Interview Your Kids, Part Two

Remember Interview Your Kids, Part One? The one where we asked our kids questions about us? (The comments were hilarious, by the way.)

This is slightly different and sorta the same…

I’ve interviewed my kids about themselves at least once per year.

Of all the things I’ve written about them, these interviews are my favorite things to go back and read. Each one is a direct portal into who they were at that moment in time on that particular day. Their answers will likely never be the same again. (And of course if some are the same years later…won’t that be super interesting too? Like if their three-year-old self actually does predict their profession?)


The first time I “interviewed” Crappy Boy he was two years, eight months old.

Here are a few of the best:




(I noticed that later that same day I jotted down the swearing story about the peas being too hot that wound up in my book. He was particularly, um, wise that day.)

I interviewed him again a year later when he was three:


And again when he was four:


See the contrast and how freakily fast they grow? Goodbye whimsical answers and hello seriousness.

It usually goes pretty well (kids LOVE to talk about themselves) but even when they aren’t interested or it doesn’t go smoothly, it is still worth doing.

Like my first interview attempt with Crappy Baby when he was two:


And again a few months later…


He then answered every question with “poop” including what the meaning of life is and what he wants to be when he grows up.

So now it is your turn. Interview your kids. Do it!

I don’t care how you do it (write it down, audio recording, video) just do it!

PS – I’m not telling you to do this in a know-it-all advice way. This is purely selfish, people. It is because I’m hoping some of you will share an answer or two in the comments again. Okay, and it really is a cool thing to look back on.

Some question ideas:

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • What brings you the most happiness?
  • When do you feel the most loved?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
  • What is the funniest word?
  • What is the hardest/easiest thing to do?
  • What is the best/worst thing in the world?
  • What makes you mad?
  • What is the meaning of love?
  • If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?

Have fun!

Giveaway: One winner will be chosen at random to select any in-stock item from the Crappy Shop! Or a copy of my book! Winner can pick. ย  ย ย 

To enter, comment below! (It doesn’t have to be a question/answer comment, although those would be more fun. Worldwide.) Ends Monday – June 24, 2013. Winner will be emailed.

Congrats to Carrie W!

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528 Responses to Interview Your Kids, Part Two

  1. Rose D. says:

    I don’t have kids, but I think I will have my sister do this with hers once they start talking!

  2. Laura says:

    Just kidding.

  3. Oh nuts, I just tucked my boys into bed. I will do this tomorrow, what a fun and sweet idea.

    • Melissa says:

      I can’t wait to hear what your boys say, Robin!

      Great idea, Amber. Though I think I might wait a few months to do my first one as Little Man is only 19 months and is currently playing an endless game of “Repeater”.

  4. 12tequilas says:

    This isn’t an interview, but it is on the topic of “stuff kids say.”

    I was explaining to my son, who I think was 5 or 6, about how we didn’t have mobile phones when I was his age. He then asked me if we had grocery stores and money.

    • Arketekchic says:

      I was explaining something similar to my daughter a couple weeks ago and she asked me if we had color TV :-/ I suddenly felt ancient, lol.

      • Chakolate says:

        *You* feel ancient? I remember back before there were color TVs.

      • Bethany says:

        I remember one of my younger siblings asking my mom if a story she was sharing occurred “before there was color”. They really thought that the world was black and white at one time.

        • Fenny says:

          10 years ago, I went back and did a course at our local FE (community) college. I recognised one of the lecturers and realised we had been at junior school together more than 25 years before. I took in one of our old class photos to show him.

          There was only one lad on our course who was 16, the rest were 20 or older (much older in my case). He asked what the photo was and I explained Mike and I had been at school together. He looked again and said “did they have colour photos in those days?”.

    • AmIReallyAnAdult? says:

      I had to explain to my oldest son what a cassette tape was. He found one and looked at it as if he’d lose his mind! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Eva says:

        We’re actually going to get a cassette recorder for my girls third birthday – I feel tapes are a lot easier to handle for kids, and she can record her own stories herself (we had a lot of fun recording ourselves when Ibwas little!)
        I do realize those recorders are hard to get nowadays though ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • Kate B. says:

          True, true! Mother-in-Law had saved up the cassettes of the Swiss Kasperlitheater stories (The ones where Jรถrg Schneider, Ines Torelli, and Paul Bรผhlmann do the voices. I would offer links, but found only German ones.)
          They are just darling little radio dramas, and now my 5 & 2 year olds can listen to them too. The older one understands the buttons (triangle for go, box for stop, red circle is no-no, etc.) and enjoys the independence. I enjoy that they last about as long as it takes me to prep lunch undisturbed.
          We made an international move at one point in our past, and my old cassette recorder was one of the things that stayed in the old land. It took us many wanderings through 2nd-hand houses here to find a worthy replacement, because the Hi-Fi & home electronics store employees needed an explanation as to what this ‘cassette recorder’ thing should be. Buying new was out of the question.
          For relativity, I was only born in ’82! Explaining what a tape deck is to 9 out of 10 store employees made me want to go look in the mirror to see exactly how old I am again.
          Thank God I didn’t have to try explaining records & turntables or my 8-track. Or my husband his C-64, Amiga, or Atari…we probably would have been treated as time travelers.

          (PS: For every link you have to click in this comment to find out what I meant, you loose an 80s Kid Point. Who gets the best score?)

    • Devan says:

      Unrelated, but it made me think of it. An older friend of mine was talking about roller skating when she was little and I shockingly asked “THEY HAD INVENTED THE WHEEL WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE?????” She was not amused. (ok yes she was, we are really close.)

  5. nicole says:

    My 3 yr old answered every question with “i dont know” and my 18 month old said mama for each one except for telling me the cat is his favorite thing.

  6. What are you afraid of: “Monsters and dinosaurs. Mostly big monsters and big dinosaurs.”
    “I’d wish for a cupcake!”
    -3.5 year old.

    • Nicole Heumann says:

      Well of course, because small monsters and small dinosaurs just aren’t scary! Lol

  7. I did this with my kids yesterday and noticed that my 3 year old daughter gave the most fantastical, impulsive responses whereas my 7 year old son was very concerned about “giving the right answer” – still loved hearing all their answers.

    I blogged about it here :

  8. Cรฉline says:

    My daughter is too young to answer any of these questions but if she could talk, she would say that “Papa and Judy (the daycare lady) bring her the most happiness in life”. Sigh, maybe someday i’ll be cool enough for her.

    • HokieKate says:

      I was really jealous that my daughter liked the daycare ladies and my husband better than me, especially when she was around a year old. She had a couple dozen words in her vocabulary before she said “mama”, but “dada” was an early word. Then she started saying “mama” at around 20 months and now, at nearly two, clings to me more than I’d like sometimes. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Try to remind yourself how great it is that you’ve found a loving place for your daughter to spend her days. It’s hard.

    • foxgarden says:

      My older daughter would cry and say she wanted to go home with the nanny some days. My younger one called both of us “Mama” with parts of our names to distinguish us. (On the other hand, by that time the nanny had a boy of her own, who also called me “Mama”.) They still love their now-former nanny and it makes me feel wonderful that they have one more adult in their life who loves them.

      Truly, it takes nothing away from what your child will feel for you, their own mom. And since nobody makes it through this world safely with only one protector, every extra heart that holds them is a blessing.

    • Lindsey says:

      I just saw a picture of my almost 5-mo asleep in her nanny’s arms and had a tinge of “oh my goodness, that should be me, *I’m* her mom” because that is only natural (at least, that’s what I’m telling myself). Of course it is only natural. But then I think how lucky we are that we have such an amazing nanny who I trust completely and can see that my LO is happy with too. That is the important thing. And how I’m a better mom because I work and get to exercise more parts of my brain because *for me*, being a SAHM would drive me crazy, much as I love her and wanted her and hard as I worked to get her (she’s an IVF baby).

      Totally agree with foxgarden too on having more hearts that love them.

      But I’m with you on how hard it is. I saw that picture just minutes ago and for a second worried that she might love the nanny more than me.

      • Starla B says:

        Oh my gosh, some times I feel the same way. Our nanny Wed-Fri is one of our really good friends, and Bear’s godmother. She loves him so much, which is great, but sometimes when I get home and she hangs around for a bit, I feel like “ok, go home now, this is MY time.” Then I feel bad. I also have moments when I’m scared bear loves her more than me. I get over it though, and just keep reminding him that I’M the mama. =D

    • Jimin says:

      Sometimes I wish my kids (almost 5, 3 YO boy/girl twins) would like my hubby more than me. I could get some rest then. I have to do everything for them right now and it is starting to suck big time.

  9. sally says:

    thank you for this list. I have to get on it. for the first one I may be too late. he’s 5 now.
    but I do have one example (memorized) of the way a 2 year old’s brain works.

    “How did you sleep?”
    kid: “In jammies”

  10. Denise says:

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    (From my four year old)

  11. Shelli says:

    What a fun idea! I’ll interview my 2.5 year old.

  12. I still get a lot of jibberish, so when I ask a question, I usually have no idea what the answer actually is. Unless someone can decipher “bzzberbelru”. I know it’s a word, because he can give me the same sounds over and over, and he even thinks in between to figure out how to say it better. “ummmm…..bzzberbelru”

    • Cassie says:

      What was the question?

    • Michelle says:

      My son was like this for a couple months. He is still hard to understand, and I feel awful, because he loves to talk to us. I wind up asking a lot of questions (what color is it? where?) so I don’t have to keep asking him to repeat himself. And sometimes I just give up and pretend I understood.

  13. Crystal says:

    What a great idea. I’m going to interview my 5 year old tonight!

  14. Angie says:

    I used to teach preschool and on my 25th birthday, my co-teacher asked the kids how old I was. This is always great to ask little ones. Answers were 16, 21, 45, etc. But my favorite was “Um, 64…no, 63.” Close.

    • Arketekchic says:

      My son’s 4th birthday was last Monday and I got him a shirt that said “It’s fun to be 4!” My husband went in his room and was like wow buddy I love your shirt, he said that he did too because it was his favorite color, green, my husband said his favorite color was green too, my son exclaims “Do you have a shirt that says it’s fun to be, ummm, uhhh” My husband says “37?” My son’s eyes got huge and he said “Woah!” Haha.

    • Kari says:

      That question is a not so fun one to ask high school students. You would think they’d be better at judging a person’s age. But instead they guess that you’re closer to 40 when you’re still under 30.

      • Abby says:

        Super fun to ask middle school kids though! I asked my 6th graders last year (I was 27) and some of them were trying to do the math based on details they already knew about my life and 1 kid figured it out correctly. Another one immediately piped up that I couldn’t be 27 because his mom was 27 and I was nothing like her! (I then wanted to cry at the thought of having a 12 year old at my age…)

  15. Susie says:

    I tried all your suggested questions and a couple of my own with my kids, won’t put them all here though. R is 9 and C is 5, R basically didn’t want to answer anything but got a few from her sister, and there was a hint of Minecraft to a few of the answers…

    What is the meaning of life?
    C: We are alive because we didn’t see any mobs or monsters

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    R: An artist
    C: A farmer

    What are you afraid of?
    R: Barrels and squids
    C: Seeing monsters in Minecraft.

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    R: An awesome life.
    C: A slide for my invisible horses.

    What is the funniest word?
    R: Awesomeness-ness-ness-ness.
    C: Gangnam Style.

    What makes you sad or angry?
    R: Me getting hurt.
    C: If someone kills my invisible ghost.

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    R: Give half of it to my family and I would buy stuff for my family. And one thing for myself. Something that I like.
    C: Buy animals.

    And my personal favourite…

    What makes you happy?
    R: Mummy
    C: My sister!


    • amber says:


    • Oh, I love the invisible ghost one! There was a long time my boys would have answered “When someone steals my invisible hotdog” to that question (thank goodness that time has passed!) because it used to be that every time we got in the car the fights would start over who had stolen whose invisible hotdog.

      • Margaret says:

        Ohmy! That is hilarious to an outsider, but must be frustrating to break up a fight over an invisible hot dog! No kids for me yet, and every day I’m more and more convinced that if I do procreate, it will be only once, lol!

  16. Sonia says:

    In response to “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
    2.75 yr old says, “Look Mommy, I made a triangle!” (with a straw)

  17. Jeanette says:

    I asked my 3.5 year old daughter what she wants to be when she grew up.
    Her response: A human!
    This was so much fun, I loved hearing all of her answers.

  18. Lori Fillmore says:

    Me: What is the hardest thing to do?
    3-year old daughter: Buckle in to a kite!

  19. Charlotte says:

    I started doing this on our sons 3rd birthday – I think I was inspired by Pinterest…but I totally agree it was so much fun and I can’t wait to do it again next year. Poop is a popular answer, I believe that was his answer to “what is your least favorite food”, even though as far as I’m aware he has never actually eaten poop, but I’d say it’s a pretty safe answer.

  20. Jennifer McBride says:

    My son’s response to “What makes you mad?”:

    The remote.

    haahaa. me too son!
    (he’s three years old)

    He also told me one day after I had mentioned we were going to have chili dogs for dinner …”no chili dogs, chili cats!” I died laughing!

  21. Vanessa Boren says:

    I used to interview my daughter when she was younger, but the questions were silly ones. Like who is the Easter bunny and things like that.
    By the way, my kids are referred to, and answer to, The Girl and The Boy.

    • Erica says:

      My eldest, when she was the only, used to be referred to and know it too, as ‘The Girl’, problem now is we have 2 girls… so you get the big girl, but she’s only 5, and that get’s you into trouble when you say “you’re such a big girl” to the 4 month old… so now she gets “the medium sized girl” :)… she likes it .. apparently *I* am the big girl.. LOL

      • Amelia says:

        At our house, daddy is Big Honey, I am Medium Honey, 3-year-old is Big Pumpkin, baby is Small Pumpkin. This is all according to the 3-year-old, mind you.

    • David says:

      I’ve call mine ‘My favourite daughter’ and ‘My favourite son’ which they challenge on the basis of them being my only daughter and son. I like to think it still makes them feel a bit special.

      • Sara says:

        You bet it does! I never get tired of my Dad saying I’m his favourite (and only) daughter, and I am 30! LOL

  22. Melinda Pajak says:

    The only thing I can think of is when my son asked me an interesting question. He asked me what kind of car does God drive when he was about 3 or 4 years old. I said I didn’t know and I asked him what kind of car he thought God drives. He said, without missing a beat, “A Mini-Cooper.” Very cute!

  23. Amy says:

    I think the answers will be interesting… Trying it tonight!

  24. Ash J says:

    The interview idea is really good. Going to have to try it ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Sandi O says:

    Crappy kids rule!

  26. olivia says:

    I asked my 3.5 year old: What is the easiest thing to do?
    He said, “Sticking metals to the wall.” He clarified that it was indeed, METALS and not MEDALS, and that it was the WALL and not the FRIDGE. Weird!

  27. Charity says:

    I haven’t done this yet, but I will tell you another story. While trying to get D down for a nap while in the hotel at the beach she was rolling near the edge of the bed. “Be careful” I kept saying and other things like “It’s naptime, honey.” While I was nursing the baby, she rolled off the bed and scraped her tummy on the nightstand. After finding out if she was ok, I went throught the whole… “That’s why we don’t roll near the edge” talk.
    I pressed on her tummy and asked if it was sore.
    She looked at me very curiously and asked in her serious voice, “Saur like a dinosaur?”
    It took me a while to stop laughing from that one.

  28. Ami L says:

    I just asked my 2.5 year old “what is the meaning of life?”… his answer: “cake”. Truer words were never spoken.

  29. Kelly C says:

    My daughter is 9 months so she’s a bit too young for this. But I look forward to doing it with her in the future.

  30. Laura says:

    Oh yes, poop… chanted like a mantra, woven into every song, the new name of many things, including me sometimes – at least he says it cheerily! My 2 3/4 y.o. son knows of what Crappy Baby spoke!

  31. Tiffany says:

    I think I know what this afternoon’s activity will be!

    In the meantime, just an amusing anecdote:
    My stepson is 6, almost 7 (holy cow, when’s he get so old?!). Yesterday, he was attempting to tell me something that he did before I met him and his dad (actually, it was well after we’d met, and I was there for this particular memory). Instead, he began the story with “Back when you didn’t exist…”

    All these comments about their kids thinking that parents only exist for their kids… well, mine outright said I didn’t exist before he met me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. amy says:

    Q: What is the meaning of life?
    A: Because we want to be friends, so you don’t be sad.
    I had to explain what “the meaning of life” means (i.e. why are we here, what are we alive for). I think he nailed it.

    Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: The Doctor.
    Not a medical doctor. A time-traveling British timelord with a blue box that’s bigger on the inside. I’m so proud right now. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Q: What brings you the most happiness?
    A: Having my privileges back.
    He lost his privileges (toys and screen time) last night because he wouldn’t clean up when he was told to. I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe right now.

    Q: What’s the worst thing in the world?
    A: Poop!
    Q: Poop?
    A: Yeah. It’s the most awful thing in the world. I never eat it.
    Fair enough.

    Q: If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy?
    A: ALL THE LEGOS!!!!!!
    Then he spent the next five straight minutes describing the different sets he would buy. I’ll spare you.

    • amber says:

      Of COURSE it is the doctor in the blue box! I never would assume the medical version. lol!

    • Bethany says:

      Love it! I too would be proud.

    • Rebecca says:

      When my 9-month old can talk, I hope he wants to be The Doctor.

    • Cassandra says:

      I can’t wait to introduce my son to The Doctor. Right now it’s my husband and my alone time in the evenings. Comes on TV super late here.

    • Heather says:

      that is so awesome….. I want to ride with The Doctor…

    • Starla B says:

      The Doctor. Best answer ever. My little 6 mo old loves the doctor…but I think he’d rather be a dalek. He gets REALLY excited when they come on the screen.

