloth diapering!!! It’s so addicting to try new products!

  588. Maria T says:

    Nice store

  589. Naomi B says:

    Yes please – what a Fab giveaway

  590. Angelina Shumaker says:


  591. Kristina says:

    I would Love to try this Brand (never tried before)….

  592. susanne wedel says:

    thanks for the giveaway. i need a wetbag with a zipper for daycare. would love to win.

  593. Ceyshe N. says:

    Want! We need some new covers, so it will be great to win. ๐Ÿ™‚

  594. Adeline T says:

    Wow, this bundle makes cloth diapering look simpler than I thought it would be!

  595. Lily says:

    is it too late to start if my son is 18 months old?

  596. Jessica says:

    The prefolds look so soft and fluffy! Love them!

  597. amy says:

    amazing! Would love to try that wetbag!

  598. Marissa Q says:


  599. Jenny says:

    Great giveaway! I would love to give cloth diapering a try.

  600. Shawna says:

    Could always use more diapers!

  601. Sarah says:

    I desperately need a wet bag!

  602. Lindsey says:


  603. Lindsey says:

    And that was the comment from my two-year who was so excited to see the wetbags!

  604. ElisabethJoy says:

    I would like to give this to my sister who is expecting her first at the end of July.

  605. Angel says:

    Love these!

  606. Rachel says:

    Love this

  607. Pat says:

    I so need some more diapers!

  608. Mel G says:

    These look great, hope you pick me!

  609. MrsJennyK says:

    Almost all of my covers are aplix, which I’m not fond of anymore. I’d love to have a cover with snaps!

  610. Melissa says:

    My first go at Cloth diapers with my 3rd baby ๐Ÿ™‚ trying to stay eco friendly and cost effective! ๐Ÿ˜€ Always love to try new product brands since I am not experienced at all! ๐Ÿ˜€ thanks for the chance to win some fun swag!

  611. Veronika Rogers says:

    Oh awesome. I am still looking around for a cloth diaper to love.

  612. Christina says:

    I want this so bad!!

  613. Carrie Brooks says:

    I was just looking at wet bags yesterday. I love the designs on these.

  614. Lisa says:

    Would love to try those diapers!

  615. Barbara Goebel says:

    My baby is graduating from high school in a week…so no need for dipes here, but I can attest to the beauty of cloth diapers. One of my teaching colleagues just had her second baby, and a starter kit of cloth diapers would be a great way to get her started on this healthy path!

  616. Shannon says:

    My son can only wear Pampers (minus dry max); anything else is ineffective. I’d love to try cloth!

  617. Jen A. says:

    Oh, I would love to give these a try ๐Ÿ™‚

  618. Emily says:

    I’ve been debating about cloth diapers…and a free sample would be the perfect time to try!

  619. Michael Witt says:

    Please let me win, would love to try!

  620. I would love to try the cover and wetbag. I have recently discovered that there us no such thing as too many wetbags!

  621. Vanessa says:

    THank you for this great givaway. The hardest part of CDing is starting!

  622. Amie says:

    We already cloth diaper, but I’d love to try out this cover!

  623. Anne says:

    My wet bag is about to die ,it would be so nice to win !

  624. Jess says:

    I’ve been looking to try some new cloth styles! I would love to win!

  625. liz says:

    yes, please!

  626. NSmeds says:

    My new baby needs to try these!!! and a wet bag would be amazing!

  627. Ashley says:

    I would love to win this! The diapers I used from my first child and now the ones I’m using on my second are beginning to wear thin.

  628. Jessica o says:

    I haven’t tried covers and prefolds yet but have been wanting to! would love to win this awesome giveaway!

  629. Copper says:

    who couldn’t use another cute wetbag or two? =)

  630. Christen says:

    I love cloth diapers!

  631. Jenny says:

    We could really use a new wetbag. Would LOVE to win!

  632. Emily says:

    Yes, love it!

  633. Mary O says:

    I could use a new wet bag!!

  634. Laura H. says:

    Cute, I’d like to try another brand, please!

  635. Rachel says:

    I love prefolds with covers

  636. Jamie says:

    I would love to win! Happy Mother’s Day and thanks for hosting! ๐Ÿ™‚

  637. Cori Shaff says:

    of course this would be fun to win!

