Crappy Pause


I’m on pause.

Sometimes a pause is short because you just have to pee or go camping.

But sometimes a pause is long because your heart of hearts becomes too loud to ignore and you have to listen to it.

This is not a “so long and thanks for all the fish” post.

It’s just a “hi, I’m alive and well and focused on other wonderful things” post.

So. Um. Pause.



If you are the type who needs more details (it’s okay, I’m like that too) you can read this post from 2010 which was written before Crappy Pictures ever existed. I’ve always been like this. I pause and unpause depending on which creative pursuit makes my heart sing the loudest. 

PS – I’m mostly hanging out in the online world on instagram, if you want to see what I’m up to.   




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48 Responses to Crappy Pause

  1. Jen says:

    Love to you from Australia! Xx

  2. Tina says:

    I’ve been following you on IG. See you so much there I forget you’re not here. I like seeing different sides of your creativity. More power to you

  3. I’m glad things are well! There are only so many hours in the day–keep using them in the ways that are best for you and yours.

  4. Heather says:

    Thanks for the update, I did wonder about you as I noticed you hadn’t written anything new for several weeks. I wish I was as brave as you in following your heart, it’s really inspiring.

  5. Sara says:

    As a longtime reader and by that I mean really longtime reader, I have several of your woodmouse nature figures and followed your personal blog for years before this one, I must say I’m not surprised. Sad but not surprised! This is what creatives do and are meant to do. You can’t keep on creating and putting out content if you aren’t feeling it. You are wise to follow your bliss, it will never lead you astray. Any chance you’ll be making wooden art again? 😉

  6. Angela says:

    Sadface. Not gonna lie that I’m bummed to hear it but then again who am I to complain, I can’t even find time to email photos to my mother in law much less write an entire blog!

  7. Rach says:

    I wanna be you when I grow up. 🙂 So what is your heart singing about? What’s next? 🙂 You’ll be missed!

  8. San says:

    I love the HHGG reference!

    • Andrea says:

      me too!

      and the post overall. I love that you updated us 🙂
      and that you’re well.
      and that this isn’t so long… I hate those posts.

  9. Catherine says:

    Enjoy your pause. You just put a book out for goodness sake. You deserve a break to explore new and exciting frontiers!

  10. Lisa says:

    I pause like that all the time. Blogging is a fun outlet until it becomes a time sucking monster that cuts into your real life. Never miss out on their childhoods because you’re trying to write about it. Good for you.

  11. Oh my gosh…you are so beyond average! Enjoy wherever your heart is taking you while you pause here.

  12. Rachael says:

    Take the time you need. Don’t worry about us. We will still be here if coming back is the right thing.
    Thank You

  13. Cathy says:

    You owe us nothing! No explanation, no regrets. Glad you’re fine and things are good! <3

  14. EXCELLENT!! Good for you!!!! Too many people spend too much time fast-forwarding and rewinding through life. It’s about time someone hit pause and owned it!!!

    HOORAY for the hopefully restorative PAUSE!!

  15. Katie says:

    Enjoy your pause. And thank you, thank you, thank you. I am much like you and remember reading that 2010 post of yours years ago and having it resonate greatly with me. And then I never was able to find it again, so thank you so much for posting it. And enjoy your pause and change in direction and whatever else you are exploring.

  16. Aixa holt says:

    Wow. And a Douglas Adams fan? You are perfect

  17. Amber says:

    I completely understand. Can’t have life getting boring! I like being mediocre, it keeps me entertained. Hope you are having fun, loving the instagram photos!

  18. amy says:

    I’m a pauser too. Love how it drives people nuts. But shiny objects just keep popping up.

  19. Ashley Williams says:

    Lots of love from Ohio! I pause and unpause, too. It keeps things from getting stale in my opinion. 🙂

  20. Laurie W.--MA says:

    Honest to God true–I was JUST going to look for a way to email you personally and got your RSS feed a second ago. Wanted to let you know that I am a public librarian on Cape Cod and convinced the Powers That Be to order “Marriage With Crappy Pictures” for our library. Now I know, a library copy is not going to make you rich, but people all over the Cape who might not yet know you, will be able to borrow it and hopefully think it might make a great gift. I’m not yet on Instagram but to follow you, I will try (when you’re over 60 it takes a little longer to warm up to new technology). Thank you for the Crappy Pictures and the chuckles!