    • Anna W says:

      You know I heard an interview with David Tennant once where he said that as a child he wanted to be The Doctor when he grew up, when he got a little older and realized becoming a time traveling alien probably wasn’t possible he decided being an actor and playing The Doctor would be the next best thing. It worked out well for him. Maybe little “A” will be The Doctor in another 20-30 years.

  33. Erica says:

    My favourite ever response to a question like this:
    Me: What do you want to be when you grow up honey?
    Miss 4: one of those ladies at the shop
    Me: …. uh… a checkout chick
    Miss 4:… *in awe* yeah a checkout stick, do i need to go to school for that?

    At least now we’re back to the astronaut/ballet dancer/doctor/vet/checkout chick.. had to encourage her for a while to aim a little higher!

    • Sandra says:

      Haha, this was a similar response to what I had given my grandfather when I was really young. He has asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I had told him, “a lady at the supermarket (cashier lady) because they receive so much money all day”. He too then explained to me that it was not all their money to keep, and encouraged me to aim a little higher. Lol

  34. Emily S says:

    My 7 yo girl is afraid of going away to college because she doesn’t want to leave behind her baby sister currently 7 mo.

  35. Callie says:

    I’m so doing this today. Thanks for the idea!

  36. Joelle says:

    My little guy just turned one and is obsessed with lights. So I’m pretty sure he’d answer every question with “Yight!”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. Kay says:

    Love this! Wish someone had thought of this for me and my siblings ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. NSmeds says:

    Ill go ask my 4 year old some of these questions, she has been very curious lately about my childhood. It will be nice to see what answers she comes up with!

  39. chelsea says:

    What is the funniest word?
    ah….I don’t know any words that are funny
    My 4 year old’s answers
    What is the best thing in the world?
    I don’t know anything that is the best thing in the world.
    What makes you mad?
    I don’t know.
    What is the meaning of love?
    I don’t KNOW!
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    I don’t know

    My 6 year old:
    What is the funniest word?
    Ummmm, I don’t know
    What is the best thing in the world?
    The Fantastic 4
    What makes you mad?
    When Patric fight me.
    I don’t know.
    What is the meaning of love?
    Don’t know
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    don’t know

    Apparently cartoons are more important then being interviewed…..

  40. JIll says:

    My 10 month old will get into little “rants” of saying Mamma, Mamma, Mamma…Needless to say I choose this time to interview him….

    โ€ขWhat is the meaning of life?
    โ€ขWhat do you want to be when you grow up?
    โ€ขWhat brings you the most happiness?
    โ€ขWhen do you feel the most loved?
    โ€ขโ€ขIf you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    โ€ขWhat is the funniest word?
    โ€ขWhat is the meaning of love?
    โ€ขIf you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?

    *Sigh…I love how much he loves me right now…(even if I did cheat a little bit….)

    • Molly says:

      My 1 year old just did the same thing, while smiling and waving his arms with glee. Isn’t it awesome being a goddess?

  41. AMANDA says:

    Oooh I HAVE to do this when my little one is old enough to talk/answer questions – right now she is only 2 weeks old. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  42. Preshus Me says:

    This is a great idea! I think I’m going to try video taping my 4yo’s answers, and doing it every year. Sweet!

  43. Beth h says:

    what do you want to be when you get big?

    5 yo – a teenager
    4 yo – a teenager

    What is your favorite thing in the whole wide world?

    4 yo- a butterfly, wait I want to be a butterfly when I get big!!
    5 yo – a giraffe

  44. Alicia says:

    We do this for their school journals. I’m slacking this year tho.

  45. Monique says:

    I have to try this with my 2 year old!

  46. Maria says:

    Every year I make a Shutterfly album for my daughter. Last year I asked her 20 questions and I am using the same questions this year. Even from 2 years old to 3 years old I’m shocked at how much her answers have changed (and how many have stayed the same).

  47. Angie says:

    This is a great idea! I did something like this for Father’s Day. I asked my son questions about Daddy and made a magnet with a photo of my husband and son and the questions and answers.

  48. MamaJenDSP says:

    i overheard this from my 5 y.o. son talking to a little girl on the playground. she asked how old he was & he replied “5”. She then asked when he turned 5 & he said (serious as can be) “on my birthday”… my mom & i almost peed ourselves!!! the girl was dumbfounded & unsure where to go from there ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Claudia says:

      My son, who was 4 at the time, was asked by a family friend when he would be 5. Without a pause he said ” when I’m done being 4″.

  49. Nicole says:

    Charlie if you had a million dollars what would buy?

    Age 3
    A toy. A really cool toy

  50. Laura says:


  51. Lauren says:

    So far , my two year old daughter is replying “Yoghurt” to every question ..apart from ” what’s the best thing in the world?” Which she decided was ” A Cow “

  52. Jennifer Wodos says:

    I asked my 3 1/2 Half year old, what he would like to be when he grows up, and he answered with “Ice Cream Man, so I can eat all the ice cream.

  53. Bethany says:

    My daughter just turned two so I don’t think she’d understand most the questions. I have asked her what she wants to be when she grows up a few times. Her first answer was “pilot” because that’s what Daddy is and the only profession she knows. Yesterday, she tons me “a queen” while playing beautiful princess (she also said I was a beautiful princess, so bonus points there) and later that night she said she would be Piglet when she grew up.

  54. Brenda says:

    I can see this being a fun yearly birthday tradition!

  55. Irene says:

    great list of questions.. can’t wait for my daughter to speak (or can I?)

  56. Summer says:

    I’m definitely going to do the interview with my 2 and 4 1/2 year old. Though they say crazy things, they can also say the best things and turn even the WORST day around. I had a particularly bad day on Tuesday, got home from work and the first thing the 2 year old wanted was for me to take him to the potty, bending down in the bathroom (still in work clothes *blech*) helping him get up on the potty he grabbed my face, looked me straight in the eyes and said “Mama, you pretty.” *heart melted, day better*

  57. Elisha says:

    Such awesome blackmail material. Oh the possibilities!
    I can’t wait till my little guy is old enough to begin these!

  58. Sara says:

    I tried to ask my girl some of these questions just now, but she’s a little focused on beauty and beast and cheering up the woods. But what woods couldn’t use a bit of cheer.

  59. Sarah says:

    My friend to my then 3yo son B: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
    B looked at her like she was an idiot for a few seconds and then responded sarcastically, “A grown up.”

  60. Maren says:

    My kid hates answering questions about himself apparently, but I’d love to win something from the shop!

  61. Phoenix says:

    Me: Sophie, what is the meaning of life?
    Sophie: Mamamamamama.
    Me: Thanks, Sweetie. ๐Ÿ™‚ What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Sophie: Bah-bo! (Bubble)

  62. Vicki says:

    I made a video of my 7 year old…she had some nice answers. Will upload it in a bit.

    My 2 year old? Refused to participate after question number one…

    Mommy: “Whats the meaning of life?”
    2 year old: “ME!”

    Yep. sounds about right.

  63. Ashley says:

    My son just turned 4
    meaning of life: I just don’t know that one
    What makes you happy: animals
    What do you want be when you grow up: a dad – ahhhh, cute right?
    What word do you think is silly: Silly – ahhhh, pretty like his dad

  64. Joee Stephan says:

    I interviews my 2 and 4 year old… a few highlights…

    2 year old:

    What do you want to be when you grow up? A Pterodactyls!
    What makes you Mad?: Chewy ( 4 year old brother)

    4 year old:

    If you had all the money in the world what would you do? SPEND IT!
    What makes you mad? Poodle (2 year old brother)

    This was hilarious! thanks for the suggestion!

  65. Cris says:

    4 yo
    I be a barista. I’ll make you and nanni lattes whenever you want.

    Love my girl (and my coffee)

  66. Tiffany G. says:

    I asked my 3.5 year old a couple of weeks ago what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said “a seaweed monster.”

  67. Casey says:

    My 3yo’s answer to what she wants to be when she grows up: a farmer. Why? “I could do what farmers do!” Well, true…

  68. Mo says:

    I asked my 5 year old and to the first he said, “I can’t think right now” the 2nd “A remote control race car” and the 3rd “a robotics engineer”

  69. AKD says:

    We were reading a Richard Scarry book the other day and came to the page that ask “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My 3-year-old son answered, “A person,” which makes a lot of sense considering all the characters in Richard Scarry books are animals dressed as people.

  70. Eat Already! says:

    This is a great idea. We do ask our kid questions now and then, but it was never in an organized way. This is awesome. I am so trying this.

  71. Stephanie says:

    I’m now adding this to my list projects to do with my boys! This will be hilarious…!

  72. Joelle says:

    Me: “Where do I live?”
    My students: “At the Log Cabin!”

    Correction: I WORK at the Log Cabin (yes, the daycare facility I coordinate is actually IN a real Log Cabin). Sometimes I take naps on the story time pillows and make meals out of fruit snacks…and as much as I feel like it, I sadly don’t live at the Log Cabin.

  73. Lindsay says:

    Oh I have to do this with my three! Hilarious!!

  74. Jill R. says:

    I asked my 8yo daughter, “If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?” First she looked taken aback, and then intrigued, and then came a long, drawn-out “Ummmmmmm…” I figured something really great was coming, and then she says the most predictable answer in the world: “Buy a mansion!”

  75. Robin says:

    I am totally going to interview my kids!

  76. Bethany says:

    Oh and a random little boy at the park the other day (5ish) told me he was going to be a grown up and then he could turn into a big speedboat. I guess he’s going to he a transformer when he grows up.

  77. Shir kaduri says:

    Me- “Noah, what’s the meaning of life?”
    Noah (2)- *says in serious voice* “dada” …and then proceeds to turn around and take a bite of food.

  78. Karin says:

    I do an interview on my kids’ birthdays each year. My son turned three in April and he also wants to be a pumpkin when he grows up. I bet he and Crappy Baby would be good friends!

  79. Amy says:

    My 8y old says she wants to be a missionary, doctor, farmer, scientist, & president! :O We homeschool…oh, the pressure!

  80. Loni Gofran says:

    My 2 and a half year old wasn’t feeling overly cooperative. I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He didn’t even hesitate. “a O!” (yes, as in the letter). He then proceeded to ignore the rest of my questions in favor of the bowl of oatmeal I made him 5 hours ago and forgot to take care of (Um…oops..). I haven’t informed him that with his father’s skinny genes, he’s much more likely to be an “I” than an “O” when he grows up ๐Ÿ˜›

  81. Cherish says:

    “What makes you feel angry?”
    “When you don’t actually let me ride on a real unicorn.”

    …I have never forbidden her from riding on a unicorn. Make no mistake, if we ever saw a real unicorn, I would totally let her ride the shit out of it.

  82. Crystal says:

    This is such a great idea!

    Interviewing my 3 year old daughter-

    Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: A sous chef.

    Q: What is the meaning of life?
    A: My movie.
    (I think she’s talking about the movies I have made with pictures and videos of her from birthday to birthday. I just finished making the from 2-3 video, and yesterday she wanted to watch the video from birth to 1st birthday. I might start doing a little interview like this and add it into the movies)

    Q: If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    A: I’d give it to people.

    Q: What are you afraid of?
    A: Afraid of…about… my snakes!
    (I don’t think so, she likes her toy snakes and loves to go look at the snakes when we’re at the zoo.)

  83. Robie says:

    The other day my 3 year old and me where at a party and a clown asked a bunch of kids (her age) where do they live, most of them just stared at him and said nothing, others said things like “kindergarden”, and my kid said “I live at my house, DUH!”

  84. Angela H. says:

    Every answer would be “go” “vroom” or “yeah yeah” right now, she can say a bit more but chooses not to and at a year old I can’t do much about that ๐Ÿ™‚

  85. Kami says:

    Love the pictures of Crappy Boy growing up!

    Ok, I’m doing this tonight as our bedtime snuggle conversation. I always look forward to that time of day anyway, but I can’t wait for his hysterical answers. I’m going to ask him the same thing that I asked about me.

  86. Megan says:

    I read this while on webcam with my sister and 3 year old nephew. Some winners:
    What is the meaning of life? Trees.
    What does he want to be when he grows up? Big, so he can walk down the road by himself.
    What would he wish for? Another birthday cake. (his birthday was in march)
    What are you afraid of? Big dinosaurs.
    What is the meaning of love? *an extremely drawn out description of flying trucks and cars on hills*
    If you had all the money what would you do with it? Buy chickens…and cereal.

  87. Angela Medina says:

    I wish I’d done this when my kids were little. I’d love to compare their responses over time!

  88. Jackie says:

    I do an interview with my son on his birthday. I started last year when he was 4 and asked the same questions this year.
    Last year: How old is Daddy? A: Late, late twenties.
    This year: How old is Daddy? A: Late, late, late twenties.
    I love hearing the answers and comparing them.
    (we are not in our twenties, I think I will teach him mid-thirties)

  89. Jodie says:

    My three year old is obsessed with his wee wee right now, so I’m predicting that will be his answer to most of these questions. He may surprise me though! Thanks for the question ideas, can’t wait to do this with my boys (2 and 3).

  90. Colleen says:

    I asked my son what the meaning of life was – he said “No”. I’m not surprised, it’s all we say/hear these days….

  91. Amanda Reed says:

    I have 3 daughters, ages almost-7!!!, only-10-stupid-years-old-can’t-do-anything, and 12-nearly-a-teenager-can-I-drive-your-car? . I’ll have to ask them all these questions.

  92. Catherine Foster says:

    To my 5 yr old son((did the full interview, here is his top 3 funniest/interesting answers))
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    his answer:::what’s the easiest thing to do?
    Funniest word?
    his answer:::the pig is happy in the head!!!!
    What’s the worst thing in the world?
    not having love or family, like a broken heart.

    To my 7 yr old daughter((did the full interview, here are her top 3 funniest/most interesting answers))
    Funniest word?
    her answer:::funkity noodle
    Hardest thing to do?
    her answer:::subtracting money!
    Worst thing in the world?
    her answer:::a zombie apocalypse

  93. Christina says:

    My 11-month-old answers every question today with “mama” “dee dee dee da” or “dada”. Oh, of course, there’s always “om nom nom” (which, believe it or not, was his first words) in response to me asking if he wanted peas during lunchtime. ๐Ÿ™‚

  94. foxgarden says:

    I interview my kids pretty often, but usually very specific questions about their favorite games, books, and foods.

    I did start asking them “What do you hate the most”, which usually is either “broken bones” or “when you leave”.

    What they would wish for right now is “A unicorn” for both the 3-year-old and the 6-year-old. They wish for that every time I give them a penny for a fountain.

  95. Meredith says:

    I JUST did interviews with my girls on my blog, but your questions are so much better! I found a random list on pinterest and it was mostly about favorite stuff. That was cute too but I’ll be adding these next time!

  96. Maggie M says:

    My son’s daycare does this often. He just did a fathers day one and when asked what Daddy is best at, he answered, “loving my mommy” . It may not be funny, but super sweet , and made daddy tear up a little.

  97. Des says:

    My five y/o was talking about birds. His favorite? “A honey bird, mom! They eat honey from the flowers!” A what? Ohhh a HUMMINGBIRD! Ahaha it was so cute!

  98. Julie says:

    I do a Shutterfly photobook of my daughter every year, this would be a great addition to the last page of the book. I’ll do this every year on her birthday (or pretty close thereof) and keep it going. Great idea, love it!

  99. Ami says:

    Ooh, fun! In part1, I learned that I am 7 years old, and I like to eat leftovers. Can’t wait to go home and try this one!

  100. Sarah says:

    I asked my 4 year old son what he wanted to be when he grows up. His answer melted my heart a little “I want to do the work that daddy does.” Once he figures out what market research is, I bet his answer will change! I also asked me if he had a lot of money, what would he buy and his answer – “candy and branches.” Ok.

  101. Erin says:

    i asked my kids what the meaning of life is and this is what i got:

    4 year old: kicking walls
    2 year old: deke. (???) birds.

  102. Monica says:

    My favorite answer was when I ask my 4 year old “what brings you the most happiness?” And she said, “chocolate.” Good answer ๐Ÿ™‚

  103. Meghan Drew says:

    My 4.25 year old Son’s Answers!

    What is the meaning of life?
    – Life is hard and love
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    – I want to play Mario when I grow up, with Mommy and Daddy.
    What brings you the most happiness?
    – New Jammies
    When do you feel the most loved?
    – At eight oโ€™clock
    What are you afraid of?
    – A bump on the slide.
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    – A new happy face
    What is the funniest word?
    – Ahpa
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do?
    – Hard – to get up Easy – Play Mario
    What is the best/worst thing in the world?
    – Best – Rainbow Worst – Nothing
    What makes you mad?
    – When Ariella bites me (His little sister)
    What is the meaning of love?
    – You really like each-other
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    – Put in in our banks
    If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
    – School

  104. Heidi says:

    My almost 5 year old answered:
    โ€ขWhat is the meaning of life?
    God making us.
    โ€ขWhat do you want to be when you grow up?
    A farmer (???? We’re city people, but reading Farmer Boy right now, maybe that’s why?)
    โ€ขWhat brings you the most happiness?
    Snuggling (he has always been my snuggliest kid – the baby of the family!)
    โ€ขWhen do you feel the most loved?
    You kissing me.
    โ€ขWhat are you afraid of?
    โ€ขIf you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    โ€ขWhat is the funniest word?
    โ€ขWhat is the hardest/easiest thing to do?
    Hardest: Clean up my room; Easiest: Help you pull out the laundry
    โ€ขWhat is the best/worst thing in the world?
    Best: Noah’s (big brother) baby tree; Worst: Jackson (friend’s little brother- didn’t realize he was such a problem!)
    โ€ขWhat makes you mad?
    Noah punching me (understandable)
    โ€ขWhat is the meaning of love?
    Kissing and hugs
    โ€ขIf you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    I would buy something that’s for a hundred dollars!! (said with a wide-eyed smile on his face)

  105. Clare says:

    Q: What brings you the most happiness?
    A: Teddy.