  638. Charlotte says:

    I’d love to try new diapers, and our wetbags are no longer waterproof.

  639. elizabeth says:

    Lots of feedback! Love the wetbag idea. Due with #2 this fall, would love to win this. Thanks & good luck. ๐Ÿ™‚

  640. Deirdre Mundy says:

    Gimmee, gimmee… My diaper covers are wearing out (baby #5) and I’d like to try something new! ๐Ÿ™‚

  641. Shannon says:

    (fingers crossed) This would be a nice Mothers Day present ๐Ÿ˜‰

  642. Nicki says:

    Talk about a perfect Mother’s Day treat. ๐Ÿ™‚

  643. Brittnay Urdahl says:

    This is such an amazing giveaway! So excited hope I win!

  644. Erin says:

    Oooh, I’ve never heard of WolbyBug! I always like trying out new diapers, and prefolds-and-covers are one of our go-tos!

  645. Erin S says:

    please and thank you! <3

  646. Theresa says:

    I would love to try a new cloth diaper!!! I’m on baby #2 in cloth ๐Ÿ™‚

  647. Carrie Mittleman says:

    Would love to try these!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  648. Katie says:

    I want these!

  649. Rachelle Oliver says:

    Great giveaway! Baby #3 is coming in Oct and is a boy! I need to update my stash, plus I don’t have much iitty Bitty sizes!

  650. Amber Musselman says:

    Oh yes, I need another diaper wetbag!!!

  651. Jill says:

    We too have been using cloth because of diaper rash. We don’t have a wet bag though, and also need an extra diaper!

  652. Sarah Gill says:

    Sooo cute! Happy mothers day to me?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  653. Tricia S says:

    A Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms! Including the soon-to-be Moms! ๐Ÿ™‚ And those diapers are super cute! I’d love some for my son due in Aug! ๐Ÿ™‚

  654. Alicia says:

    These would make an awesome gift for my many friends having babies! Pick me please!

  655. Callie says:

    Who knew wet bags were so versatile?! ๐Ÿ™‚

  656. slightlytilted says:

    mucho praise for wetbags!!!!!!

  657. Ashley Newberg says:

    I am due in September and am so looking forward to cloth diapering. I’ve done so much research! I would love to win! ๐Ÿ˜€

  658. Tina buxbaum says:


  659. Annie says:

    Holy cow, I need everything listed here. Actually, I may just put in an order for a few covers and we wet bag anyways, what a fantastic deal.

  660. Amanda Abreu says:

    I’m expecting my first baby this Summer and I haven’t bought a stitch of anything. This would be a great start!

  661. Alyssa says:

    What a great giveaway!

  662. Ooooo, pick me! Pick me! I reeeeeeeally need a wetbag and those look amazing!

  663. Sarah says:

    Would love to try one of these!

  664. Morgan says:

    I would be super-dee-duper excited to get the goodies! I need a new wet bag and always love new dipes!

  665. Elizabeth says:

    Looks like a fantastic prize.

  666. Alycia C says:

    Great giveaway! Count me in ๐Ÿ™‚

  667. Victoria Wilkerson says:

    Love the wet bag!!
    Ive been looking for a diaper like these forever! LOVE LOVE LOVE

  668. Alyssa Garcia says:

    I’d love to win this!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  669. Cindy W says:

    Just starting to use quality CD’s with DD. These would be an amazing addition to our small stash! ๐Ÿ˜€

  670. Kami says:

    Here’s hoping!

  671. Candace says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! This would be perfect for our small stash of cloth diapering supplies!!

  672. Rebecca says:

    OOOH ! Pretty please? With a cherry on top?

  673. Teresa says:

    We just tried out cloth diapering and I am sold!

  674. Julie says:

    I’m trying to build a new diaper stash for our new baby. My crazy hubby threw out all my old diapers. ๐Ÿ™ Silly guy. This would help. Thanks!

  675. Deb says:

    need new diapers. please!

  676. Caro says:

    Happy mother’s day! These look awesome! We did a cloth diaper service for baby #1. I loved the cloth and am thinking of doing it full stop next time around!