  21. Wolfy says:

    Good for you! Everybody needs a pause now and again. Sometimes, they even need a good cocooning. Pretty soon I get to take a long overdue pause too. Enjoy!

  22. neal says:

    There’s nothing more important than taking a break to regroup, being really honest with yourself, and then launching into the thing that just sort of makes things fit. As one crappy artist to another, I truly respect someone who can step back and reevaluate the things that matter to them, and make the changes that their heart requires.

  23. Phyllis Browne says:

    Take that pause-as long as you want-I’ll be here. You need to switch it up from time to time or go mad. Love your work, listen to your heart.

  24. MJ says:

    I was wondering where you were. Totally miss the crappy pictures and update 🙂

  25. Shelley says:

    Glad to hear you’re doing wonderful things 🙂 Totally loving the HHGTTG reference 🙂 You’re a geek – me too!

  26. Rolien says:

    I just read your post from 2010. Thank you for writing that! I’ve done a lot of different things and I always had the feeling that I “should” have picked something and focus on that so I would be really good. It’s really freeing to realize I don’t have to do that. I can just have fun!

  27. Pingback: Eloquently Said | Seraphim City

  28. Megan says:

    I love your honesty and ability to not be afraid to admit a new stage when you see it. But by god I’m gunna miss your crappy insights (so very much). Thank you so much for all the laughs hey, this little place you’ve made here online is still the best place ever. You are just awesome. My boys are the same ages as yours, so whenever you need share the parenting world again, please do. Or I’ll be left to deal with lego and minecraft all on my own (nooooo!).

  29. Rose ASL says:

    Alive and well and focused on other things is awesome! No need to worry. 🙂

  30. Theresa says:

    I’ll just have to re-read your marriage book while you’re gone…and maybe convince my hubby to get the parenting book for my birthday at the end of the month. 🙂

  31. Mirko says:

    Very comic and interesting you have talent men,keep going.Your pictures are so simple and very sugestive I like it.

  32. Mishka says:

    Pauses are good, diversity in interests is also good. I take pauses all the time, and I never give anyone a heads up so you are much better than me in that regard. Have fun in whatever you are currently pursuing and we’ll see you back here soon!

  33. Jessica says:

    Pause away! We all need that now and again.

  34. Katie Eaton says:

    I am SO exactly the same. I always hope that people don’t find me flighty because of it but my brain doesn’t stay in one place for extended periods of time and I usually come back to those things I have fun with it might just be a bit.

  35. Giovanna Tuccori says:

    Just bought your book about marriage. It’s beyond funny and so true. Thanks for making me laugh.

  36. Stacy says:

    I read the blog post you linked and then sent it to my husband who replied, “This is exactly you.” I am proud of myself. I love all of my experiences because they have built to make me who I am. But I also fight against the doubts. Thank you for explaining me to me and to my husband.

  37. Cindy P. says:

    Happy (almost) Mother’s Day 2015! Hope you finally get what you really want on Mother’s Day!! Your post from 2012 on this very subject is still my favorite summary of what I really want on Mother’s Day 🙂

  38. Mia says:

    When will you be back?! Been watching this blog for couple of months now. You’re hilarious.

  39. I had such a great time reading your blog! So true so funny! My daughter is 2 and I have a webcomic blog too ( very different). I live in Japan and what a great surprise to see on my kindle that your books are available on amazon France . I hope you will unpause when you are ready 🙂

  40. Artadorned says:

    Enjoy this time with your family!

  41. Pingback: Crappy Pause - Mommy Gazette

  42. Alicia says:

    I miss you.

  43. timesjobs says:

    This is a very interesting webpage and I have enjoyed reading many of the articles and posts contained on the website, keep up the good work and hope to read some more interesting content in the future.