    (Elliot, age 4)

    <3 <3

  106. Rachel s says:

    If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it? ‘Turn it upside down and throw it away’ usually she says she won’t give any to us it’s hers.

  107. Dawn Seeman says:

    โ€ขWhat is the meaning of life? I DONT KNOW.
    โ€ขWhat do you want to be when you grow up? A DOCTOR
    โ€ขWhat brings you the most happiness? WHEN I CUDDLE WITH YOU.
    โ€ขWhen do you feel the most loved? WHEN YOU HUG ME AND KISS ME, AND WHEN YOU READ BOOKS TO ME.
    โ€ขWhat are you afraid of? MONSTERS
    โ€ขIf you had one wish, what would you wish for? FLYING
    โ€ขWhat is the funniest word? BANANAEY AND PEEKA
    โ€ขWhat is the hardest/easiest thing to do? PLAY A GAME THAT IS REALLY REALLY HARD ON MY COMPUTER/PLAY A MERMAID GAME
    โ€ขWhat is the best/worst thing in the world? TO LAY DOWN AND HANG OUT WITH YOU/TO JUST SIT SOMEWHERE AND WATCHING NO TV.
    โ€ขWhat is the meaning of love? A THING YOU CAN DO WITH YOUR MOMMY AND DADDY.
    โ€ขIf you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? USE IT TO BUY A MOVIE CAMERA.

  108. Susan says:

    Me: “If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it?” Sparrow (age 5): “Put it in the piggy bank and save it for something really expensive. (“Like what?”) “Like Play-Doh that you make shapes out of, all sorts of play-doh, and toys”. (I found that one so funny because Play-Doh is one of the least expensive kid item there is!) Starling (age 2): “Money!”

    If you could have one wish what would it be? Sparrow: “That ‘Old McDonalds’ and Wendy’s were close to our house forever, and I could walk there anytime I want”.

    What do you want to be when you grow up โ€“ I canโ€™t decide yet! Oh yes I do know! When I grow up I want to be a mom (her answer used to consistently be a nurse, this is a recent change, for at least a year she has said she does not want to have babies or be a mom ever since an older girl at the playground said that having babies hurts a lot!)

    Happiness โ€“ you and daddy hugging me and putting me to bed

    Hardest thing to do โ€“ to think about what I want to be when I grow up

    Easiest thing in the world โ€“ pick up Starling (little sister) and treat her like a baby because she is a baby, I mean a toddler!

    Best thing in world โ€“ watermelon, and of course cookies, sugar, and all sorts of sweets, except one kind of sweet, apple pudding mixed up with mango with 100 gallons of sugar.

    Worst thing in world โ€“ a humungous skyscraper falling down on you and squishing you. (I asked where she got that idea and she just said her brain told her)

    Funniest word โ€“ Hmmm, let my brain think about it (asks her brain, debates out loud for a while back and forth with her brain) โ€œBurbleโ€ then proceeds to burst out laughing. (What does that mean?) “I don’t know! hee hee hee”

    What’s the meaning of life โ€“ What does that mean? Tell me! You mean what is part of life? Sleep in comfortable bedrooms and in comfortable beds with more room for toys or less room for toys. (I tried to explain and modified it by asking things like why are we here on this earth? What are we meant to do with our lives, etc.) Why are we here? Because there are no aliens on this earth. But WHY are we HERE? Because we moved here. Then she went on to say she wished we lived in a bird house. I asked again What’s the meaning of life? and suggested something like to be happy and kind to others? No. Since on planets they don’t have houses, they just have holes, trees, and a lot of air but actually on planets you don’t have much air. I think she’s missing the point of this question ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Then she told me what question to ask her next: Ask me “do you have a good luck charm?” Her answer: Yes but I lost it. But I found a new one! (What is it?) This bird house (a craft one she decorated at Easter) is a good luck charm โ€“ it gives me good luck where ever I go, if itโ€™s at home.

  109. Rivka says:

    My son is too young to talk so I can’t ask him these questions yet, but what a great idea~!! I can imagine how much it will change every month. It’s a cliche but they really do grow up so fast :'(

  110. Suzie says:

    Can’t wait to get home and ask my 3 year old this list. Although, I think Chocolate Milk will be his answer for most of them!

    • Suzie says:

      So, we did this last night at bed time and I got some great answers. Highlights include:

      What brings him the most happiness: Fireflies
      What is he scared of: Ghosts (this led to a really great conversation about shadows at night in his room and what they really are – aka NOT ghosts.
      What is the hardest thing to do: To turn off the lights
      What ‘s the best thing in the world: “You!”
      What’s the worst thing in the world: “You!”

      HA!! I also recorded his answers so that his dad to hear them. This is really such a sweet idea. thank you!

  111. StephanieH. says:

    My 4 year old daughter:

    What is the best thing in the world? Stars

    Funniest word? Alnananana

    If you were on an island all by yourself, what would you take? Sunscreen

  112. Holly Smith says:

    First of all, a thousand thanks for this idea. We have been home all week, and I needed something new and interesting for all of us. Boy1 is 5; Boy2 is 3.

    What is the hardest thing in the world?
    B1- run on the treadmill
    What is the meaning of love?
    B2-when you tickle me
    If you had all the money in the world what would you do with it?
    B1-save it
    B2-get a rocket ship. And then they would say 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0- Ignition! Blast off! (Insert appropriate rocket ship taking off noises.)

  113. Nicole says:

    I asked my 2.5 yr old:

    What is the meaning of life?
    –Um, Diego

  114. Kelly Jo says:

    My interview with my 4yo daughter Li’l Bit

    Me: LB, can I ask you a couple questions?
    LB: of course!
    Me: What is the meaning of life?
    LB: *shrugs* I don’t know!
    Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    LB: You!
    Me: What brings you the most happiness?
    LB: God
    Me: What are you afraid of?
    LB: Bears
    Me: If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    LB: a myounicorn! (Suppose to be unicorn…)
    Me: What is the funniest word?
    LB: aaaaaaahhhhhhgggggggggg!!! *waving arms and shaking head*
    Me: What is the hardest thing to do?
    LB: Well, you mean….drawing a picture of you. That is the hardest. *pointing at her illustration*
    Me: What is the easiest thing to do?
    LB: To color fast *demonstrates*
    Me: What is the best thing in the whole world?
    LB: Love…and water.
    Me: What is the worst thing in the whole world?
    LB: Well…*farts*…if you bump into a car.
    Me: what makes you mad?
    LB: Bears
    Me: Why bears?
    LB: I am afraid of bears. That’s why.
    Me: If you had all of the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    LB: I’d give it to Mr. Coley. Did I say Mr. Coley? Write his name!

  115. Andrea says:

    I enjoy reading your blog – has me looking forward to all the fun times ahead with my (almost) 6 month old little man …

  116. Annabelle says:

    Interview of my 2.5 year old:

    “What’s the meaning of life?”
    “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
    “What’s your favorite food?”
    “What’s your favorite word?”

  117. NinaN says:

    Just interviewed my 2 years and 8 months old son. I think he may have just been looking at objects in the room and naming them as answers to some of the questions. Although he would fake it by going hmmmmmm, and holding his chin like he was thinking really hard.

    What is the meaning of life? My robot and my dump truck (which just happened to be sitting on the coffee table next to him)

    What do you want to be when you grow up? A pillow (as he looks at the couch)

    What makes you mad? the curtains

    And then he got all philisophical and stuff:
    What makes you happy? My tummy

    What makes you laugh? My mouth makes me laugh

    What would you like to buy at the store? Butter and Jam

    And then I tossed in a couple questions for my own pleasure:

    Who’s your best friend? You are!

    Who do you love? You!

    I so wish I had done this with my girls when they were littler!

  118. Jenn says:

    Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Ellie, 3 and a girl: A daddy!


  119. Emily says:

    I asked my three year old boy “what is the worst thing in the world?”

  120. Jenn says:

    My sister, from a car trip in the 70’s. Mom was talking about how we were going to visit some site of historical significance.

    My sister pipes up: Mom, were you alive when God created the Indians?

    She was about 5, maybe? HILARIOUS.

  121. Charlene says:

    This is such a cute ideas. I asked my almost 3 year old daughter these just now:

    What is the meaning of life?… mommy in the whole world ever

    What do you want to be when you grow up?….. I make monkeys

    What brings you the most happiness?….. my friend Kacey

    When do you feel the most loved?… mummy hugs

    What are you afraid of?…. spider webs

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?….. to go to Kacey’s party

    What is the funniest word?…. bathroom words

    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do?….
    hardest – brush my teeth
    easiest – take off my pants (yup, she loves to be naked)

    What is the best/worst thing in the world?….. Thomas (a 9 year old boy she adores)

    What makes you mad?…. when mommy gets mad

    What is the meaning of love?…. mommy

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?…. buy meow-mees (her word for cats, especially Hello Kitty)

    Can’t wait to ask my 5 year old when he comes home from school

  122. Carrie Z says:

    Here are my favorites from my son who turned 4 yesterday…
    Q: What is the meaning of life?
    A: What are you talking about?
    Repeat question
    A: umm daddy
    Q: most happiness
    A: daddy
    Q: feel most loved
    A: daddy
    Q: what are you afraid of?
    A: skunks, they smell
    Q: if you had 1 wish…
    A: I wish I could be Halloween
    Q: what makes you mad?
    A: when Parker (younger brother) hits me
    Q: what does love mean?
    A: love means when you love something, when you love your friends
    Q: if you had all the money in the world…
    A: I would have all of my toys

  123. becky f says:

    I asked my 4 year old Mackenzie-
    what is the meaning of life? To be happy & kind so that more people can be happy. (Very insightful! )
    what makes you laugh? Feathers
    What is the funniest word? Pinky Stinky underwear!

  124. Callee says:

    According to my almost 2 1/2 year old daughter the funniest word is ribbit (though she says riddit)

  125. Mabel says:

    What is the meaning of life?
    11yo son- To have fun and be social, and to make your dreams come true.
    8yo son- To worship God and to have children.

    Hmm, not what I thought they would say. Fun!

  126. Charlene says:

    oh and worst thing in the world is apparently Mimmi’s hat lol

  127. Margaret says:

    I asked my 3 1/2 year old some of these questions…my favorite was when she answered the question, “What would you wish for?” to which she replied, “Ummm. For mommy and daddy and Tucker (the dog) to have lots of presents.” I asked her what kind of presents, she said, “A car and a baby and a street (??) and a store and dinosaurs and a Christmas tree for my instruments and a road and a real steering wheel for my cars and open doors and chocolate and lollipops and…” she’s actually still talking.

  128. My 6-year old daughter has rumbled you. ‘These are philosophy questions,’ she says as I interview her. ‘ There are no right or wrong answers, right?’

  129. Gillian Vander Vegte says:

    I ask the same questions every year to my girls on their birthdays. I can’t wait until they’re 18 and i have years of answers to look back on. And i think they’ll think it’s cool too.

  130. Cindy says:

    Haven’t done this yet but one of my new years resolutions had been to write down all the funny things my kids say. I currently have 5 pages of comedic GOLD. Last night the kids were singing “the wheels on the bus” and making up new versus. This had me rolling:
    “the daddy on the bus goes der herr herr”
    They couldn’t understand why I was laughing so hard lol

    • Sharon says:

      My kids are teens and I have about a dozen blank books filled with the stuff they did and said!

  131. Allison says:

    2 1/2 year-old’s response: What do you want to be when you grow up? “Be SLOTH”

    and If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? “Tip money over.”

    Right on, sugar pot!

  132. Emily says:

    Can’t wait to do this with my son. I remember when my brother was little (I am a bit older), he wanted to be a t.v. or a caterpillar when he grew up ๐Ÿ™‚

  133. Nicole says:

    I wish I could do this with my son but he’s not even born yet! I will do this when he’s old enough to and make drawings of the interview like you have, Amber.

  134. Jenn says:

    I’d love to ask these questions, but my daughter hates to be grilled. How was your day and what did you do in school today sends her into a panic of “I don’t know. I DON’T KNOW!!!”

  135. Tricia Freeman says:

    This a great idea. I just did it with my 4 year old daughter and she had some great answers. But the best part was in the middle of the interview on camera she turned the tables and asked me if I had any underwear on. I did and that will be very funny to look back on in the future. ๐Ÿ™‚

  136. Tenisha says:

    Cannot wait to interview my son (6mo now). He is already such a ham. What a great idea!

  137. Julia C. says:

    Me to 3 year old (and I have a witness):”what is love?”
    Calleigh:”sometimes true love is too much love. I just want love. Even just a little love.”

  138. Lindsey says:

    My 4.5 year old says she is going to be a superhero when she grows up.

  139. katie says:

    My 1.95 year old (he’ll be 2 in July) responded like this:

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    -uuum ugh…water

    What’s the hardest thing to do in the world?
    -big muscles (He said while showing me his muscles. We talk about Popeye and spinach sometimes.)

  140. Shelly says:

    My kids like to ask me questions about when i was little, and they think its crazy that mommy and daddy grew up without computers, cell phones or Elmo.

  141. In response to “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Jordyn (girl,5 1/2): “a bone doctor or a ballerina because I like dancing and skeletons.” and Canaan(boy,18 months): “mom”. My kids have some pretty big dreams it seems :/ I also asked “What is your favorite thing?” Canaan said “snacks” (he is a man of few words) and Jordyn said “going to school and dancing and helping cook and the dog”. I’m pretty sure that’s more than one thing and kind of sad that the dog ranks above the rest of us…

  142. Stephanie Lamperski says:

    I asked my granddaughter if she found it difficult to climb in her dress on our playhouse/gym. And she said,”some people have trouble, but I don’t. It’s one of my talents..” She is 7.

  143. Melody says:

    Definitely something I want to do with my son when he is talking!

  144. Audrey says:

    Mommy: How old am I?
    Daughter (4): 16!
    To which I replied “Score! I look half my age!” Perhaps the secret to looking young is merely just asking a toddler??

  145. Holly says:

    I asked my son what he wants to be when he grows up (he is 4) – he said he wants to work with and train monkeys. Seems like a pretty good choice to me!

  146. Monica says:

    I had to go ask my kids… such fun Q &A’s!!! I’ll give my Favs.

    What’s the funniest word? (my 5 yr old) DOUGHNUT!!!

    What’s the Meaning of Life? (my 8 yr old) Life of God

    If you had all the money in the world…?

    5 yr old- Get Some Toys!! (we don’t buy them many as we’re always getting hand me downs)

    8 yr old- Go Anywhere I want to!! (we don’t get to travel often as it’s so expensive)

    thanks for the idea! i’m gonna go put these in their keepsake boxes!

  147. Allison Wood says:

    What does love mean?
    Alex (3yrs 2months) “when I don’t have a drink and you go get me one” (he may just have been thirsty at the time of the interview because the answer to what makes him most mad was also “when I don’t have any drink…or toys”)
    Ethan (16 months) “babaaaa, gah”

  148. Trish Bowers says:

    I also like the kid interviews. I have seen examples with other questions such as: favorite color, favorite food, favorite thing about school, best friend(s), etc… so that you can see how they change (or stay the same) over the years.

  149. Sarah says:

    I am SO gonna do this with my kids. Although mine are 5, 7 and 9. I wish I had thought of this when they were younger, it’d been fin to compare.
    Lovely competition! =D

  150. Erin says:

    What a fun idea! I’ve had the kids answer questions about Dad for Father’s day, but not themselves. Here are a couple of our answers from my 4 boys ages 8, 6, 4, and 2 ๐Ÿ™‚
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    8yo : professional ball player
    6yo: explorer
    4yo: 45
    2yo: a speed train
    My 6 yo answer to easiest thing to do=scream (that makes so much sense) Thanks for giving us some love and laughter in the midst of a long day ๐Ÿ™‚

  151. British American says:

    Me: What is the funniest word?
    5 year old son: Why you asking me that?
    Me: It’s a quiz.
    Son: No. I don’t want to do that.

    Admittedly I shouldn’t ask him right after I tell him that he can watch Netflix.

    I just bought my daughter this book on Amazon where you ask your kid a question a day. It covers 3 years, so you can look back on previous years. She’ll get it for her 8th birthday.

    She just showed up, so I asked her “What is the funniest word?” Immediately she replies: “Vomit!” and laughs.

  152. Angela G says:

    I love this so much I am sharing with my MOPS group. What a beautiful way to learn about your kiddos as they grow up!

  153. Amanda says:

    Oh I love this idea! But my son is a little too young yet (19 months)…so he’s not quite answering more than yes/no yet and even that isn’t entirely reliable. I’ll file this away for about six-nine months from now and will have fun with this then!

  154. Geneva says:

    My child asked me where milk came from the other day, so I turned it around and asked him where he thought it came from. He thought it over for a second and answered, “a cow’s butt!” I laughed so hard for several minutes but did explain how it was from a cow, but not their butts.

  155. Stacy Hill says:

    “Ds, what do you want to be when you grow up?” (3yrs old), “BIG!”

  156. Karina says:

    What is the meaning of life? Being helpful
    What do you want to be when you grow up? A dentist (really?)
    What brings you the most happiness? Love
    When do you feel the most loved? When I have an ice cream
    What are you afraid of? Lions… not in a cage, that are really close to me
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? A dog
    What is the funniest word? Smooga
    What is the hardest thing to do? Climb sharp rocks with bare feet
    What is the easiest thing to do? Touch someone (pretty deep eh?)
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Buy toys… and a dog

  157. Deb says:

    what do you want to be when you grow up?

    4 year old daughter “build houses and own a book store”
    2 year old daughter “be a Papa”

    hmm.. should be interesting in a few decades. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  158. kathy says:

    What my 11 year old daughter answered.

    1) To live
    2) Horse trainer and veterinarian
    3) Hanging out with my friends
    4) When I’m with you and Dad
    5) Bugs and your horror movies
    6) A horse or world peace. One of the above, not sure which.
    7) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words.)
    8) hardest – to walk in high heels/easiest- reading a book
    9) best – your chocolate pie/worst – living without a tv
    10) When kids bully each other at school
    11) To be happy with another person
    12) Buy a horse, pay off family taxes, buy a mansion, and an ipod with a million megabytes of space.