  677. Rene says:

    With three little ones about to be in diapers, I am super excited about this giveaway! We have a few cloth diapers but not enough to last. I am also excited to see the wet bag. Thanks for the chance!!

  678. Victoria says:

    Would love to try these!

  679. Nicole says:

    I am in need of this so bad with baby #2 on the way!

  680. Sacha says:

    DIAPERS!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  681. Phu Le says:

    I am new to motherhood and new to cloth diapering. I hope to continue cloth diapering and that I won’t get lazy with washing. I would love to win this giveaway!

  682. Ali Cook says:

    That cover looks awesome! I like the way the prefold slips into it.

  683. Rachel Evelyn says:

    What a cool diaper cover! I’d love to try it for baby #3.

  684. Jenny Magic says:

    I know the odds are going to be one in 1,000, but I would LOVE to win this giveaway! We are expecting our little one in 5+ months and are trying to stock up on cloth diaper supplies… these look just like what we need!

  685. Nancy says:

    These look great. Henry really needs a new diaper and wet bag.

  686. Madalyn McArthur says:

    Love them!

  687. Lauren R says:

    I’ll have to check the site out! Those diapers look neat.

  688. Charlotte R says:

    Thanks for this giveaway! I would love to add the WolbyBug diaper and wetbag to my stash ๐Ÿ™‚ They would be well-used!

  689. Julie says:

    Yay for prefolds!!

  690. Rachel S. says:

    NICE!! I would love to get any or all of these goodies

  691. Holly says:

    We’ve been cloth diapering V since she was about 3 weeks old. Love it.

  692. Jena says:

    This would be awesome to win!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  693. GardenV says:

    Can’t wait to start cloth diapering.

  694. Books Tasted says:

    Ooh, would love to win that cute wetbag! The diaper also looks great.

  695. Melissa says:

    Love the diaper design!

  696. Gina Kegel says:

    Cute! I wanna win! Cuz it’s my birthday. Did i mention it’s my birthday?

  697. Kim M says:

    These look like very versatile covers! And I can think of 10 million and one reasons to use a new wetbag

  698. Leslie says:

    looks like a well-designed diaper cover!

  699. Christy says:

    Exciting! I’d love to win this!!

  700. Lucinda says:

    Yes please! Stocking up for my bub-on-the-way!!

  701. Kathleen says:

    yes. please!

  702. Megan Karnesky says:

    I need a second wetbag for when my one is in the wash.

  703. Miriam says:

    These look great!

  704. Erin says:

    Always up for a new cloth diaper! Thanks April and Cloth Diaper Outlet!

  705. Katrina says:

    amazing giveaway…would love to win!

  706. Carrie says:

    I would love to try out these items!

  707. Leah Y. says:

    I know I won’t win but I know I would love it!

  708. Krista White says:

    I LOVE cloth diapers. I always tell people who ask me about them that you couldn’t PAY me to go back to disposables.

  709. C Smith says:

    Six kids and never used cloth, but this last baby had a rash from birth and doesn’t seem to agree with any diaper, so it looks like cloth is the only way to go.

  710. Cassandra says:

    Ran into a poopy shoe, wet clothes (entire water bottle dumped out when I wasn’t looking), and a leaky diaper all in the same day……and no wet bag in site.

  711. SallyNichole says:

    I only use pockets but the other day I was looking at a friend’s covers and I was interested in how those would work out but I’m pretty convinced that if I *buy* one more diaper my hubby’s head is going to explode. So, it was be a lot cleaner if I just won some covers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  712. Kristen says:

    Great giveaway! Can’t wait to use cloth diapers on my new little one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  713. CCL says:

    I love the wetbag I have but need a new one. I’m also looking to try out prefolds. Thanks!

  714. Kristy says:

    My six month old daughter would look fantastic in these ๐Ÿ˜‰

  715. Dawn "Alba" says:

    Great styles! Your wet bags would be very handy for us!

  716. Rachel says:

    The bag sounds great!

  717. Julie M. says:

    I need a new wetbag…mine is getting old:-(

  718. kate says:

    The wetbag is awesome and like the all in one Diaper too!