  159. Wendy says:

    I have done “interviews” a few times over the years. Here is one from last year, with 2 of my sons. G was 15, D was 12. So past the “cute” stage, but interesting and developing their own sense of humour!

    1. What is something Mom always says to you?

    G: “How was your day” D: “Stop flapping!”

    2. What makes Mom happy?

    G: Dark Chocolate D: Simon (new kitten)

    3. What makes Mom sad?

    G: missing a glass of wine D: Maxwell (Cat that died)

    4. How does your Mom make you laugh?

    G & D : By referring to comedy.

    5. What was your Mom like as a child?

    G: asinine English girl D: punching sister in face when tattletaling on me

    6. How old is your Mom?

    G: 49 D: almost 50

    7. How tall is your Mom?

    5’6″ (correct)

    8. What is Mom’s favorite thing to do?

    G: complain about people behind their backs in the safety of our home. (???!!!) D: clean

    9. What does your Mom do when you’re not around?

    G: watch soaps, eat bon-bons (trying to be funny!) D: clean

    10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

    G: writing, grammar correction, spelling, editing, scriptwriting D: Crazy cat lady

    11. What is your Mom really good at?

    G: writing D: cleaning

    12. What is your Mom not very good at?

    G: social filter (???) D: computers/electronics

    13. What does your Mom do for her job?

    G: housewife/sisterwife (WTH?? Sisterwife??!!!) D:

    14. What is your mom’s favorite food?

    G & D: fetticuine alfredo

    15. What makes you proud of your Mom?

    G: her love and affection D: that she is very special to us

    16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?

    G: Marge Simpson D: comic book guy from the Simpsons

    17. What do you and your Mom do together?

    G: eat dinner D: forced to go on walks

    18. How are you and your Mom the same?

    G: both overweight D: we both have big guts

    19. How are you and your Mom different?

    G & D: boobies and baginas

    20. How do you know your Mom loves you?

    G: makes dinners, picks us up from school D: gives us treats

    21. Where is your Mom’s favorite place to go?

    G: Macaroni Grill D: the bedroom *wink*

  160. Liz says:

    I REALLY need to do this!

  161. Lea says:

    My kids are too little. So I’ll give something my niece said years ago, when she was 3. I asked, “what’s big, brown, and goes “roarrrrr?'” She said, “a lizard?”

  162. Zoe says:

    My almost 5yo made my heart melt with some of her answers tonight – though she is a bit of a schmoozer…

    โ€ขWhat brings you the most happiness? Snuggles with my mummy
    Do you want a snuggle now? yes (we snuggled)

    โ€ขIf you had one wish, what would you wish for? To see a shooting star (I thought this was a clever answer until I asked her why and she said – cos they’re so pretty)

    โ€ขWhat makes you mad? Sugar (I loved the honesty in this answer ๐Ÿ˜‰
    โ€ขIf you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Give it to other people

    I love my girly

  163. Minka says:

    My son is 2 years 8 months old.

    What is the meaning of life? “It’s a cow. Moo!”

    What do you want to be when you grow up? “How about small? No, I’m a bird.”

    What brings you the most happiness? “Mom!”

    What are you afraid of? “What? This spoon sways.”

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? “Mom I’d wish for!”

    What is the funniest word? “Mom!”

    What makes you mad? “Nothing.”

    What is the meaning of love? “Mom!”

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? “I’d make mom!”

  164. Allyson L says:

    “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
    2yr11mo DD – “a donut”

  165. Doreen says:

    I wish my mom had done this when I was a kid!

  166. Katie says:

    3-yo niece’s wish: to go inside her TV to go to the Mickey Mouse Playhouse.

  167. Paula says:

    What an interesting I idea. I can’t wait until my little one is finally talking to be able to ask these questions.

  168. Catherine says:

    My 5 year old wants to be a train conductor and my 7 year old wants to do something with sharks. “Shark!… Shark person? Shark organization? Shark thing.” Lol.

  169. Tobi says:

    Can’t wait until my 21-month-old is able to answer these questions!

  170. Jenni McKay says:

    I highly recommend the book “Q&A a day for kids” by Betsy France that I purchased on Amazon. It’s a 3-year journal that has a question each day that kids answer three years in a row so you can see how their answers change. We often get behind and play catch up with a few weeks worth of questions at a time, but my 3.5 year old LOVES it and his answers are awesome.
    For example:
    Q: What seems dangerous to you?
    A: Crocodiles, because they’re dangerous and they bite you. They have very big teeth that can chomp very hard. They are even like a beaver!”

  171. Lindsey says:

    Friends of ours do this with their kids (8 and 5) on their birthdays, videotaped, and then cut the answers together into a video with photos of them from the past year. Super cute, and something I’m looking forward to doing with TEA once she is old enough (almost 5 months now)

  172. Jocelyn says:

    Funny! I did this after I read your first post because my 2 1/2 answered “don’t know” when I asked her about me.
    The one I loved the most is when I asked her who is her favorite playmate ( and I was so sure it would be me). She answered “baby brother.” Her brother is only 6mons old now. It was so sweet!! Didn’t expect that but so sweet!!!

  173. Ginger says:

    My daughter is only one, but when she is old enough I hope to do something like this:

  174. Mandi says:

    He pretty much answers every question with “No! Spider-Man!”

  175. Jaci says:

    My 5 year old response to the meaning of life was “I don’t know… maybe confidence?”

    Darn kid impresses me every day.

    My 3year olds response wad long and Wendy and involved spring foe and water and air and green rocks. I think his was influence by Lego Hero Factory ๐Ÿ˜›

  176. Meegs says:

    I started doing this with my daughter on her birthday this past year, it was fun:

  177. meeghan belford says:

    Asked my kids what is the meaning of life, my daughter answered that she is the meaning of life, my son said outside.

  178. Bobbi Kilbarger says:

    My kids are pretty much non-verbal, but I’m pretty sure my daughter would answer “Shoe” or “Two” to every question, lol!

  179. audre says:

    I just asked my almost 3 year old what he is scared of… he said “piders”. Then I asked him what makes him happy…”Finding piders and squishing them”. Me too hun…meee tooo.

  180. Tricia says:

    My 2.5yo answered every single question with “I dunno” except the last one…She said she’d buy the store. ๐Ÿ™‚

  181. Sarah Almond says:

    I asked The Professor (my 8 year old son) and The Princess (my 5 year old daughter) these questions… Their answers were a little less off the wall than I thought they’d be!

    What is the meaning of life?
    Professor: How life began, you know, life cycles and stuff…
    Princess: Flowers!

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Professor: A mechanical engineer and work with my dad
    Princess: An artist!

    What brings you the most happiness?
    Professor: Playing Nintendo
    Princess: When you give me hugs and kisses

    When do you feel the most loved?
    Professor: When everybody in my family is around
    Princess: When you tell me you love me

    What are you afraid of?
    Professor: Heights and tornadoes
    Princess: Severe thunderstorms

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    Professor: Everlasting life
    Princess: A piece of bologna on the dog’s nose.

    What is the funniest word?
    Professor: Underwear!
    Princess: Fart!

    What is the hardest thing to do?
    Professor: Really long hard multiplication problems.
    Princess: Climb a tower

    What is the easiest thing to do?
    Professor: Choose between two things.
    Princess: Climb on to a chair

    What is the best thing in life?
    Professor: When everyone is together
    Princess: If there were butterflies everywhere

    What is the worst thing in life?
    Professor: Being alone
    Princess: When I’m lonely and sad

    What makes you mad?
    Professor: When my sister annoys me
    Princess: When my brother won’t let me play in his room

    What is the meaning of love?
    Professor: When you really, really like something, you love it!
    Princess: Loving

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Professor: That’s a really hard question! Can I go play the Nintendo now?
    Princess: A pink Nintendo DS

  182. Kara says:

    This looks like fun. I did something similar for Father’s Day and my husband and father in law loved it. This would be a great memory too.

  183. Lucy says:

    Me: “How tall are you?”.
    Friend’s 4yo son: “This tall!” (holding a hand flat across the top of his head).

    He also asnwered every other question that day with “Poo!”. That’s like ‘poop’, but British.

  184. Dearani says:

    Lydia, 3.
    What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist to paint

    What are you afraid of? Spiders.

    How do you know mama loves you? Um, just because. Can I watch tv now?

    Lol, I feel gypped! My kid has to be the biggest spaz ever, and her answers are so normal. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I wanted all the cutesy answers, but I guess she’s gotta be weird even when she is being normal. LOL!

  185. Tamara says:

    I askes my four year old some questions while I was putting her to bed.
    But the most fun and suprising part was not her answers, that she decided to interview me:
    DD: May I now ask you some questions?
    Me: Yes ofcourse
    DD: Why do you like to wear sweaters?
    Me: I don’t know, I wear them when I’m cold..
    DD: Why don’t you never pick beautiful roses?
    Me: because roses are not mine
    DD: Why don’t you like the rain?
    Me: I don’t mind when it rains in this time of year, when it’s not cold, but I don’t like rain when it’s cold outside because I’ll get even colder.
    DD: Why do you never draw nice things?
    Me: I don’t know…
    DD: I know, I know! Because you are grown up!

  186. Sonya says:

    I’ll definitely try this! In the meantime, here’s a conversation I had last night with my almost-3yo:

    There’s a monster in here.
    Oh, what does it look like?
    It’s a nice monster.
    Get out of here monster! I shooed the monster out. I ate the monster! You want some monster? (Holding his empty hand out to me…)

  187. Pami says:

    Me: What do you want to be when grow up?
    DD (4yo today!): Um.. I don’t know. What do you think I grow up when I want to be? [yes, just like that]
    Me: Um.. an engineer?
    DD: *are-you-crazy-face* No. I want to be a Lego guy.
    Me: A Lego guy?
    DD: Yes. When I grow up, I want to be a Lego guy.

    Can you tell we went to the Lego store for her birthday today? lol ๐Ÿ™‚

  188. Hannah says:

    “What is the meaning of life?”
    E, age 3: ” it starts with a lump, and then it goes bigger and bigger, and…. It’s not that big actually..”

  189. Elena says:

    What an awesome idea!!!! Can’t wait to start recording my kids!

  190. Jocelyn says:

    What is the meaning of life? It means GREAT and YOU’RE ALIVE!
    What do you want to be when you grow up? A police officer AND a firefighter AND a builder
    What brings you the most happiness? My Mom
    When do you feel the most loved? When I’m with my Mom.
    What are you afraid of? Scary stuff, but only one thing… uh… caves. But I’ve never seen them. But I’m still afraid. I know that.
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? That I would have a bow and arrow so I could shoot the emmanies with them.
    What is the funniest word? Mwan. It doesn’t mean anything!
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? The easiest is knowing how to not listen. The hardest is one morning when I tried to get some string cheese from the shelf right below the top shelf in our fridge… for my bro.
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? The best thing in the world is God! The worst thing is volcanoes with lava in them.
    What makes you mad? When people make fun of me or when they don’t let me do something that I wanna do.
    What is the meaning of love? Uhhhh… good stuff
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? I would buy everything in the world! And do every game in the world! And go in every house by spending money!

  191. Julie says:

    When he was about 5, I asked my son what he wanted to be when he grows up. He told me that we are all together, like drops in the ocean. Ummm, ok wise one. He has since made similar comments from time to time. Old soul perhaps? It’s mostly cool, but sometimes kinda creepy. Take it down a notch Baby Buddah. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Briony says:

      My father in law is from Ghana and he told me that people say that one of the elders from the family has returned when you have little boys like that! He was referring to my 2 year old who at the time insisted on sitting up at the head of the table wanting a ‘tup a tea’ (so I gave in a dash of milk in a cup of water!)
      but definitely sounds like your boy is a returned elder!

  192. Jlynn says:

    I asked my four year old what she wanted to be and first she said a fairy that could skate on water like the one in her game. I then gave her some ideas and she told me “a doctor that helps get babies out of mommies bellies”

  193. Sabine says:

    I askedy 8 year old daughter what the meaning of life is
    Her reply: I’m not sure? Ironic?
    Me: what are you going to be when you grow?
    Peyton: I’m not sure. I have a lot of time to think about it, right mommy?!
    Atleast she’s honest! Hehe

  194. Sarah says:

    Such a lovely idea! Such lovely kids x

  195. Susan says:

    My oldest (8 at the time) and I were off to the library when he said that he wanted to get his younger brother (6) a library book. He then mentioned that it would be a WWII history book which is what the older one was interested in at the time (it was WWII week on the history channel). I told him that when we pick something up for someone else, it needs to be their interest, not ours. So, I asked him what his brother was interested in that he was not. His answer: “Girls.” To his credit, the younger was quite the ladies’ boy in kindergarten. We wound up getting a superhero book for his bro at the library.

  196. Lisa Small says:

    I aksed my 4yr old what she wanted to be when she grew up, her reply – a mom!

  197. Martha says:

    So, reading the blog today, I decided to interview Aria (3) over a plate of strawberries and homemade Nutella. Here are her sweet and funny answers.

    What is the meaning of life?

    – Feeding babies.

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    – A daddy

    What brings you the most happiness?

    – My mommy

    When do you feel the most loved?

    – With Izzie

    What are you afraid of?

    – Lions.

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

    – My granny, gramps, grandma, and grandpa to come.

    What is the funniest word?

    – Oookie-icky!

    What is the hardest thing to do?

    – Play by myself.

    What is the easiest thing to do?

    – Play with mommy and Izzie.

    What is the best thing in the world?

    – Daddy!

    What is the worst thing in the world?

    – Giraffes.

    What makes you mad?

    – Going in a car and driving to Dairy Queen.

    What is the meaning of love?

    – My mommy

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?

    – Buy a big girl oven

  198. Ellen says:

    I did that with my boys and it was hilarious!

  199. Glenna says:

    I asked my 18 month old what makes him happy and he gave me the dopiest happy grin and then said “Mama!” Melt my heart why don’t you?

  200. kimberly says:

    My son wants to be an Army man when he grows up (he is 6).. Scared and proud all at once. ๐Ÿ™‚

  201. Ash B says:

    My 4 yo response to #7: What is the funniest word? “Pee pee head pooping on these (gardettos)!

    #12: If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? ” I would play games with it, like the games at the movie theater (video games)!”

  202. Julie says:

    My son will be 4 in 2 weeks. This was our interview:

    What is the meaning of life?
    NOO, no! Don’t say that!!!!

    What makes you the most angry?
    No, don’t say that!!!!! I want apple slices!!!!!

  203. tara says:

    Hahha I love that Crappy Boy said he wanted to be a pumpkin when he grows up!

  204. Erin says:

    I tried to do this today with my 2 year old. She answered every question with a fake sneeze and the request for a Kleenex. It is her number one diversion tactic when she wants to end a conversation. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think we will have to see what answers she gives if Daddy asks.

  205. Sarah says:

    would love to win! ๐Ÿ™‚

  206. Alex Beynen says:

    This was so much fun to do with my boys! Thanks for the great idea! Leander is 6 & Wesley is 2. The answers were very interesting ๐Ÿ™‚ Here are some of my favorites.

    When do you feel most loved?
    L: When mom is here. (YES!!!)
    W: Green. (He answered with this a lot.)

    What are you afraid of?
    L: The dark.
    W: The big car wash.

    What is the funniest word?
    L: Duck turd!
    W: No!

    What is the meaning of love?
    L: To love people.
    W: A green van ride.

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do it?
    L: Help other people.
    W: Make carwashes go away.

    What is your favorite thing?
    L: Playing with mom. (YES!!!)
    W: Green.

    What do you like to eat the most?
    L: Peanut butter & Nutella sandwiches. (So. Good.)
    W: Fruit snacks.

  207. Charlene says:

    My kids are screaming at me right now, as we try and get out the door for work/preschool this morning lol, but I am going to do this when they are in a more receptive mood! Am intrigued as to what they’ll tell me… ๐Ÿ™‚

  208. Theresa says:

    You live, you poop, you die, you become worm food and in turn…poop…perhaps Crappy Baby’s onto something. ๐Ÿ™‚

  209. Beth says:

    My daughter only had one word for a while; “cat.” So every time my dad had dinner with us, he’d ask her “what’s for dinner?” “Cat!”

  210. Cassie says:

    When my daughter was 3ish I asked her what her favorite food was. She was an off the beaten path toddler, never cared much for the usual toddler fare. So I was interested to hear what she would say…
    Answer: Knowledge
    *Mind Blown*

  211. Jody says:

    I do this with a list of about 25 questions every year on my kid’s birthdays. It’s probably my favorite tradition.

  212. Amanda says:

    My 4 year old’s answer to the meaning of life:

    “The meaning of life is cause it’s hard. You need to concentrate and know that your life is there.”

    I giggled. To which she responded with “What?! I know all about life!”

  213. cindy harper says:

    re: interviewing kids

    My sister does this from time to time with her kids – boy, 4 3/4, and girl just turned 3. My niece usually answers ‘I want to say ‘hi’ to the cookies’ or ‘I like your shoes’ or ‘I have to poo’ to any question. Nephew, on the other hand, answered to ‘what do you wish for?’ answered: ‘Mommy, I wish I was born in 1950’

    Sister, wondering where this is going, asks ‘oh, why is that?’

    Nephew answers ‘because, Mommy, then I would be 63 (he’s a tiny math nerd and did the math himself, for real) and I’d be old enough and big enough to carry you and put you to bed’

    Love the crappy kids, I call them my noodles ๐Ÿ™‚

  214. Theresa says:

    What is the funniest word? – Chickendoodle

  215. Sam Gale says:

    Not an interview, but a fun story about my godson (now 7–he was 5 at the time). My husband, brother, and I were visiting my godson’s family. Brother dear brought a Winnie the Pooh foam ball for Godson. Godson, for reasons we’ve never determined, decided that this ball was in fact the “Justin Bieber ball.” We kept hiding it for him to find, and he’s shriek “JUSTIN BIEBER BALL” every time he found it. It was bizarre yet adorable.

  216. amelia says:

    Answered by Alice, 4 years old.

    What is the meaning of life?
    Nothing. Well, playing.

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Airplane pilot

    What brings you the most happiness?

    When do you feel the most loved?
    When I’m with Grandpa

    What are you afraid of?
    The dark

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    A dog

    What is the funniest word?
    Ants in pants

    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do?
    Easiest: Listen to mom
    Hardest: Not listen to mom

    What is the best/worst thing in the world?
    Best: Odette the swan is the best dancer
    Worst: Getting a scraped knee

    What makes you mad?
    Daddy yelling

    What is the meaning of love?
    Feeling happy

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    I would buy a dolphin

  217. Chrizzle says:

    Enter me please.

  218. Anne says:

    I can’t wait until my 22 month old is able to do this!! Right now, her answer to everything is “ummmmm, nuffin.” Why do I have a feeling “whatever, Mom!” is not far behind??

  219. Chris says:

    I asked my 2 year old what he wanted to be, and he said, “Paint!” When I tried to correct him (maybe he meant painter? Artist?) he said, “No! Paint!”. I think he actually wants to be paint. God, I hope it’s not lead-based…

  220. kelli says:

    So funny!

  221. Jenn says:

    My friend’s husband’s family video taped interviews quite a few times whe he was a kid – when she got to view them she said it was absolutely fascinating how much he had not really changed from his three year old self – will absolutely try this once my little guy can talk ๐Ÿ™‚

  222. Amy says:

    I asked my 3 y/o son what he wants to do when he grows up and he started singing the ABC’s. so maybe he wants to be a teacher?

  223. Rebecca Hoop says:

    Oh, I want to win a copy of the book! My daughter isn’t talking enough yet to interview, but if she could talk, the meaning of life would probably be Yo Gabba Gabba. If I put something else on the tv, she gets out her Yo Gabba Gabba dolls to illustrate what she wants to watch.

  224. Larissa G says:

    wheee fun!
    I want your book!

  225. Kate says:

    Just interview the 13 yo (little ones not talking yet) some of her answers were very mature, she feels most loved when her little brother sleeps on her, but if she had all the money in the world she’s buying a submarine!

  226. Sara S says:

    My son’s too young for this right now, but I will definitely do it in a year or so! I was a preschool teacher for a while and was always writing down hilarious things the kids said. Once at lunch, a three year old lifted his spoon and announced “SPOONFUL OF CHAOS!” and then ate it. Awesome.

  227. Melissa K says:

    I asked my two boys all the questions above. Here are their answers:

    J (5):

    I don’t know
    magician, firefighter, and work at lumber mill
    playing with Miles and school
    I don’t know what that means
    monsters and witches
    I would wish for going to the park all day
    goo goo eyes
    pick up the TV/pick up small stuff and clean it up
    going to the park/being in this house
    I dont know
    I would go to stores and buy stuff

    M (2):

    play game
    I love mommy
    I wish for food
    goo goo eyes (only because brother just said it)
    I love mommy
    drive a car

  228. Beth says:

    Pick me, pick me (even though I don’t have a good story to share)

  229. Jenny says:

    My 5-year-old’s replies (he has a major speech delay, so I’m not sure how much he understood most of the questions… : )

    โ€ข What do you want to be when you grow up? โ€œBiggerโ€
    โ€ข What brings you the most happiness? โ€œMrs. Fungโ€ (his teacher)
    โ€ข When do you feel the most loved? โ€œI love a daddy and mamaโ€
    โ€ข What are you afraid of? โ€œAndrewโ€ (a boy at school)
    โ€ข If you had one wish, what would you wish for? โ€œNoahโ€ (his little brother)
    โ€ข What is the funniest word? โ€œUmmmโ€ฆ. Rainbowโ€
    โ€ข What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? โ€œBikes.โ€/โ€œSand.โ€
    โ€ข What is the best/worst thing in the world? โ€œMrs. Kim.โ€ (another teacher)/โ€œAnna.โ€ (his big sister)
    โ€ข What makes you mad? โ€œNoah.โ€
    โ€ข What is the meaning of love? โ€œLove a daddy and mom.โ€
    โ€ข If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? โ€œPlay bikesโ€
    โ€ข What is the meaning of life? โ€œLove Anna and Noah and dad and mama.โ€

    And from our 8-year-old daughter:

    โ€ข What is the meaning of life? โ€œCuz God wanted people.โ€
    โ€ข What do you want to be when you grow up? โ€œWork at Sea World with the orcasโ€
    โ€ข What brings you the most happiness? โ€œAnimalsโ€
    โ€ข When do you feel the most loved? โ€œWhen me and mom go to the moviesโ€
    โ€ข What are you afraid of? โ€œI donโ€™t really know if Iโ€™m afraid of anything.โ€
    โ€ข If you had one wish, what would you wish for? โ€œA stuffed Stormfly dragonโ€
    โ€ข What is the funniest word? โ€œI donโ€™t know, actually. Maybe banana.โ€
    โ€ข What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? โ€œPut Noah (little brother) to bed and stop him from getting out of bed.โ€/โ€œThat I do not knowโ€ฆ.. Coloringโ€
    โ€ข What is the best/worst thing in the world? โ€œMy familyโ€ /โ€œHaving my brothers not listening to meโ€
    โ€ข What makes you mad? โ€œWhen my brothers donโ€™t listen to meโ€
    โ€ข What is the meaning of love? โ€œI donโ€™t knowโ€
    โ€ข If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? โ€œGive some to poor people that need money.โ€ Mom: “Anything else?” Anna: “No. That’s about it.”

  230. Helen says:

    I thought I was being super clever by answering my 3 year olds’ questions with another question to encourage him to think about it. E.g. “Mummy, is it naughty to draw on the floor?”
    “What do you think, Toby? Is is naughty to draw on the floor?”

    Well, all it’s taught him is to answer a question with a question. So now the only answers I usually get are the question I asked. i.e. “Toby, have you washed your hands?”
    “What do you think Mummy? Have I washed my hands?”

    So the answers I got to the questions in your post (and yesterdays ones too) weren’t very interesting, so I won’t share them. Sorry ๐Ÿ™

  231. Alicia says:

    I have one pinned I plan to do with C when she turns three. Should be super fun!@

  232. Lynn says:

    Love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  233. Jennifer says:

    Some tidbits from my five-year-old daughter:
    – What do you want to be when you grow up? Um, a dolphin trainer.
    – When do you feel the most loved? When youโ€™re here.
    – What are you afraid of? Wild dogs.
    – If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Um, that we had a swimming pool in our backyard.
    – What is the funniest word? For me, pee-pee.
    – If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Send it to old people that donโ€™t have any arms or legs.

  234. Kari says:

    I’d like to attempt this with my daughter, but she’s only 21 months old. She knows quite a few words, but she wouldn’t understand a lot of the questions, and I’m thinking she won’t sit still long enough for me to ask even 2 of the questions!
    I’m guessing if I asked her right now “What brings you the most happiness?” her answer would be “Meemee” (Minnie Mouse) or “walk! side!” She LOVES to go outside for walks.

  235. Claire-Louise says:

    Just did this – awesome! DD is 3.4. My favourite answer: If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    You will lose it. [Me: You will lose it?] If you put too much in your purse it wonโ€™t fit anymore. ๐Ÿ˜€

  236. Cheri says:

    Clara: age 5
    What is the meaning of life? I don’t know.
    What do you want to be when you grow up? A builder – a build person, you know, a fixer-person, A MECHANIC!
    What brings you the most happiness? You (pointing at Mommy)… and hearts.
    When do you feel the most loved? When it’s sunny.
    What are you afraid of? Dark and dragons and all sorts of scary animals.
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? I will be a butterfly!
    What is the funniest word? Jokey!
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? Hardest = really hard games. Easiest = play hopscotch.
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? Best = Ducks! Wait, actually cats. Worst = noses.
    What makes you mad? Fishes staying in their sleep and not jumping out of the water and then going back in.
    What is the meaning of love? YOU! (pointing at Mommy)
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Keep it….now can I have a piece of gum?

    Solomon (age 7)
    What is the meaning of life? 42 (says the fan of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
    What do you want to be when you grow up? A paediatrician (“and a doctor” offers his sister).
    What brings you the most happiness? A cat.
    When do you feel the most loved? Looks embarrassed, mutters “I don’t know…”
    What are you afraid of? NOTHING!
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? There’s so much stuff I can’t think of something.
    What is the funniest word? Underwear.
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? hardest = I don’t know. easiest = eat!
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? best = my family. worst = I don’t know…pollution?
    What makes you mad? When I’m in an argument.
    What is the meaning of love? Giggles uncomfortably, shrugs…looks away.
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Buy everything!!!

    Max: age 12
    What is the meaning of life? 10.5 to the power of 4.
    What do you want to be when you grow up? An architect.
    What brings you the most happiness? Happiness.
    When do you feel the most loved? When I am loved.
    What are you afraid of? Being alone in a really small dark place.
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Infinite wishes.
    What is the funniest word? Hippo.
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? Hardest = the impossible. Easiest = a one dimensional cartoon.
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? best = world peace, worst = malnourishment.
    What makes you mad? Those rebels who take children in, like, Uganda.
    What is the meaning of love? Tries to look very mature…being able to trust somebody and knowing they can trust you.
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? I would split half of it and divide it all into each charity and then the rest of it I would spend on myself.

  237. Notmymom says:

    Well here’s perhaps a look ahead for you…
    Interview (9years 7 months)

    What is the meaning of life?
    A: hockey

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: A hockey player

    What brings you the most happiness?
    A: playing hockey

    When do you feel the most loved?
    A: at home (awww, momma heart melt!)

    What are you afraid of?
    A: Being shot by a puck without a cup

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    A: infinite money

    What is the funniest word?
    A: zythromith (starwars race???)

    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do?
    A: Hardest – walk a tightrope
    Easiest- shoot a puck

    What is the best/worst thing in the world?
    A: Best – my friends; Worst – venomous snakes

    What makes you mad?
    A: When the other team scores

    What is the meaning of love?
    A: “A sucker-punch to the face and a check to the boards”

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    A:Buy Star Wars Lego stuff

  238. Jen says:

    My 6 year old told me the other night he was going to earn two million dollars and with it he will pay for college (for himself I assume) and then he will change his name to “goldfish” but keep his last name because he still like it.

  239. csa says:

    those are some pretty deep questions.
    so, i don’t have kids, and i feel guilty putting down a comment just to enter the contest. so here’s a story about my music teacher’s little boy (he’s about 14 months now).

    she was conducting a band, and her little one has taken to conducting behind her back. it’s really cute. after a while, the audience stopped listening to the band and just watched him.

  240. Laura Casey says:

    Me: What is the meaning of life?
    My 4 year old: Evolution.

  241. Lauren A. says:

    Me: What’s the meaning of life?
    J (2yrs): Parade!

  242. Leah S says:

    This is a great idea! Will have to start this with my 2 munchkins.

  243. Aimee says:

    My boys are a bit older. Ever since they were 4 & 5, they both wanted to be an ice cream man when they grew up. They are now 8 & 9 and when I ask them what they want to be when they grow up, guess what? Yeah. Ice cream man.

  244. LeeAnne says:

    This is awesome, I finally interviewed my 3.5 year old daughter. Some of the answers were kinda generic, but a few of them got me.

    What is the meaning of life? “My garden. It’s wayyyy over there”. (We don’t have a garden…that I could see, anyway.)

    What is the meaning of love? “It means, love your life”.

    Thanks for posting this.

  245. Kristen says:

    What’s the meaning of life?

    3yo: to love you!
    2yo: to get a job and money

  246. Allison says:

    I love this idea! I’ve only asked them questions at the beginning of school years (and we’ve only had one, so far) but this is much better! Getting my reporter notebook out now…Thanks!

  247. Karla says:

    I so want to do this with my kids. I can’t wait to see what they will answer.

  248. Jennifer says:

    I’m planning to do this. What a good idea! My daughter is 2 and 3 months!

  249. Rebecca Cole says:

    Love it! My boys love poop and farts too!

  250. Sheili G. says:

    I’m so going to start doing this with my boys. Can’t wait to ask them these questions.

  251. Lucie Wu says:

    I don’t have kids! But I asked my 22 year old roommate Bascomb what makes him the most happiest and he says “potato chips”.

  252. Dianna says:

    I tried asking my Hubby instead of K what makes him the happiest and he answers “what do you mean?” -_-

    adults are no fun

  253. Lidz says:

    Just interviewed mother dearest. Very interesting answers. Some of her answers were very mature for her age of 33 and a half. Mother would buy all the troll beads if she had all the money in the world. She feels most loved when she is with me and Thorfinn, a’ww how sweet!!the meaning of life to her is 42.

    Well done mam!!! Amazing answers!!!

  254. Lindsay says:

    I asked my 3.5 year old daughter –
    Q:Where do babies come from?
    A: From a mommy!
    Q: If you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
    A: I don’t have a big car to drive! I don’t have driving lessons.
    Q:What’s the worst thing ever?
    A: Jasper kicks me. (her 2 year old brother)

  255. bernice says:

    I asked my 3 year old “What is the meaning of life?” and he said “You die”….Omg, jeez I’m freaked out in a Children of the Corn kinda way!

  256. Hayley says:

    Haha! I’m almost positive that if I did this with my 2 year old, she would answer everything with “Poop”! =D

  257. Pingback: Interview Your Kids | Halala Mama

  258. Mel says:

    Me: what is scary?
    Josie 2.5yrs: sister.
    Me: what makes you happy?
    Josie: Jacob (her big brother)
    Me: what do you love?
    Josie: mummy! (Awwww)
    Me: what do you want to be when you grow up?
    Josie: a baby!!!
    Me to Jacob (7 yrs): what so you wang to be when you grow up?
    Jacob:a monkey climbing poles.
    Me to Cameron (nearly 5 yrs): what do you want be when you grow up?
    Cameron: an angry bird to the rescue!!!
    Me to Cameron: what’s the meaning of life?
    Cameron: ummm they need to kill pigs!!!

    Ps I did also try to interview my 10 year old daughter, but she refused to participate!!!!

  259. Christine W says:

    I asked my son yesterday how old he thought I is. He said three years old, just like him. Then I asked him how old he thought daddy is. He said four months old!

  260. Sarah Wesch says:

    My older son, Wilson, will be six years old in a couple of weeks:
    What is the meaning of life?
    Wilson: “What? I have no idea.”
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Wilson: “What did you want to be? I can’t decide. Um, farmer.”
    What brings you the most happiness?
    Wilson: “Oberlin Fair.”
    What are you afraid of?
    Wilson: “Tigers. Tigers and lions.”
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    Wilson: “The world being candy.”
    What is the hardest thing to do?
    Wilson: “Cut out hearts.”
    Me: “Out of people??”
    Wilson: “Out of paper.”
    What is the best thing in the world?
    Wilson: “Ferris wheel.”
    What is the worst thing in the world?
    Wilson: “Dying.”
    What makes you mad?
    Wilson: “If someone steals something from me.”
    What is the meaning of love?
    Wilson: “Hmm…. I have no idea.”
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Wilson: “Buy a ferris wheel.”

    My younger, soon to be middle, son recently turned three. He had listened to his brother’s answers, so there is some repetition:
    What is the meaning of life?
    Henry: “Dying.”
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Henry: “A ferris wheel.”
    What brings you the most happiness?
    Henry: “Tigers and lions.”
    What are you afraid of?
    Henry: “Tigers and lions.”
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    Henry: “To lose my teeth.”
    What is the hardest thing to do?
    Henry: “Watching WordWorld
    What is the best thing in the world?
    Henry: “Ferris wheel.”
    What is the worst thing in the world?
    Henry: “Dying.”
    What makes you mad?
    Henry: “Play dough.”
    What is the meaning of love?
    Henry: “Uh…” hugs me.
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Henry: “Candy and pickles.”

  261. Amber says:

    My favourite answer from my 4 year old was to ” what would you do if you had all the money in the world?” – “put it in my wallet”

  262. Mindy says:

    Thank you for this invitation! I’m going to do it!!

  263. Rachaek says:

    Love it, did it with DD who is 3, and the best answer was to the question if you had all the money in the world, what would you do?

    “Play Shops”

  264. Hayley O'Dell says:

    My 2,5 year olds answers:
    Meaning of life: the ellie thought he had a froggy on his head *wild giggles*
    What makes your happy: horse riding
    What makes you mad: nothing
    What do you want to do when you grow up: ride a horse
    What makes you scared: the dark
    What makes you laugh: the ellie tickiling me

    That’s all I could get out of her before she ran off with her imaginary elephant friend!

  265. Chris V says:

    My four year old was completely game to answer these questions…. :o)

    What is the meaning of life? “don’t know”
    What do you want to be when you grow up? “6”
    What brings you the most happiness? “Doll”
    When do you feel the most loved? “when I’m with mom”
    What are you afraid of? “bees”
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? “toast”
    What is the funniest word? “cheeseburger”
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? hardest: “watch TV”
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? best: trees
    What makes you mad? “my back” ????????
    What is the meaning of love? “don’t know”
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? “put it in my pocket”

    • Chris V says:

      And then it was his turn to ask me. “What makes you happiest Mom?”
      Happy kids.
      “No mom, that’s not a good answer. I will ask it again. What makes you happiest?”
      Kids’ bedtime.
      “Okay. That’s better.”

  266. Amy says:

    Benjamin, age 5

    ::In order to properly tear up at this answer you need to know that my mom died 2 years ago this August, when B was 3::

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    a) I would wish for my grandma.

    This answer both stopped me in my tracks and inspired me to continue. Of course, none of his other answers were nearly so moving…but here they are anyway.