  719. Sam says:


  720. Sara says:

    I could use a new wet bag or some cute girly diapers for my first baby girl after 2 boys!

  721. Sheena says:

    Would love to get this!

  722. Patricia P says:

    After reading many of the posts about cloth diapering, I’m considering it for my soon to be little girl. With an 11 year difference in ages from this one to my current youngest, I see how much things have changed.

    The wetbag and covers brought an entirely different perspective to my thoughts of cloth diapers.

  723. maggiewann says:

    I love cloth diapers, great giveaway, thank you.

  724. Samantha says:

    Nothing better than fluffy butts!

  725. Natalee says:

    Great stuff! I would love to win! Thanks!!!!

  726. Katy says:

    Whoop diapers! I’d love to give these to my pregnant friend.

  727. Serena says:

    Could definitely use a good wet bag.

  728. Juls says:

    Please. Pretty please. With a wetbag on top.

  729. Becca says:

    Too cute!!!

  730. Sara says:

    Thanks for the entry!

  731. Erica robinson says:

    Expecting #2, and #1’s are almost worn out: would love one to start the new collection.

  732. Rebecca Primm says:


  733. Amber says:

    I can always use another diaper! Great giveaway. ๐Ÿ™‚

  734. Sara says:

    I’ve never heard of this brand before. I’d love to win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  735. Corinne B says:

    Super cute! Love the flexible sizing!

  736. Jen c says:

    So cute! We will be going cloth for our first and I can’t to have my stash built up… Maybe I’ll be lucky enough for this to be a part!

  737. AmandaMV says:

    I’d love to try cloth diapers! ๐Ÿ™‚

  738. Reaney's mom says:

    Super cute wet bag! Could always use another. And love trying new diaps. Thanks! Happy Mother’s Day!

  739. Bekah Kuczenski says:

    What an awesome giveaway! Thank you I hope I get picked!!

  740. Amanda B. says:

    I would love to try prefolds! This is great!

  741. :::fingers crossed:::

  742. S.L. says:

    Pick me, I love cute cloth diaper stuff.

  743. Janet says:

    Fantastic! Love these giveaways!

  744. Megan says:

    Oh my gosh, I need more covers!!!

  745. Melanie says:

    I am becoming addicted to your site. And I am rapidly becoming a cloth diaper convert.

  746. Kellie says:

    That wetbag looks fantastic.

  747. Justine says:

    What a nice giveaway

  748. Tenessa says:

    My sister-in-law, due in September, is going to use cloth diapers. This giveaway would be perfect for her to try them.

  749. Joanna Lovett says:

    Can always use more CD stuff!

  750. Kristin V says:

    I would love to try cloth diapering!!!!

  751. Christine M says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  752. Julie says:

    I am planning on fostering an infant this summer and need to get as ready as I can ahead of time. it’s kind of like waiting for a due date but no bump or sonogram to know who exactly is coming. I’ve heard such good things about cloth diapers and since we try not to live in a wasteful way, using them would fit our lifestyle. I use a front load washer and line dry our clothes. So I can imagine a line of nappies drying in the sun.

  753. BreezyLou says:

    We’re due with our 3rd in August and I made the decision to cloth diaper ALL the kids when this one is born, that way I never ever have to buy disposable diapers ever again!

  754. Danielle says:

    We’re expecting our first in July, and plan to try cloth diapering. This would be an awesome win, and surely helpful in helping us figure out what we like/need!

  755. sarah says:

    Yay! I love giveaways. I can always use more cloth diaper stuff.

  756. Kira Hagstrom says:

    Yay for cloth diapers!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  757. Jenn says:

    Pick me please!

  758. Stefanie says:

    I need a new wetbag like you have no idea!

  759. Amy Hottman says:

    Sweeeeet! Would love to try them for my little one ;0)

  760. Margaret W. says:

    The diapers and wetbag look fabulous. I would love to be able to give this to my new granddaughter. Thanks!

  761. Sarah Jane says:

    Thanks so much!!

  762. Jackie says:

    Yes pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.

  763. Rebekah M says:

    Those wet bags are so cute!

  764. Elle F says:

    New to cloth & haven’t see this brand before. Love trying the different options. Fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™‚

  765. Jason says:

    Can’t have too many cloth diapers!