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    a) a teenager (disturbingly, he gives this answer a LOT)
    What about after that?
    b) A dad that helps people at hospitals

    What brings you the most happiness?
    a) When you let me play video games.

    What makes you feel most loved?
    a) When you kiss me.

    What are you most afraid of?
    a) Monsters

    What is the funniest word you know?
    a) blahblahblahblahblahblah

    What’s the hardest thing to do?
    a) It’s hard to pick up a tree.

    What’s the easiest thing to do?
    a) Climb a tree – not all trees.

    What the best thing in the world?
    a) bikes

    What’s the worst thing in the world?
    a) When I broke something you made…on mistake

    What makes you mad?
    a) When nobody wants to play with me.

    What is the meaning of love?
    a) When I hug you and kiss you.

    If you had all the money in the world what would you buy?
    a) I would buy a really huge bike.

    What does Mommy like to do with her friends?
    a) Chat. What does chat even mean?

    What do you think it means?
    a) Play with them

    What do you like to do with your friends?
    a) PLAY with them. Play with them. I can only say play with them. That’s my only idea. Are you going to write bunches of words through this whole thing?

    ::Interview was clearly over::

  267. Stephanie says:

    What do you want to be when you grow up? (4 yr old response): “I want to be measuring things.” We are very into tape measures these days.

  268. Ana says:

    My daughter is 3. Her answers…

    What do you want to be when you grow up? -I don’t know
    What are you afraid of? -I don’t know
    What makes you really happy? -umm, that I always give stuff back
    What makes you mad? Mustache book, sometimes
    What is the funniest thing in the world? -umm, that sometimes I am really goofy
    What do you love? -You. (aww)
    What is the meaning of love? -I don’t know
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do? -I don’t know.
    What would do on a perfect day? -umm, have flowers.
    What is your favorite food? -lots of food, like sushi, mom.
    What is the easiest thing to do? -mmm, I don’t know.

  269. Casey says:

    Absolutely starting this as a yearly birthday tradition on my girl’s second birthday! Such a great idea! Such great/funny answers from everyone else!!!

  270. Christin curran says:

    What is the best thing in the world? My 6 yo daughter, “family, friends, flowers, and preditor birds.”

  271. Kiinu says:

    Seamus, 3. He isn’t very talkative though.

    *Connor is his 15y.o uncle

  272. KiwiBunnz says:

    My three year old wants to be a Doctor (yussss), he is scared of the dark, because when it is really dark he can’t see and it makes him mad when kids cut off all their fingers and their thumb (?)

  273. Jamie says:

    I just asked my newly-turned three year old what the meaning of life was. First he said “I don’t know”, then he stopped and said “No spoonfernickels and no shennanigans!” Yep, that is correct.

  274. Lindsey says:

    I interviewed my little man for his 3rd birthday, but I love seeing his responses to questions like this. Still 3, here are his answers to the first few questions.

    โ€ข What is the meaning of life?
    โ€œHe likes juiceโ€

    โ€ข What do you want to be when you grow up?
    โ€œA monsterโ€

    โ€ข What brings you the most happiness?
    โ€œTo be a happy monsterโ€ (this one cracked me up)

    โ€ข What are you afraid of?
    โ€œThe doctorโ€™s officeโ€ (aww! Sorry lil guy!)

  275. Julia Adams says:

    John, age 9
    What brings you the most happiness?
    Candy. Wait no, friends. Wait no, friends with candy.
    When do you feel the most loved?
    When I get something from someone. Especially candy.

  276. Anna says:

    My favorite answer from my four year old daughter was:

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    “I want to be a mom”

    She says that she wants to be a mom, but she only wants to have girl babies (she has an older brother :)!

  277. Misty says:

    ok I am going to give you all the answers my 7 year old just gave me. I numbered each question

    1) awesome
    2) game maker
    3) swimming
    4) when I am at my house
    5) ghosts
    6) for my friend _______ in Abbostford to live in Pitt Meadows right beside us
    7) toilet
    8) hardest – math, easiest – PE
    9) best – I have all my friends, worst – my plants vs zombies on level 44
    10) When (my teacher) says the answer is wrong
    11) my friends
    12) get a new bike and put some money in the bank (totally not prompted!)

  278. Pingback: Interviewing FIFOBoy | fifomama

  279. Danille says:

    These are hilarious! I went through your whole list of questions… I got “I don’t know” for most of them. The last one got him though! I asked my 5 yr old what he would do if he had all the money in the world, he said, “I would buy EVERYTHING. TWICE!”

  280. Sarah says:

    My five yr old son wants to clean his room when he grows up, he’s afraid of spikes, funniest word is boom and a lot of the other answers centered on poop! Apparently the meaning of love is to poop on your friend. Who knew?

  281. Natalie says:

    See, this is the problem when you ask a nearly seven year old these questions;

    Question: What is the meaning of life?

    Ans: When something is living and it has cells and things and it breathes and is not dead, it’s alive.

  282. Menucha S says:

    This is awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ totally going to do this with my little ones!

  283. Melanie Brooks says:

    Today I ask my blonde beauty, “What is the best thing in the world?” She enthusiastically exclaims, “Baby Giraffe!” I clarify, “The animal or the baseball player?” (Also known as Branfon Belt from the SF Giants.) She yells, “The baseball player!” (Duh, mom! You should have known, haha) Later I ask her what her one wish would be… Her answer? Baby Giraffe. The baseball player. Oh boy…..

  284. Leslie says:

    I asked my 5 y.o. His answer to “what is the hardest thing to do” was “Reaching a helicopter when it’s in the sky.” “What is the worst thing in the world?” “That I don’t have a cat.” (Our cat, Rusty, that we’d had his whole life, had to be euthanized recently.)

    Loved hearing his answers. Looking forward to interviewing his little sister.

  285. LilyT says:

    What a wonderful idea, we just did a set of questions with our boys. I’m bad at doing things that lead to ‘memories’ that can be revisited later (pictures, little baby foot imprints, etc), but this just motivated us all to get some answers down! Thanks!!

  286. Jeannie says:

    3 yr old boy:
    when you grow up?
    race car driver

    What’s best thing in the world?
    Lightning Mcqueen

    What does Love mean?

  287. Meghan L says:

    I asked my 4 year old what he would do with all the money in the world. He said he’d buy daddy a bigger car so we could go buy all the toys. ๐Ÿ™‚

  288. Nora N says:

    This was so much fun! My 3 1/2 year old answered every question:
    What is the meaning of life? SINGING
    What do you want to be when you grow up? FIREMAN
    What brings you the most happiness? ME (pointing to himself)
    When do you feel most loved? MICKEY
    What are you afraid of? MINNIE
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? A TRAIN TABLE (said as he was looking at his)
    What is the funniest word? POOPY
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? SCISSORS/TOYS
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? DADDY/SCISSORS
    What makes you mad? MICKEY
    What is the meaning of love? MOMMY
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? GET A TOY MOMMY

    Clearly, my favorites are the last two!
    My 4y8m son wanted no part of it today, but I’ll get him sooner or later…

  289. Dale Tara Mackay says:

    Gonna bookmark this page so that I can remember to ask all these questions when my 1 year old starts to talk in sentences ๐Ÿ˜›

  290. Stephanie says:

    awesome idea! My girls (3 & 5) both love looking through photo albums, so I’ll have to include a Q&A interview section in them now too.

  291. Reba says:

    some highlights from your suggested questions:
    Meaning of life?
    the boy (2)…LIFE (basically he just repeated the last word of every question except for giving Toy as an answer for a couple of them–like what do you want to be when you grow up…Toy)
    the girl (3)…shoes (can’t argue with that)
    What makes you happy?
    the boy…toy
    the girl…Edward (otherwise known as the boy)
    What makes you mad
    the boy…being scared
    the girl…Edward
    Funniest word?
    the girl…laughing
    All the money in the world?
    the girl…pay for good food (was that a shot at my cooking?)

  292. Jodie says:

    From age 2 until 4 my son insisted that when he grew up he was going to be a fire truck. We tried to convince him that he meant firefighter, but he was adamant, he wanted to be the truck.

  293. I have a 2 year, 9 month old son and I shall ask him these questions later. He’s too busy watching “I Can Cook” at the moment and I am not allowed to interrupt that!
    I’m also a Year 2 (Grade 1? I can never remember how it works out in America but they are 6/7 years old) teacher and I am going to blatently steal your questions and pose them as an English exercise for my class! I’m really interested to see what answers they come up with!

  294. Sherilyn says:

    Crappy Pictures, you rock! Thanks for making me laugh!

  295. Mystelle says:

    I wanna be a pumpkin too!

  296. Amy Perkins says:

    Today our twins Eli and Carter turned four. I asked them the following questions (separately) and recorded their answers.
    What do you want to be when you grow up? Eli= Daddy, Carter = Mr Potato Head
    If you had one wish what would it be? Party, Mr Potato Head
    What is the best thing in the world? Party, the King (Cars Movie)
    Makes you mad? Angry birds, Race Cars

  297. Bernie says:

    Highlights from interviewing My 3 yo daughter:
    What brings you the most happiness? …Papa
    What do you want to be when you grow up? …an adult
    What is the hardest thing to do? …try and poop
    What is the easiest thing to do? …try and pee

  298. Kami says:

    Part 2:

    Me: Ok Grant, Momma’s going to ask you questions all about you. OK?
    Grant: OK
    M: How old are you?
    G: 2
    M: What’s your favorite toy?
    G: Grammie got me a new boat for the pool. (He points in the direction of her house, which is about 15 minutes away) You can’t see it, because it’s too far away, but it’s in the pool.
    M: (laughing) What us you favorite stuffed animal?
    G: Zebra (It’s not one he plays with very often, but we told him that Zebra eats bugs, so I think that’s why he picked him. LOL!)
    M: What’s the meaning of life?
    G: 40
    M: Good answer. What do you want to be when you grow up?
    G: I have a question for you?
    M: (surprised) OK, what’s your question?
    G: What makes a flower grow so tall, up in the sky?
    M: (WOW) Well, first you plant a seed. Then you give it water, ..
    G: Then there’s a monster truck stuck in the mud. We should call a tow truck.
    M: (Oh, I see. I watered the flower and made mud. LOL!)
    G: I have another question. What does a jet plane do?
    M: It gets people from one place to another, different place.
    G: Oh.
    M: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    G: A flower, Farm animals. No, a fireman. (I knew he’d get around to it eventually.)
    M: All 3 of those are great answers. (LOL!)


  299. Sharon says:

    Not an interview but a cute story. When my son was growing up, we used the proper anatomical terms for body parts. He could not pronounce a lot of the words right and called his wee wee a “peenee”. One day when he was between 3 & 4 we were in the garden and he was asking me the names of my flowers. When I told him the name of the peony he looked down the front of his pants, looked at the big blooming flower,looked at me and yelled out “NO WAY!!!” I still laugh when I pick a bouquet of peonies from the garden.

  300. Heidi says:

    So sad when they get into the serious phase….

  301. Adrianne says:

    I asked my five year old, “What is the meaning of life?”
    His response, “Hugs and kisses.”

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    “Still a human.”

    What brings you the most happiness?
    “I think my whole self. But where’s my dessert?”

    What makes you feel the most loved?
    “A hug.”

    What are you afraid of?
    “Nothing. I’m not afraid. I’m just still brave.”

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    “A cake and a monster truck.”

    What is the funniest word?
    “When you play your iPad.” (Note: I have never had an iPad. I wish, though!)

    And after that, he was bored with answering questions and walked off.

  302. Jamie says:

    I am excited for my 8 month old to get a little older and say more than “bah!” so I can interview him! Such a good idea!

  303. Alicia says:

    I am totally doing this tomorrow with my 5 year old boy/girl twins, maybe I’ll video them!

  304. Nuttara Jay says:

    I can’t wait to ask these questions! Oh! She can’t talk yet. Have to wait anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

  305. rose says:

    I asked all of these questions of my 4 month old and she intently studied her feet..and then sneezed…and then spit up…

  306. Heather says:

    the meaning of life: good, the funniest word: Nikka (why is that word funny? nothing I just made it up… I can’t ask him what he wants to be when he grows up because it’s been a constant answer since he was 3-a train engineer..

  307. Heather says:

    oh and my favorite answer: What makes you feel the most loved? You…

  308. Zindagi511 says:

    I just asked my 4yo “what is the meaning of life?” His answer – “what does life mean?”

  309. Jess says:

    My 5 year old-

    What brings you the most happiness?
    ~When Peachy (the dog) licks my lips.

    One wish?
    ~To be a butterfly and a puppy (She has been chasing the dog for the last 15 minutes.)

    My two year old answered all questions (what do you love, what do you want to be) with one word: Snack!

  310. Jessica says:

    I only got my 4 yr old girls attention long enough for the first two questions.
    Me: Hey Piper what’s the meaning of life?
    P:……. Braaaains (she’s been playing “zombie” games)

    Me: OK. well what do you want to be when you grow up?
    P: um… a t.v. spooky!!
    Me: a t.v. spooky?
    P: Yes, brains!

    so she either wants to be cast in a role on the walking dead or maybe scooby doo…. (and don’t worry haters we don’t let her watch anything worse than Scooby lol)

  311. Maria says:

    I am definitely going to start interviewing my baby girl as soon as she can communicate! These answers are priceless!!!

  312. Fuzzy says:

    My little dude is still pre-verbal

  313. Amanda O. says:

    I tried asking my 5 month old the meaning of life but she giggled and kept jumping in her bouncer.

  314. Amy says:

    Love this! My 5 year old’s interview.

    Q: what do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: a herpetologist

    Q: what is the meaning of life?
    A: frogs

    Q: if you had lots of money, what would you buy?
    A: one of those traps to catch small animals
    Q: but those don’t cost very much. What if you had a LOT of money?
    A: like a hundred dollars? Oh, I would buy a big terrarium to keep my pet poison dart frogs

  315. AndreaB says:

    I can’t wait until my little guy starts talking so I can interview him!

  316. Holly says:

    I am soooo happy I saw this. I am going to do this in the morning. I have a just 2 and just 5 year old.

  317. Sarah says:

    I love it when Crappy Baby makes you “talk to the hand”. My daughter is 9, and I will interview her. I am sure I will likely get very serious answers, she’s always been thoughtful.

  318. Aspen says:

    I can’t wait to do these questions with my son when he is 2 & hopefully has a little wider vocabulary.

  319. Alisha says:

    I just want a chance to win! I have a non-talker at the moment. Squealer, screamer, whiner… oh yes, I have one of those, but as of yet we have no words!

  320. rachel says:

    He is under two. I asked him about the meaning of life he said fjr dbhfbjtdjyf!!

  321. Laura says:

    Thanks for this, Amber–I will be saving all my four-year old’s sweet answers (“What makes you feel the most loved?” “When Mommy hugs me.” “What’s the best thing in the world?” “Mommy.”) for the inevitable era of eye-rolling and barely managing to put up with me that will commence in a decade or so. In the meantime, “poop” is the funniest word in the world, and the meaning of life is “to play and stuff.” Words of wisdom…

  322. Melli says:

    My nearly 4 year old responded to the question what do you want to be when you grow up with “Taller-like daddy” and then “I am going to play my guitar on TV”

  323. Angela says:

    My 8 month old just says “ba ba ba a baaaaaaa”

  324. Katrina says:

    Love this! Will definitely start adding this to the baby book updates each year.

    My 4 year old son:
    What are you scared of? Daddy, *sisters name* and tigers

    Hmm, not sure how they all ended up in the same category!

  325. minnie says:

    A, age 6
    Favorite thing to do: Eat candy. Swim.
    Worst thing to do: Play outside. Clean up.
    What is love: When you love somebody.
    C, age 5
    Favorite thing to do: Play with cousins, eat candy.
    Worst thing to do: Umm Umm Umm
    What is love: love Steven.
    H, age 3:
    Favorite thing to do: Fart.
    Worst thing to do: Go inside oranges.
    What is love: I’m LEAVIN, Steven!

  326. Cristina L-S says:

    My 12 month old would answer mam-mam (which doesn’t mean mom. it means boobs).

  327. Christina says:

    At dinner tonight my husband was talking to our 4 year old about ‘when he goes to college’
    4 yo: I’m not going to college (very incredulous tone of voice)
    Me: Well, what do you want to do for a job when you’re a grown-up?
    4 yo: Play!
    Hubby: Then you better have lots of math and science!

  328. Emma says:

    Doh, I forgot to interview the kids before they went to bed tonight (or last night). Maybe I’ll remember tomorrow….

  329. LeAnna says:

    I asked my 4 year old: If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    He said: Eat the chocolate, my chocolate and my candy!

  330. Heather says:

    This post is now bookmarked so I can come back to this when I have children.

  331. Jennifer says:

    I did this a few months ago with my just over 3 year old ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. What is your favorite color? blue and red
    2. What is your favorite toy? Transformers Heatwave and Chase
    3. Who is your best friend? You!
    4. What is your favorite TV show? Transformers!
    5. What is your favorite food? Pizza
    6. What is your favorite drink? Juice
    7. What is your favorite game? Spaceship.
    8. What is your favorite snack? Scooby snacks.
    9. What is your favorite animal? Giraffe
    10. What is your favorite song?I Ghostbusters song.
    11. What is your favorite book? Color Kittens
    12. What is your favorite dessert? Cookies!
    13. What is a big boy thing you can do now? I don’t know what that is.
    14. Where is your favorite place to go? Play! with the kids.
    15. What do you love about yourself? Julian is Julian
    16. What is Daddyโ€™s job? Work at his work.
    17. What do you like to sleep with? Penguins
    18. What do you want to be when you grow up? Big!

  332. Kali says:

    I’m so glad you suggested doing this! I asked my 3-year-old daughter all the questions at dinner.

    1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
    “A princess. Calvin [her baby brother] can be a witch and you guys can be ghosts.”

    2. What’s the hardest thing to do?
    “Bending over like this.” [bends backwards]

    3. What’s the easiest thing to do?
    “Bending like this.” [bends forward and touches toes]

    4. Who is your favorite friend?
    After considering all the options, she says:
    “Calvin.” (Awwww! Mom’s heart melts.)

  333. Dawn says:

    A few years ago, I asked my then 4-year-old what he wants to be when he grows up.

    He said, “I want to be me.”

    Of course! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  334. Shanny-Lyn says:

    Ooo I could win your book!!

    Favourite comments from my girls E (5yo)and R (2yo):

    Hardest thing to do-
    E: With slippery hands climbing up a slippery wall with no supports and stuff

    Something Yukky-
    R: Poopy! (there it is again…it’s universal!)

    Funny words-
    E: Gangle.
    R: Boogie

    Meaning of Love-
    E: Being together with my family.
    R: “RUBY” (her name)

    What would you do with lots of Money-
    R: Buy a lollipop… and a shop.
    E- Send it away to some people who haven’t even got $1.

    Awww love my girls!

  335. Beth Raven says:

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Freya (3)
    “buy something with it, and give it to a lady.”

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    “For my monkey to talk to me”

    What’s the easiest thing to do?
    “Loving you”

  336. Claire says:

    Interview with Roman Faulk
    Friday 21 June 2013

    What is the meaning of life?
    Roman: Why does it blow up and all that stuff? Why does it fall down and die? Why do they paint on the moon?

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Roman: I want to be Spiderman

    When do you feel the most loved?
    Roman: Nope. I don’t like being loved.

    What are you afraid of?
    Roman: of dragons

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    Roman: wish for batman

    What is the funniest word?
    Roman: Pip

    What is the hardest thing to do?
    Roman: climb mountains

    What is the best thing in the world?
    Roman: driving

    What makes you mad?
    Roman: when you throw stuff at me (?!)

    What is the meaning of love?
    Roman: Nothing. I don’t want to.

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Roman: throw it in the rubbish.

  337. Nydia says:

    I interviewed my 2 year old yesterday and got nothing, but today I got some funny stuff!
    What is the meaning of life?
    Jumping! (Jumps as high as she can)
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A star!
    What brings you the most happiness?
    A heart
    When do you feel the most loved?
    What are you afraid of?
    Not a dinosaur… no dinosaurs
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    For an eyelash (we make wishes on them :))
    What is the hardest thing to do?
    In a strained voice while holding her water bottle: holding the water!!!
    What is the best thing in the world?
    “Yuv you!” Comes over and gives me a hug with a big smile! (Love this kid)
    What makes you mad?
    Daddy? Why daddy?!
    “No what makes me… Mommy! (Ok…)
    What is the meaning of love?
    Through a mouthful of goldfish “twil, twil…”
    I say “twil?”
    “I’m telling you twil”
    “Oh, twirl!”
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Put it in a piggy bank!

    Thanks for the inspiration and the comments, I will definitely be reading these often, they make me so happy!

  338. Eli says:

    My kid answered that when she will grow up she wants to be like me. And by that she means – always have a phone to play games on and never ever have to go sleep ๐Ÿ™‚

  339. LauraS says:

    Not strictly an interview, but I just saw my 20 month old son clutching his nappy and asked whether he’d done a poo and to my horror he replied, “no, a piss”! Charming! Really have no idea where he got that from.

    (As you can probably tell by the words “nappy” and “poo”, I’m one of your Brit readers from across the pond!)

  340. Felise says:

    How things change yet stay the same … Over 35 years ago, my mother in law asked my hubby (freckle faced, pale, redhead):

    Q… ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
    A… ‘An Aborigine (dark skinned indigenous Australian) or a Park Ranger’

    He’a now a paramedic and mountaineer – close eh?!! lol

  341. Pingback: Munchkin Interviews |

  342. Danielle says:

    My 3/12 year old:
    Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    B: I want to move to America and be a cheerleader (we have a Guess Who style game where all the characters are women with different jobs, and we have explained that you can’t really be a cheerleader here in the UK, you would have to move to America. Really hoping she grows out of this one).
    Me: What are you scared of?
    B: (Looking blank and then glancing around the room for ideas) Chairs (Just a little bit random).
    Me: What makes you angry?
    B: (Paging through her alphabet book for inspiration) Rhinoceroses (Three year olds are strange).

  343. Polly says:

    I tried interviewing my 3-year-old twin boys but they weren’t in a co-operative mood and demanded Thomas the Tank Engine. However, during the day….

    Connor: ‘This is Mummy’s house’
    Me: ‘Where’s Daddy’s house?
    Connor: ‘It blew away! All the way up the mountain! (we live by Mt Taranaki in NZ)’
    Cameron: ‘Need a ladder to go and get it’

    Me to my 8 year old daughter who was sniffing repeatedly: ‘Paige go get a tissue’
    Paige: ‘Why?’
    Cameron: ‘You got bogies.’

  344. Ashley says:

    One of my twins (3) gave me gobbeldeygook responses but the other took time to think about it and gave sensible responses:

    What’s the hardest thing? Pushing my poo out in my pants or pull ups.

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Put it in my purse.

    But I think she has seen too many Disney films: What is the meaning of love? My prince.

  345. Rachael says:


    I tried this with my nearly 3 year old just now:

    What things make you happy?
    Mummy! [Aww! Yay!]
    What things make you sad?
    (long pause) We don’t know where the trees on Thomas are. [She has a Thomas track set and the trees have been missing for some time]
    What things are scary?
    Some kind of cars. And some are all right. And they go upside down on a track and they scream. [Ah, roller coasters.]
    What does Mummy like?
    What does Daddy like?
    Ducks, and I like cars.

    Part 2 a bit later:
    What do you like doing?
    What does Mummy like doing?
    Playing with cars.
    [Like other commenters’ kids, she only thinks of the things I do with her. Still, I’m relieved she didn’t say “Playing on the computer all the time” or something.]
    What does Daddy like doing?
    Playing with ducks. [She seems really convinced about that.] And Daddy likes playing with buses and people, and a different yellow Pooh Bear and a different grey donkey.

  346. merissia says:

    Those are so funny.

  347. Shiv says:

    Such a sweet and beautiful idea…. I am sure all mothers who get to read this are gonna mimic this is no time……

    Hats off to this…. you got a lot of parents to feel so much of warmth within ๐Ÿ™‚

  348. Heather H says:

    My daughter is 4. Thanks for the idea, this was fun!

    โ€ข What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A swan
    โ€ข What brings you the most happiness?
    Being a swan
    โ€ข What are you afraid of?
    Dragons. I donโ€™t like when they fire

  349. Heather C. says:

    To accompany the Father’s Day drawing my 3.5-year-old son made of each of his grandfathers:

    What is Grandpa’s favorite thing to do? “Crash airplanes.”

    What is Grandad’s favorite food? “Salad and cut tomatoes.”

    Grandad is my dad, and the idea that salad (and cut-up tomatoes) is his favorite food tickles him to no end, although it is FAR from the truth. And my father-in-law watches youtube videos of kids crashing Lego planes and trains with his grandsons. He doesn’t really crash airplanes.

  350. ashley p says:

    just asked my 3-yr-old the suggested list. my favorite answers: he’s afraid of “a monster” and the thing that makes him mad? one word answer: his BROTHER’s name (about to turn 1 on monday) LOL oh boy time for some sibling love…

  351. Samantha B says:

    My youngest is 11, so I don’t think her answers would be as funny as the ones I have been reading. I wish I would have thought to do this when my kids (11,18,22,23) were young.

  352. Heather says:

    I just interviewed my 9 y.o. son, using all of your questions. Here are my favorites:
    What is the meaning of life? “to do what God wants you to do”
    The worst thing in the world “finding/stepping in poop in the yard” If you had all the money in the world – “buy the Statue of Liberty and put it in our backyard”

    • Heather says:

      The 5 y.o answered the same questions. My favorite of his was the funniest word: “fartloticus” – which sounds to me like a very stinky dinosaur. When I asked him what it was he said “it’s not a THING, it’s just a word”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  353. Kristin says:

    I am so glad that your little one answered “poop” to all the questions because that is exactly what my boys would answer. Wonder why poop is so fascinating to them?

  354. Megan B says:

    My favorites:

    Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    DD (3yo): A big girl!

    Me: If you had all of the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    DD: Play with it!
    Me: Play what?
    DD: Flip the money! (Apparently all of the money would be in coin form.)

  355. Daisy says:

    I asked q’s to my 2 year old son, here are some of his responses.

    What is the meaning of life? Evan(his name)
    What will you be when you grow up? construction man
    What makes you happiest? laugh
    What makes you feel loved? yeah
    What are you most afraid of? monsters
    What would you wish for? a witch
    No what would you WISH for? oh… ummm ya a witch
    What is the funniest word? (to this he just giggled)
    What would you do with all the money in the world? $5.00 please

    This is a great idea to continue each year. What great memories this will make.

  356. Amanda says:

    My son (2 and a bit)
    Can I ask you a few questions? (long pause)mmmmm….nope (that is is answer for most things….not off to a great start)
    What is the meaning of life? tiny haircuts…just a little bit off the back
    What do you love? Close doors (then shuts the door in my face)
    I will keep trying when he love “open doors”

  357. Nicole says:

    My son’s answers (aged 3)

    Q-What is the meaning of life? A- Lollies
    Q- What do you want to be when you grow up? A- A hat
    Q- What are you scared of? A- A foot
    Q- What makes you sad? A- No bed

  358. Macey says:

    I am totally going to do this when my baby gets a big older. He is turning two in 2 weeks and I know it would be so fun to look back and remember him as a little kid… also, I totally have your book in my amazon wish list!

  359. Kelly says:

    I asked my 2.5 yr old.
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: Ummmm… Snack
    What is the meaning of life?
    A: Ummmm.. Kitchen?
    How old are you?
    A: Ummmm.. two, three, four, five
    Who is your favorite person?
    A: Ummmm.. Dinner!

    I think he might have been hungry? Bbut he really did think before he answered

  360. I don’t have kids yet, but when I was a little girl I remember saying I was going to be an artist-ballet dancer-anthropologist. Then I grew up and was a writer. What a great idea about interviewing your kids each year.

  361. Amber says:

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for: “I don’t know. That’s too hard”.
    Okay, what do you want to be when you grow up? “An animal doctor”.

  362. Gemma says:

    What is the meaning of life?
    I don’t know
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    What brings you the most happiness?
    Phoebe – 3 and a half – UK

    When do you feel the most loved?
    When Watching Pirates (Jake and the neverland pirates)

    What are you afraid of?
    Lily ella’s barbie (preschool friend)

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    but I dont have a wish!

    What is the funniest word?
    “Mummy stop talking now” :/

    Didn’t ask the rest!

  363. Mama: What is the meaning of life?
    3yo: I am!

    Mama: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    3yo: Umm… a snail. No, a ladybug. No, a butterfly. Actually just a grown-up will be okay.

  364. Paula Sigurnjak says:

    I asked my daughter these questions in the morning about 2 hours after daddy went to work
    Question and answer with my 2.5 year old daughter
    What makes you happy? FLOWERS
    Where did you come from? MOMMY’S WRAP
    Where does mommy work? YOU’RE MY MOMMY, PAULA
    What’s the meaning of life? UM. I DON’T KNOW EITHER
    What do you want to be when you grow up. UM. I LOVE MY DADDY
    What’s your favorite food? FREEZIES
    What is your favorite animal? SHEEP.

  365. islajmom says:

    This was a few weeks ago when my (very verbal) daughter was two; she turned 3 in the middle of May:

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    “I want to work at Zachary’s so I can buy money”

    I work at a great jewelry store called Zachary’s and apparently she thinks I buy money all day ๐Ÿ™‚ I just think she likes that I wear sparkly expensive things when she comes to see me at work. ๐Ÿ™‚

  366. Polly says:

    My nephew, who is 8 told me the other day he wants to be a basketball athlete, a football athlete, or a chef. So I told him I, or my mom (Grandma) would hire him to cook for us if that is what he chooses to do. I went on to explain a good friend of ours was a cook in the Army and the Army paid for him to attend college….this is a good option, but we would miss you if you joined the service. His reply “I’m not going to be a chef to cook. I’m going to be a chef so I can eat” “I’m not interested in servicing the Army cooks” ………the last sentence raised eyebrows and gave a few chuckles. He had no clue what he said, and we thought it was hilarious!

  367. Stephanie S. says:

    I can’t wait to do this! My daughter is 16 months and I think if I ask her now every answer would be Elmo or Bye-Bye…

  368. Mara K L says:

    Jacob (6 yrs): The meaning of love is hugs, kisses, saying “I love you,” sharing, and that is it.

    Jonah (almost 4): Sharing means switching or changing, People share because they want to take a turn.

  369. Meredith says:

    Last night, I interviewed our 3-year-old son:

    Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: A monkey!

    Q: What does Mama do at work every day?
    A: I dunno. Tap on a computer.

    Q: What does Daddy do at work every day?
    A: Tap on a computer. Fix computers.

    Q: What is Sister going to be when she grows up?
    A: A moose!

  370. Cassie Aldrich says:

    So we just bought a house and moved and we’re teaching our 3 year old James his new city name, street name, etc. On the commute home last night I quizzed him and asked where we lived. His answer: Home Depot. Ah, homeownership and parenthood?

  371. Jana says:

    Read these to my 6yo during dinner last night. He seemed confused by several questions – especially the “meaning of love”. First he told me I had asked that question already. When I clarified, saying I’d asked him about the meaning of life (he stole your son’s “I don’t know that” answer) but I was really trying to ask is how do you know when you’re in love. He didn’t really have an answer. Nearly all his answers revolved around his sister and his family.

    Asked about having all the money in the world, he said he’d go to Disneyworld (he went there when he was 4 and loved it) and then share the money with his family. When I asked if he’d do anything for anyone else – he said “well, I’d help my family do what they wanted, but everyone else is fine.”

  372. Katharina says:

    I asked my 3yo daughter the first two questions today.

    What is the meaning of life?
    Whithout hesitation she said “the world!” …pause… ” Mama, what is a meaning of life?”

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    “Nothing! In don’t want to grow up.”

  373. Ellyn says:

    Sabina is 5 and a half. I sat her down, then bribed her with blueberries and sat her down again. We did many questions. It was very sweet. My fav:

    What is your favourite thing about yourself?
    my hair (it’s very very curly)
    What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
    those brains – they don’t do very much
    *takes break to spin in the chair*
    Tell me about yourself
    I like the way I talk. I have nothing else to tell you that you need to know. Can I watch TV now? I might need a wee.

  374. Marlea says:

    What is the meaning of life? 4 yr old: “Life is loving your life.”; 2 yr old: “No.”
    Also, this is a fun Q&A a Day book/journal I’ve been doing with my oldest:

  375. Karl S says:

    these are so funny, thank you for making me smile today

  376. Camille says:

    I asked my 3 year old son “what do you want to do when you grow up?” He answered “be a dolphin doctor”. I’m not sure he even knows what a dolphin doctor is or does but I do know one thing he sure loves water and has become an awesome swimmer so I think it would be so awesome if he did become a marine biologist or something in that field:)

  377. Amy says:

    My son just turned one, but this will be fun once he can say more than Mama, Dada, and Doggin (his word for Doggie…everything is Doggin right now!).

  378. Jasmine says:

    My daughter turned 5 on Tuesday. Here are her answers:

    What is the meaning of life? “I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know…eating?”
    What do you want to be when you grow up? “A lot of things, I don’t know which one I want to do the best.”
    What brings you the most happiness? “When it’s my Birthday.”
    When do you feel the most loved? “When people kiss me and hug me.”
    What are you afraid of? “Scary movies.”
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? “I would wish for, um, a little, real kitten.”
    What is the funniest word? “Tee-tee”
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? “Make paintings.”/”Make a letter P”
    What is the best/worst thing in the world? “Bea.” (her best friend)/”The bug bee.”
    What makes you mad? “When people accidentally hit me.”
    What is the meaning of love? “Hugs and kisses.”
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? “I would put it in a giant jar.”

  379. Amanda says:

    Loved this idea. Going to do it every year. Here are a few of my favorites from my daughter (2 1/2 years old):

    What brings you the most happiness? Mommy
    What is the funniest word? Burping
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Buy Chocolate

    Girl after my own heart ๐Ÿ™‚

  380. Andrey says:

    I appreciate this great post and thanks for the laughter. We need more of that in life!!!

    My wife had made up a song about grey skies, rain and not to worry as rain won’t hurt you…The other day, on the bus with our 2.5 year old daughter and it started to rain. While on the bus, a lady started about how she was worried she would get soaked and that she wished the rain stopped before she got off…..My daughter, looked at the lady, put her arms to her sides, (making a head gesture as if to say, no, no,no) and said in a comforting voice,”Don’t worry, the rain won’t hurt you. It’s just wet wet wet wet wet and cold!!!!” All the things we learn from our children and all the things we teach, that we do not think they were attentive about….They are amazing aren’t they?

  381. amber f says:

    I asked my son almost 4 and my daughter 2 and a half here are my sons answers my daughter just laughed and said I want every time. โ€ข What is the meaning of life? help the sun and the moon
    โ€ข What do you want to be when you grow up? A dog holder
    โ€ข What brings you the most happiness? The doggy and our house
    โ€ข When do you feel the most loved? Kayla B
    โ€ข What are you afraid of? anika (a girl in his class)
    โ€ข If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Flying socks
    โ€ข What is the funniest word? Clown hats
    โ€ข What is the hardest/easiest thing to do? dig up dirt (easy) car mcqueen toys (Hard)
    โ€ข What is the best/worst thing in the world? Water in your eyes (best) bad monsters
    โ€ข What makes you mad? Bad monsters
    โ€ข What is the meaning of love? sprinklers
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? fly

  382. christie says:

    I interviewed my daughter last night and it was too cute, but also somewhat sad. It was her cousins birthday- he died in November, he would have been 12 yesterday- and he answered several questions with him in mind. I videotaped it:

    Not sure if that works.