  766. julie L. says:

    I’d love to try these!!!

  767. Britta says:

    I need new wetbags for daycare!

  768. Dylan says:

    There are already like 800 comments, so the mathematical odds of winning are quite low. Yet I’ll comment anyway!

  769. Jennifer Scogin says:

    I Love Cloth Diapers!

  770. Amy Annett says:

    Looks awesome!

  771. Stephanie says:

    I’m IN!!! We cloth diapered our first, and my sister-in-law is cloth diapering her little girl.

  772. Kristi Strong says:

    What a wonderful give-away ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been CDing for 10 months now and love it. Nothing like a cute fluffy diaper to cushion those “I want to walk but don’t know how to” falls.

  773. Jenn says:

    Awesome giveaway! Crossing my fingers for this one!

  774. Anna says:

    I would love to win this! ๐Ÿ™‚

  775. Becky says:

    looks nice!

  776. Sarah says:

    This non-crappy giveaway looks awesome!

  777. Mommy_ronni says:

    Awesome giveaway!

  778. K.T. says:

    This giveaway would make an awesome gift for my cousin’s babyshower!

  779. Chelsea W says:

    Who wouldn’t want to try a wool wet bag?? Count me in!

  780. Teresa F. says:

    I would love to win!

  781. diaper cover looks great. would love that one!

  782. Brittany Andrews says:

    Oh I would love to win this! We are pregnant with our 2nd and will be cloth diaper for the first time!

  783. I would love, LOVE, LOVE to win this! I’m 38 weeks pregnant with my first and plan to cloth diaper my baby after I get used to just having a baby.

  784. Gail Dealy says:

    I would love a chance to give these a try! Congrats to who ever wins!

  785. Megan says:

    I ordered my prefolds for baby boy #1 from cloth diaper outlet and am now using them for bb#2.

  786. Ryanon says:

    I’m excitedly building my stash for my July baby but don’t have any AIOs or wetbags. I have a feeling that my hubby will like the convenience and ease of AIOs! Thank u for this opportunity !

  787. Joanna says:

    Another wetbag would be great!

  788. Sarah Brooks says:

    What a great give-a-way! I need a wetbag so badly, but it’s not in the budget right now. I hope I win this!

  789. Kimberly says:

    love the design of the covers!

  790. Katy says:

    I love prefolds! Burpers, stuffers, wipes in a pinch, you name it. I would love to try the KNs!

  791. Michelle C says:

    Wow – thank you soo much!
    What an amazing package!! That will make one little bottom VERY happy!! Thank you for letting us take place!! <3

  792. tonya says:

    pregnant with #6 and would love to build up my stash, #5 is only 14 months and still in cds!

  793. Corey C says:

    Would make a great belated-mothers day gift for my wife, and our 5 month month old daughter!

  794. Cloth Bottoming says:

    This would be excellent for the up comming Cloth Bottoming event in Ottawa! Thank you

  795. Ashley Wright says:

    I really wanna try these covers!! I love my Wolby wet bag, I am using one right now ๐Ÿ˜› And above all I love Cloth Daiper Outlet!!!

  796. Leah Burks says:

    I always love all this crappiness! ;-D And the wetbags and cover are so cute!

  797. Breanne says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  798. Angela Jones says:

    Would love to win this awesome giveaway!

  799. Holly says:

    I’ve been wanting to try the wolbybug products. This will keep my from having to hide fluffy mail ๐Ÿ™‚

  800. travis says:

    this would be great to a diaper to our stash

  801. Agnes says:

    oh i need it for a princess coming in july!

  802. Stina says:

    I’m new to cloth diapering and am very interested in trying out the different types. This giveaway would certainly help with that!

  803. Danielle says:

    I would love to win this and try out cloth diapering.

  804. Amy S says:

    baby on the way and wanting to start my cloth diaper stash early!

  805. Ashley Smith says:

    I’d love to win those as I’m expecting in September! Thank you!

  806. Blake V. says:

    Love the cover!

  807. There is nothing more fun than adding to my cloth stash! Hooray for giveaways!!

  808. Bella Rose says:

    I could definitely use another wetbag, and I really want to try covers and prefolds.