  383. Pingback: Do This: interview your kid « An OK Mom

  384. Delia says:

    Wish I had started this when they were little! Funniest word to a 10 yo boy? Aspergers (we have been reading books about this syndrome and he can’t stop giggling because he hears the first syllable as a bad word!)

  385. Paddy says:

    I have 4 yr old boy/girl twins. I asked them the meaning of life? Her – God says be good to each other ( we are athiests) him- I think God ( wtf? I’m gonna kill my Christian mother) next, what do you want to be when you grow up? Her- Sleeping Beauty( she’s never seen a Disney movie or read a Disney book) I think they pick this stuff up vicariously? Him- a bush baby ( he does see then on his National Geo vids.finally what makes you happiest? Her- my family, Him- when dada comes home from work. Nice ๐Ÿ™‚

  386. Beverly says:

    Love the idea will ask the questions when my daughter is older.

  387. CJ says:

    When I asked my 5 and a half year old daughter what the hardest thing to do is, she paused and then said “Almost nothing!” I can’t decide if this is totally deep or her just being a cocky show off…

  388. Stace says:

    Just interviewed Carson (2 yrs, 3 mo)….here were his answers:
    What is the meaning of life? I want a popsicle (topsicle)
    What do you want to be when you grow up? I want ride in Jeep.
    What makes you happy? Collin (his brother)
    What are you afraid of? Loud Monsters.
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Mittens.
    What is the funniest word? Monsters
    What is the best thing in the world? Daddy
    What is the worst thing in the world? Monsters
    What makes you mad? Poop
    What is the meaning of love? Mimi (Grandma)
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Put it in the bank.

  389. Lori says:

    Asked my 2.5 year old daughter what makes her happiest. She said, “Being with my mommy!” Heart melted. ๐Ÿ™‚

  390. Leticia Roberts says:

    When I asked my 4 year old daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up she said she wanted to be a cheerleader. When I asked her what the meaning of life was she goes its people mom DUH!

  391. Carrie says:

    My 3yo son answered “clocks” to several answers, including what he was most afraid of, what the most awesome word is, and what the meaning of love is. Haha

  392. Elizabby says:

    Can’t remember how this started, but my husband used to ask our girls whether they wanted the most toys or to tell people what to do. The middle girl always had trouble making up her mind, but the older one always chose power over toys, no hesitation, from the age of 3. We haven’t asked the baby yet, but we will as soon as she is old enough to talk!

  393. Heather S. says:

    I am a huge fan of yours! I liked this idea so much I decided to interview my own 4 year old and blog about it at One of my favorites was when I asked him what makes him happiest. He replied, “You.” <3

  394. PattiJo says:

    Why didn’t I ever think if this?? This will be a birthday activity from now on!!

  395. pia says:

    “Ursula, can I ask you a question?”
    “No way, Josรฉ!”
    (3 yo.)
    “stella, how would you describe yourself?”
    “As happy as can be.”
    (6 yo.)
    “Ruby, how would you describe yourself?”
    “Silly and tender.”
    (8 yo.)

  396. Geraldine says:

    Absolutely wonderful idea!

    To 3 yr old
    Q: best thing in the world?
    A: the MOOOOOON!
    Q: favourite thing to eat?
    A: no fish!
    Q: favourite thing to do?
    A: fly, fly with birds!

  397. Chrissy Leon says:

    From my 4 year old:
    What is the best thing in the world?
    What is the worst thing in the world?
    -Saying bad words

  398. Tara says:

    Me: What are you afraid of?
    *long pause
    *repeat the question
    5 yr old: Does afraid mean scared?
    Me: Yes.
    5 yr old: I’m scared of going real high on the [swings], not screams, swings. *chuckles to himself
    (when he first tried to say ‘swings’ he stumbled and the ‘sc’ sound started to come out, so he was correcting that)

    Me: How old do you have to be to cook?
    5 yr old: 40

    –Then what the heck have I been doing in the kitchen for the last 30 years????

  399. Rachelle says:

    My 2-year old’s answers:

    What is the meaning of life?
    Oh, Jelly!

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A tree!

    What brings you the most happiness?
    Tommy (his baby brother)

    What are you afraid of?
    I afraid of crying.

    What is the funniest word?

    What is the easiest thing to do?
    My Lightning McQueen puzzle

    What is the best place in the world?

    What makes you mad?

    What is mommy’s favorite food?

    What does mommy do after you go to bed?
    Give you a kiss!

    What’s mommy’s favorite book?
    Puzzles is Mommy’s favorite book.

  400. Melanie says:

    My daughter said if she had all the money in the world, she would give it to her sister and her whole family. I was wow’ed!

  401. Lindsay A says:

    I did this for my husband for Father’s Day and recorded it. She’s 3yrs 4mo and answered with a lot of “I don’t know” and nonsense. For example…
    Q: What’s daddy’s job? A: Pickles. ??
    (He’s a software developer, so … nope. Not close.)

  402. Kara says:

    Can’t wait to do this! Will have to do it in separate rooms, though, as my son copies everything his twin sister says & does!

  403. Alice says:

    I am going to blog about this hopefully tomorrow but I want to make sure I remember to enter the contest. Want a copy of your book very badly! ๐Ÿ˜€

  404. CSmith says:

    I loved this! I got the best answers from my 4 yr old.

    What brings you the most happiness? Candy
    What is the hardest thing for you to do? Go to sleep
    What is the easiest? Eat
    What is the meaning of love? To be nice with your heart
    And my favorite,
    What do you want to be when you grow up? A big Mommy, or a mermaid

  405. Kimbeley says:

    My 4 and a half year old son:

    What is the meaning of life? Where they are right now
    What do you want to be when you grow up? An adult (makes sense really)
    What brings you the most happiness? Going to kindy
    When do you feel the most loved? Pretty much when we do nice things or I use nice words
    What are you afraid of? Snakes (We are in New Zealand, there are no snakes here, I don’t know why he is afraid of them and I’ve never heard him say that he is afraid of them before)
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? A present
    What is the funniest word? If you’re not going home and say goodbye.
    What is the hardest thing to do? I think it’s doing pretty hard puzzles.
    What is the best thing in the world? Playing on the Ipad at kindy.
    What makes you mad? {His friend} saying bad words
    What is the meaning of love? Lovely
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Keep it (again, makes sense)

  406. Matt says:

    I asked a few to my 2 1/2 year old today. Had some deep answers.

    What is the meaning of life? Umm…. Something

    What is the meaning of love? Heart

    Love this activity.

  407. Lisa Plunkett says:

    What is your favourite thing? Being with mummy…
    What do you want to be when you grow up? a mummy like you ๐Ÿ™‚ (this answer hasn’t changed in the last 12 months)
    She is scared of ghosts and dinosaurs ๐Ÿ™‚

  408. Anja Buurman says:

    5yr daughter:
    What is the most funny word: “poepescheet” (Dutch childword for poop-fart)
    What would you do if you had all the money in the world: buy a hundred big bikes. Red, purple, blue, pink… (As big as mommys bike?) No, bigger, but I fit on it!

    3yr daugher:
    What is the most funny word: “doeniesaurus” (she means dinosaurus, Dutch for dinosaur…)
    What makes you most happy: being with my grandmother.
    What is the worst in the world: when you take a picture of me.
    What do you like most of daddy: being a prinsess. He will be a knight when he is grown-up and I will be the prinsess.

  409. Pingback: Weekly Wrap-Up: The Hurry Up and Get It Done So I Can Travel Edition | The Sadder But Wiser Girl

  410. Pingback: Interview With a Toddler | Nouns and Violets

  411. Amanda says:

    I asked both of my kids (5 & 12) a few questions…
    “What’s the meaning of life?” 5 year old just shrugged her shoulders and the 12 year old said “how should I know”.
    “What’s Mommy’s favorite thing to do?” 5 year old said “go swimming” (SHE wants to go swimming) and my 12 year old said “I don’t know”.
    What’s the best family activity to do?” 5 year old says “be together” and the 12 year old says “just normal everyday family stuff, like eating together”.

  412. Cara says:

    Answers from my 4 year old:

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    A Dragon

    What are you scared of?


    If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?


    What is the meaning of love?

    I don’t like loves

    What would you do with all the money in the world?

    Take it away from you

  413. Melissa says:

    My 3 year old twins want to be princesses when they grow up. However my son wants to be a firetruck, not a firefighter, a firetruck.

  414. Stephanie says:

    He’ll be 3 in October (so I feel silly saying 2.5 or 2.75)

    1) My birthday is next week and my husband asked me what I wanted and wanted to do.
    lil’fluffy asks, “Mommy, what do you want for your birthday? Cupcakes!”
    “What about ice cream AND cupcakes?”
    “No. You get one.”

    2) We saw that commercial with the talking camel/hump day.
    He puts on his best “big” voice, “I’m a talking camel!”
    “What day of the week is it?”, I ask, playing along.
    “I don’t know. I’m a camel.”

  415. V. Kapaun says:

    My favorite answer from my 7-yr-old was:
    What is the hardest thing to do? “Break a rock”
    What is the easiest thing to do? “Count to 1”

  416. Roxanne says:

    This is an awesome idea. I only wish it wasn’t past 10 pm here and my little girl is fast asleep, because I’m dying to hear her answers.

  417. Laurie says:

    Love it all!

  418. Jo says:

    This is so much fun! And I’d love a copy of your book :).

  419. Sharla says:

    I was planning my daughter’s birthday party the other day, since she turns two in a couple weeks. For the guest list, I asked her who her favorite people are. Usually she will list off a bunch of people, but that day…
    “….PA-pa…” with a serial killer look in her eyes.

  420. Jen Ro says:

    I wish I had thought of this when my kid was younger!!

  421. Murphy says:

    What is the meaning of life?
    Girl, 6: To be happy!
    Boy, 8: Being me

    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    Girl, 6: I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe a dancer?
    Boy, 8: A Lego master builder or a rocket scientist for Space X.

    What brings you the most happiness?
    Girl, 6: A lot when I’m with Mommy. Almost nothing else.
    Boy, 8: Being with my family

    When do you feel the most loved?
    Girl, 6: When I’m with mommy. Mama gives the most love. I love Daddy, too.
    Boy, 8: When I’m with my family

    What are you afraid of?
    Girl, 6: Monsters.
    Boy, 8: Not much.

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    Girl, 6: Being a princess.
    Boy, 8: That [Girl, 6] would be quiet just for a little bit.

    What is the hardest thing to do?
    Girl, 6: to be patient when you want to talk to somebody.
    Boy, 8: be quiet

    What is the best/worst thing in the world?
    Girl, 6: Mommy and Daddy/to be without mommy and daddy
    Boy, 8: Mom and Dad/nightmares

    What is the meaning of love?
    Girl, 6: To be happy
    Boy, 8: Peace

    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    Girl, 6: Buy a 2 or 3 story house!
    Boy, 8: Put it toward my college fund

  422. Kristin says:

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    2 y.o. Fire Engine

    What is meaning of life?

    2 y.o. Ummm nothing

  423. dreamyowl says:

    Commenting to enter ๐Ÿ˜‰ although my babies do have some words, they aren’t quite to the point where they are answering my questions yet

  424. Charlotte says:

    Peytons answers (3.5)

    1. What is the meaning of life ? – it’s when you get stuck.

    2. What do you want to be when you grow up ? – I want to be a princess fish fighter.

    3. What’s brings you the most happiness ? – a necklace.

    4. When do you feel most loved ? – I love Mummy, when she gives me a cuddle.

    5. What are you afraid of ? – I am scared of the water if a shark gets me.

    6. If you had one wish, what would you wish for ? – a sparkly rainbow necklace, an ariel one.

    7. What is the funniest word you know ? – it’s, it’s….Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellenbogen by the Sea

    8. What is the hardest thing to do ? – Gilly Gilly Ossenfeffer Katzenellenbogen by the Sea

    9. What is the easiest thing to do ? – eat.

    10. What makes you happy ? – a necklace called Ariel.

    11. What makes you sad ? – crocodiles.

    12. What makes you cross ? – when I fall and cry.

    13. What is love ? – a tiny house.

    14. What would you do if you had all the money in the world ? – I would pay, I would pay for a little Kitty.

  425. Pingback: Interview Questions | Kinder Tales

  426. Cait says:

    thanks for making me laugh on a crappy day! I am and my baby have tummy flu and husband is out of town.

  427. Cerissa says:

    I did this recently with my kids and it is hilarious!

  428. Candice says:

    I’m kinda tempted to try this with my kids – although they’re both over 10 ๐Ÿ˜› wonder what kind of answers they’d give me… ๐Ÿ˜€

  429. Jessica Green says:

    I love this idea <3

  430. Christina says:

    I so wish I could interview my twin girls but they are only 10 months old now. I can’t wait until they start talking and I can know what they are thinking about! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love your blog!

  431. Courtney Hudson says:

    When my son was 4, I did this type of interview thing, and one of the questions was “What does Mommy do at work?” and his answer was Drink.

    I hope I win! This would be an awesome 40th bday present for myself! My bday is on the 24th! ๐Ÿ™‚

  432. Carrie W. says:

    I asked my 3yr old DD what the meaning of life was and her answer: PLAY!

  433. Jessica says:

    Great idea! E is only one…so it will be a bit before I can really ask her without hearing the word kitty, book or NO. BUT I saw this thing and I pinned it (of course) that someone took a picture of their child with the year, grade and what they wanted to be when they grew up written on a chalkboard on the first day of school! Super cute idea and I think neat to watch how they change.

  434. Ginnie says:

    Here are Orla’s interview answers aged 4 years 4 months…

    What is the meaning of life? Tigers and lions (!)

    What makes you happy? Mummy and ice-cream.

    What makes you sad? Falling over and other people not being nice to me.

    When do you feel loved? Because of mummy.

    What is the hardest thing in the world? For children to drive a car.

    What is the easiest thing in the world? Doing puzzles.

    What makes you feel scared? Caves. No – sharks.

    What is love? A heart.

    What do you want to be when you grow up? A dog.

  435. Erinn says:

    I tried to get some answers from my 2.4 year old. Clearly she is a bit distracted. Most questions were followed by a blank stare and I had to ask several times just to get the answers I got:

    What is the meaning of life? Ummm Minka (no idea what this is)

    What do you want to be when you grow up? Um, a cover up (this is a request for me to cover her up, not an answer to the question)

    What brings you the most happiness? Whatโ€™s dat?

    When do you feel the most loved? Okay

    What are you afraid of? I givin penguin time out

    If you had one wish, what would you wish for? A dump trunk

  436. Becky says:

    I interviewed my 3 sons aged 4,6 and 7.
    Some of my fave answers included:
    What do I do after you go to sleep? Clean the table and then paaarty! (The kids have major fomo, so we tell them jokingly that after they go to sleep we bring out all the candy and have parties without them)
    What’s the hardest thing to do? Carry a heavy chair
    What do you wish for? When I say give it back, they give it back right away. (Deprived 3rd child?) ๐Ÿ˜‰
    If you had all the money you wanted, what would you buy? 5705 boxes of Lego.

  437. Allison N says:

    Great idea! My favorite answer was to “What makes you happiest?” My 4 year old said, “Your hands and your feet! Because they go ‘clap, clap'” (while clapping) “and ‘tap,tap’!” (while stomping).

  438. Kate says:

    I asked my 6 year old daughter some of these interview questions last night… nothing really funny or out of the ordinary, but definitely some “how sweet” moments. Here are my favorites:

    When do you feel most loved? – When I hug mama

    What is the best thing in the world? – Playing with Alex (her 1 year old little brother)

    What is the meaning of love? – giving hugs and kisses

    I never would have thought to ask these questions before, but now I will make sure that I ask every year to see how the answers change. ๐Ÿ™‚

  439. Irene says:

    Will do this tomorrow, my son is 1yr 8months and his favorite word currently is papaya, I’ll see if he answers everything with papaya, hahaha

  440. Steven says:

    I asked my older son (he has a younger brother) if he imagined he’d have kids when he’s older.

    His response: “If there’s one thing you’ve taught me, Papa, it’s that it’s better to have only one child.”

  441. Julie says:

    I just asked my 3 and a half year old niece ‘if you had all the pennies in the world, what would you buy?’ Her reply was ‘a milkshake’ lol!!!

  442. zstar says:

    it may be too late for the contest, but i thought some of his answers needed to be shared. he’s three, turning four in august.

    What is the meaning of life?
    “uuuh… M.”
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    “an astronaut!”
    What brings you the most happiness?
    “bones. and my tongue.”
    When do you feel the most loved?
    “hugs.” (aaawww)
    What are you afraid of?
    “statues.” (we watch a lot of doctor who)
    If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
    “a talking alligator!”
    What is the funniest word?
    “funny.” (literalist. i like it.)
    What is the hardest/easiest thing to do?
    “building is hardest, and cleaning up is easiest!”
    What is the best/worst thing in the world?
    “drawing, and cleaning up.” (this explains why he doesn’t like to)
    What makes you mad?
    “not being an eon kid with a robot dog.”
    What is the meaning of love?
    “drawing, and hugs, and tea parties.”
    If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
    “buy tickets.”

  443. Ashley B says:

    Obligatory “I want a book!” comment! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  444. Ruth says:

    I asked my 3 year old a few questions. My favorite answers were to who he’s gonna marry (me) and what kind of pet he wants when he grows up (a bear).

    My 6 year old, when asked if he’ll have kids he said yes & he’ll name them Perci & Glowy. Ha.

  445. Sarah B says:

    My son will be two in August. I tried asking him some of your questions.. and all he had to say was look! He was so proud of the fact he successfully got my flip flops on his feet the correct way for once. It was special in its own little way ๐Ÿ™‚

  446. Pingback: The Nancy Girl » Kid Interviews – 2013

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