  809. Christina C says:

    Great giveaway! I could REALLY use this wetbag!

  810. Andrea says:

    I love cloth diapering! I’m always eager to try something new!

  811. Kathryn says:

    Cloth Diapers are awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  812. Emily says:

    Love it!

  813. Bobbi Kilbarger says:

    Love your wet bag uses examples, lol!

  814. Lily Ivey says:

    That cover looks great! Would love to try it. I love prefolds and have been able to snappi on baby until now when she’s just too wiggly to stay put. I think I need to move on to the trifold method.

  815. Katie B says:

    Long time listener, first time caller. I’d love to win this set ๐Ÿ™‚

  816. Christine Fox says:

    Love the cloth diapers just don’t have enough to do them all the time right now and my poor babies bottom suffers from it

  817. Becca says:

    Oooh, the wetbag looks so useful, and some prefolds too – they’re good for multiple uses!

  818. Franca says:

    who doesn’t need another cloth diaper for the collection?

  819. Corrie says:

    Pick me!

  820. Shelly says:

    I would LOVE to try Cloth diapers with our new baby (due at the end of August).

  821. Jennifer Cipollone says:

    I’d love to win!!!!

  822. Miranda Uhl says:

    I would love to win this! I’ve been wanting to try a new cover lately. =)

  823. Suzie says:

    I’d love to help my expecting sister with her cloth diaper stash!

  824. Claire says:

    We are going to use cloth diapers for our next babe. Would love to win this set!

  825. Tracy says:

    What a great giveaway! Pick me!

  826. Alana says:

    I would love to make the switch to cloth – I’m just a bit overwhelmed by it all!

  827. Laurie says:

    due in July – this would be awesome to have!!

  828. Megan says:

    I am due in August and would love to try these.

  829. Jennifer says:

    Ooh, elasticized back flap! Sounds great for a wigglier baby…I may need to get one of those.

  830. Amanda says:

    purty wetbag…

  831. Heather says:

    C’mon random generator, pick me please!

  832. Dan L. says:

    Love an exxtra wetbag! And a few extra dipes. Thanks for the offer for us to win!

  833. Sarah says:

    With a 2 year old and 3 month old both in cloth, covers and wet bags are always needed ๐Ÿ™‚

  834. Michelle says:

    This would be great!

  835. Delora says:

    Always love to try out a new brand I’ve never used before (or even heard of in this case!).

  836. Regan says:

    Oooh! I’m going to cloth my next baby starting in November when he/she is born. I did disposables with my 1st 5 years ago and never thought about doing cloth at all, even when we had multiple bum problems. I’m just barely starting a stash, so this would be awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

  837. JeanBean says:

    I don’t win these things, so I usually don’t post replies. But these cloth diaper & cover look great! Besides, it’s my birthday, so I may get lucky? I have a 6 weeks old baby, and I could see both my baby & I loving this. Thank you for offering this giveaway!

  838. Sarah L. says:

    *raises hand wildly* Me! Me! Me! I would love to win this!

  839. Holly says:

    I’m pregnant and starting my stash from scratch! This would be the perfect start to it!

  840. Shannon says:

    This looks like a great set!

  841. Becky says:

    Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

  842. Jen S says:

    yay! Cloth diapers!

  843. Kasi Erwin says:

    I would LOVE to try cloth diapering, but am a little scared. This would be a great way to try it out. Make a believer out of me!

  844. Sheri says:

    Love cloth, could use a few more!

  845. Jessica G says:

    me please ๐Ÿ™‚

  846. Colleen says:

    I love your blog. No, really, I do.
    I figured what the hell, I’ll enter even though I don’t use cloth with my little girl and my little boy will (hopefully) soon be out of diapers. I’m up for trying something new. Cloth may be cool, who knows!

  847. Christy says:

    Excellent! I could very much use each and every one of these items ๐Ÿ™‚

  848. Ashley Watson-Fears says:

    Hope I’m not to late to enter!

  849. Linnea says:

    Love our fluff, would love some more!

  850. Lorna Miller says:

    Those wetbags are sooooo cute!

  851. Randie Sanders says:

    We have a new little one coming in June would love this!!